Mosaic thread

Mosaic thread: SMT Deep Strange Journey edition. Claim a tile and re-draw it. The mosaic is finished when all tiles have been re-drawn and the finished result will be all the tiles put together.

Other urls found in this thread:


gimme B1


Off to a fast start

oh fug, i haven't seen a mosaic thread in ages

I want B2

claiman D4

Gimme D1 my man

5D please

I'll try D5

dont you have anything else to do? fucking autists.

t. very serious and successful man

Kill yourself

Not really, no.

you fucker, I concede

You guys better deliver
Last few mosaics died very quickly and they're drowned out by 3x3 threads or shitposing

A1 please

A3 pls


Here's B2

That's B1 and you didn't even try.

B1, my mistake

0 effort, you're the reason why mosaics have been so shit

Wouldn't know, haven't posted in one before

Can I claim B2 if it was rejected?

A1 here, still working on mine. Sorry I'm not used to gimp.

Sorry, I've meant B1.


fuck you it was good, faggot op probably can't draw for shit

go a head


here, 1/3 done bumpan

Don't let this die


I'll take D3

A1. WIll redo if this isn't good enough




Add some more and I'll accept it, just having a ms paint swastika is lazy.



D4 finished


dumping mosaics, hurry up guys

let's face it OP. this thread is going to die

Jeanette for B1.

I'll take it

Here's the finished D3

thanks f a m

c3 again

better, accepted

>no heterochromia
What the fuck user.

Claiming A5

I doubt the people who claimed D1, B2, C2, B3 and D5 are still here so those are open now.

Hey, cocksucker, C2 here. Stop giving away my shit. I'm working hard on this.

>Cries that people aren't working hard enough on tiles
>Cries when people take their time

What the fuck do you want, OP? Want people to slap shit together or to take their time? You can't have both.

something indicating that they're alive would be nice
glad to know you're still here user

I'm alive.

Now stop telling me what to do or else my rebellious teenage instincts will kick in and I'll refuse to do anything.

5D by the way

claiming a2

A5 Done



B3 done

where's the pic?

Trying to post it but pictures aren't working right now.

B3 here

still working on A2 so don't dump me yet

liking all those edits you made

claiming B4

Wait shit that's the original.

Here's the edited one.

fucking lame
OP can we get a new b3?

lazy invert

heres a2

Almost 3 hours and less than half of the mosaic is done, I doubt this one is getting finished

Too dark and japanese

there's plenty that have taken longer, mid day is slow

Eh, the one I'm doing just isn't coming out like I wanted it to. I guess it's time to cut my losses.

Nevermind, sorry guys.

I'll bump it to see where it is going.

bump for interest

I guess

Whoever is working on c2, don't disappoint me.

I have high expectations for that square, user better not chicken out


Anyone take D2 yet? If not, I'll do it.

it's all yours

Anyone whos claimed a spot still here?

Mind if I try B3?

make it count

Aye capt can't wait to disappoint

I'm expecting nothing and this is still disappointing


don't 404 on me

taking a4

Oh damn that's pretty funny.

this thread is fucking majestic, bumping because I don't want it to die

side note, how hard is it to get into digital art? A friend gave me her old tablet a week ago but I haven't done anything with it. It's kind of intimidating to me and idk why

Everyone needs to wake the fuck up and get working

Fug it. I'll give it a go at C4.