Would you recommend it to friends and family? I don't think it aged very well, but it was the shit back when it was released in 2002: a very fun video game.
So what's the Sup Forumserdict on this game, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck did anyone know who Trump was in 2002?
He was in Home Alone 2.
>Pepe company
What did they mean by this? How did they know?
Maybe it's the dozens of skyscrapers with his name plastered on them?
i didnt know you could dye disks like your hair
I'm gonna KILL Drumpf
Trump was popular since the 80s
>hello I was born in 1999
Trump has always been a pop culture icon since the 70's and 80's. He plastered his name on everything he could, though most of his side businesses failed miserably (Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, etc.).
Liberals would like you to think trump is literally only known because of celebrity apprentice but anyone who is actually older than 20 knows trump Was some big new York yuppie ever before that show came out
He's been famous for decades, you were probably born in 02 retard
Even if you're just memeing, you might just get a visit from police.
This is the first time ever in my 7 years of Sup Forums where I genuinely, sincerely want to know if this is bait or not.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to sell steaks at a tech gizmo store?
>be a shitty New Yorkian sitcom producer
>make Trump show up in a random episode
>every character sucks his dick
>entire audience cheers
>live anywhere else in the world
>Who the fuck is this guy?
never even heard of it, probably would have played it if i have. i had Capitalism Plus, is that similar?
>men buy tech stuff
>men more likely to buy manly steak
>women go grocery shopping
>women don't like manly steaks
Maybe, I dunno
New Yorker here. We have always hated the son of a bitch.
Found the Jew.
(((New Yorker)))
But he's a jew himself
Has anyone actually played this game? What does the gameplay consist of?
>top 10 betrayals in anime.jpg
You have to watch your daughter get fucked by jews
Just because you touch a damn wall doesn't magically turn you into a Jew.
Fuck off back to pol! NOW!!!
i just looked up a gameplay vid and one of the company logos you can have says pepe
No, but devoting your life to them may as well make you one.
Drumpftkints never learn, do they?
>mfw hilldog got pepe'd irl
Wrong, out of about 525 business ventures only about 6 have failed. That's practically a 98.4% success rate. #MAGA
umm... no, sweetie
*drops mic*
fuck drumpf i hate you fucking whiteys fucking die
*audience erupts in thunderous laughter*
These ironically crappy Hilldawg memes are some Daliesque shit.
does anyone else wish #Killary won so we would just be fucking countries up with chemical weapons and shit by now?
This is the average underage Sup Forums poster
This is a very good video game. I love talking about my favorite video games on a video game board that allows discussion of video games without having moderators that shuts down video game related discussion!
Trump needs to stop being so angry all the time and stop looking like a sad 3-year-old who didn't get candy at the grocery store when he is angry. I think he should actually attempt smiling for once.
fuck off
ok ok, pol and anti pol shut the fuck up a moment. what is the GAME actually like? It's activision and a tie-in so probably not amazing but it's also 2002 back when activision made some alright stuff
only thing I remember is the "race to impeachment" mini game. kind of weird when a game predicts things down the road
Oh, this was made around the election.
The first 4 seconds is from the game tho but yea
Does this game let me post memes irl?
>its real
>thread about Donald Trump barely breaks 60 replies 3 hours in and isn't even deleted
Do people that hate Trump intentionally make these terrible threads just to samefag shitpost in them?
>How the fuck did anyone know who Trump was in 2002?
Because you're a filthy foreigner who didnt have either internet or tv until 3 years ago