Shit, Sup Forums, Just played this again and it's a pretty awesome platformer...

Shit, Sup Forums, Just played this again and it's a pretty awesome platformer. Who also played this game back in the day?

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Is this a "game only you played" thread?

It is now.

I loved this fucking game.

As a kid, the most I ever got past was stage 5 where you're in the port town but I could never beat the boss.

I remember having it on the ultra crappy 97-esque computers at my old highschool, and I remember one day during computer class I just started playing it, and some guy had already beaten the game and all the stages were unlocked.

That was the only time I saw how much more there was to that game holy shit. That was an awesome day. Years later I downloaded the game again and played it rightfully start to finish. It was still hard as TITS but god damn I powered through. Nostalgia speak, but its still a 10/10 for me.

Oh, yeah. I still have a CD.

I still remember how many times I heard "ITS PAYBACK TIME LEROUX"

This one was great, there are still mods for it.


I thought it was somewhat well-known. Is it not?

He had this fuzzy soundbite for when he used magic like "MAYGIKLAW"

Oh Jesus, this game was funny as hell. Duck duels, decapitating people, that gnome wizard. Good times.

What game is this?


You mean Magic Claw

This game nailed this hard-as-nails game in two hours. Pretty impressive.

Alien Shooter

I love the treasure collection sound in this game and I regret dota2 modding is dead so I can't replace lasthit/moneygain sounds with them.


Alien Shooter. It's a fun game. The expansions and sequel are pretty good as well, except for The Experiment which was bullshit hard.

I took exactly 6 days until i finally managed to beat Omar. Brilliant game.

>tfw played all these games and enjoyed them when i was a kid

Dink Smallwood was the shit. Game got still a very active community.

This reminded me of pic related.


How is this game 100%-ed not on SGDQ?

Claw was such a cool motherfucker
What I wouldn't do for a sequel.
Also the intro is easily one of the best ever.

There was a 3D puzzle game with weird graphics and characters, I remember some enemies could explode, and there was a lot of SHIFT key clicking involved in gameplay, so you always had sticky keys.