
looks like shit

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FUCK shouldn't have bought it on PS4. Oh well.

i hope mods filter anythin related to fate to stop you stupid fucking general fags from spamming the board. saged.


Why are there about 5 different Sabers but they all have different names but all of them are just Saber?

I just got it on PS4 the other day. Seems pretty short, will pirate on PC if there's any decent mods.

it's kusoge (shit game).
the 3d character models mouths dont even move when they talk, it's a psp tier game.

Pre-ordered since it was first available since I want that carrying case. Also PC has no pre-order costumes or anything.

Lazy. I mean why draw a complete new charactwe when you can get away with the same character with a different name?

shut the kuso (fuck) up, baka (dumb) retard

Saber is a character class and Nasu has a hard-on for r63'd kings.

woah, almost bought the game on ps4.

Will probably just order the Switch version since it comes with all the DLC and can play it portably.

Well I mean technically it's a hand held port so yeah

Own it on PS4 it's shit. Do not buy unless you are SUPER into Fate and want to jack off to fate waifus.

this is musou right?
does it have CONTENT?


Because weebs love it

Why is Nero a palette swapped Sabre?

But Nero behaves nothing like the Arturias

No, it's a shameless no soul musou clone. It's only purpose is to suck otakus money by charging $20 for low resolution costume DLC.

Thats the old version.

Guess they're trying to milk all the money they can out of it before talking about the new one.


Hopefully this means 2 will have an actual budget.

>PC release
>DLC sold separately
>Buying DLC

>Altera's game on pc

O shieeeeeeeeeet.

>Bitching about weeaboo in a series where only one Japanese person is powerful and he prefers Western archery and swordmanship
You people never stop.

Who did you choose for your free 4*?


I'm debating between Emiya and Carmilla


No thanks.

no mordred?
canned game


I'd choose Carmilla because I want a good Assassin but fuck me, she isn't all that pretty. Maybe Stheno but shit, I heard she was garbage.

Oh, it is. The sad thing is that this was one of the first releases to start off the new year. People were buying this for $59.99, then turning around and buying the DLC.


On a side note, I just tried some random support's lv60 Golden Man, holy fuck that's some OP shit.

I was able to friend one, thankfully, he'll be helpful to clear some farming nodes. I still can't find where the fuck to effectively farm dragon fangs.

>(DLC sold separately)
>The PC version will cost $49.99 / €49.99 / £39.99. The game itself will be sold at a 10 percent off launch discount, and all of the downloadable content at 20 percent off, from July 25 to July 31.

Will suck dick for artoria+jeanne

Which version will play better? inb4 they're both Vita ports

Just buy an account from some chink, nobody is going to have that from rerolling Gil's rate-up

No. The only decent FATE related media is Carnival Phantasm.

I hoped somebody would've pulled them on there multiple reroll accounts while trying to get gil

The odds of someone getting two 5* right now, with neither of them being Gil, are astronomically low. You would have had a chance if you were begging a week ago when people were rerolling the story gacha.

Saber is the class name, user, like Assassin or Archer.

M-MOMMMMMYYYYYY *starts rocking back and forth*
*starts to rapidly breath in and out*
*starts to puke up blood inaudibly*



>holy fuck that's some OP shit

Oh, you poor, poor, user, you are still young and ignorant.

Goldman gets a ton of buffs later on

>Want none of the 4*
>Might just NP2 Martha

I don't have a Switch, so no. Will probably get it for Steam when it's on sale, though. I am in no rush to get the game because I haven't even started Extra yet and CCC is going to take awhile to get translated.

When will Nero be blacked

>Game is a quasi-VN

Fucking Tamamo was so shit in Extella, she actively helped the villain win because of how retarded she was.


The odds of getting Gil on a 5* roll is relatively high right now, though, isn't it? I thought there was a 50-75% chance of getting him if a 5* Servant drops.

I did a random reroll today and I had enough Quartz to do 2 rolls. I almost stopped after rolling Sumanai for my tutorial roll.

Should I keep this or reroll again? How long does the 2 rolls last?

Yes, which is why it's so unlikely for someone to get the two not-Gil 5* that he's begging for.

Rome continually imported slaves from Africa, so she most likely tasted the black meat at least once when she was Empress.

You have Gil to carry you. You can get other Servants some other time.

>Robin Hood/Atalanta
>NP5 Hassou Tobi
That's pretty good I think

Gilgamesh is fucking top tier.

Then do it, go on craigslist and suck dick for cash and then go on forums and buy an account with artoria + jeanne


>only one Japanese person is powerful
Fate has a ton of Japanese heroes now.

No. Worst dynasty warriors clone in existence.

Already own it on PS4, will buy it on Switch if the framerate holds. Though charging Switch tax is starting to wear thin. Guess it's because of the DLC being included.

Not even the worst this year. Berserk released remember.

>Trying to rush and finish Orlean and Rome so I have a chance for Nero when rolling

Isn't she unavailable in this event gacha? Thought Nero and Alter were only available in the Story one, but I could be mistaken.

Nero will only appear in the story gacha, not Gil's.

I'm new to the game, fuck though guess I better get rolling

>60 rolls on my account
>no other 4* besides sieg and lily

They are going to based off the PS4 version and you REALLY have to ask which will play better after seeing the frequent sub 20FPS of Dragon Quest Heroes 2 on switch?

When you say 60 rolls, you don't mean you paid to get saint quartz, right? It would have been better to just uninstall and download the game again to try getting a better start because that sounds really shitty only having those two.

In general, nobody should be spending money on this shit when there's still free quartz between now and the end of the rate up

I saved up quartz for 60 rolls for gil since starting.

Gawain's game on PC? Neat.

>30 rolls
>No Gil
Not surprising, but not sure if I should keep rolling for Gil or save it for the next event

>Can finally play MUH emperor for free

Day one pirate, for umu, even thought this is a shitty musou who manage to be even worse than the previous RPG system CCC and Extra had.

Fuck it, I chose Stheno

I haven't played Extella, but I'd honestly take a shitty musou over Extra's literal RPS.

Enjoy your useless unit

Why would anyone buy it for PC when Switch includes all DLC and an exclusive costume?


I want cute girls

>Don't have a PS4
>Can't pirate it on Vita

Anyways, I cannot run out of SP

So when will the Extra games be ported to current gen?
They can't let them rot on the shitty psp can they?

The RPS had a twist to it as you could learn stuff about your enemy, a concept that goes very well in the usual Fate fashion. It wasn't "literal" RPS.

At least the game ask you to think sometimes.

Runs smoothly on the Switch, tried it at E3.
Takes less time to find a gameplay video than making such a weak shitpost, user.

>tfw still new to this game
>Only used Quartz I got from logging in quests

So uh how do I equip him?

Liz. Already have Herc, Emiya, and Tamamo, and I'm already planning on hoarding my Quartz for a very long time so I won't have a chance at getting a better Lancer until Alter Lily which will be a good long wait unless they push her out this Christmas.

Woah, so Fate discussion really is doomed to this phone garbage.

When people buy multi-platform games on the PC, it's usually for performance and gameplay reasons. Basically, the Switch has been proven to run games like shit, so a good amount of people are wary of games that are being ported to the Switch.

Already have Herc

Click that space between his portrait and his stats where those two diamonds are.

>a good amount of people
So you and your other falseflagging personas?
Game is confirmed to run perfectly.

Because not everyone has a Switch.

Isn't it a direct sequel to Extra? What's the point of porting it without the first part, it's not like people play it for the gameplay. They should have made something like PC God Eater.

well im gonna get in on pc for sure

I'm not saying that this game runs terribly on the Switch, but I am saying that a lot of other games have been shown to do so. Also, do you have any video proof that the game runs perfectly fine?

Not him, but you drones sure are fucking deluded. He just pointed out an obvious fact, no matter if you don't agree with those people, a good amount thinks like that and screaming LOL falseflagging and samefagging LOL isn't going to magically change that fact, you autistic fanboy.

Into the trash it goes.

>PC God Eater
PS4/Vita versions of that had GE1 with them too.

Are you implying Extella had a story at all? The only difference between the final route and the other three is Velber's return was delayed for longer. The first three routes amounted to the same shit by fighting the White Titan. The fucking Side Stories had more flavor and story to them than the main plot, for fuck's sake.