Besthesda is kill. It was fun while it lasted. Expect the next protagonist to be a transnigger.
Besthesda is kill. It was fun while it lasted. Expect the next protagonist to be a transnigger
Other urls found in this thread:
>hired 2009
That explains some things...
>Modern gayme developers are fags
What did he mean by this?
Hes explicitly antichurch and antichrist
>AI programmer
He's a code monkey, he doesn't have a say in the decision process
How are people still so brainwashed about GG?
Fucking seriously.
desu game development is so big today that it doesn't even matter who works on the game, one person can't have an effect anymore when the most they'll ever do is make sure the lighting on the weapons looks just right
No one gives a fuck.
Go back to Sup Forums
FUCK OFF PISS OFF I agree, I don't understand how ANYONE could support the harassment of a young woman, just because she was a game developer.
last night looks crap
will it even have puzzles at least
>AI programmer
But the AI in skyrim and F4 are complete shit
Yeah if I were a modern AAA dev I too wouldn't like finding out a guy is working to expose my company's fraudulent schemes and journalist/agenda payments.
Gamergate was about reviews being bought nothing else.
>muh pol boogyman
>Gamergate was about reviews being bought nothing else.
(You) on the left.
>SJWs will NEVER EVER get over GG
death to all non whites on Sup Forums desu
It was, sorry
Falseflagging doesn't become you, lad.
Oh also that fat chick that screwed those dude for some reviews.
Just because you type "hahaha" hysterically doesn't make your revisionist views right.
>reading twitter
>militant atheist faggot is also a militant sjw faggot
Surprise surprise user.
this senpai
Bet you anything he loves and supports Islam though
Political extremists push their ideas into games and witch hunt anyone who publicly disagrees.
After getting called out, they begin gas lighting their opposition.
>omg how dare you complain about the constant fucking complaining about representation, gender, race and white males. stop bringing your politics into everything!!
There have always been minority characters in vidya, i dont know why we act like its something new.
>Bethesda's AI programmer is retarded
Who could've known?
No, gaslighting is the term you're looking for.
>AI Programmer
Well he's obviously not the smartest or most talented man in the world
What does it take to get into that job? Haven't they been using the same code for 15 years?
>Hired 2009
>Worked on Fallout 3 & 4 AI
>Worked on Fallout 3
Probably means the DLC
>Gamergate was a move to bring ethics to gaming journalism and stop attention whores to get good reviews because they fucked the right guy
>media go full damage control when called on their bullshit and calls gamers sexist
>real sexist join gamergate because they heard this propaganda
>media complain about sexism even more
really mondles my fondles
He likes to put cool sounding works on his profile hoping people don't know what it means
Go outside.
Not funny, user. Delete this post. Now.
expect the next protagonist to be a blank slate that you create like in literally every Bethesda game that preceded it you chicken little faggot
really makes you think
make me
If the game is GOOD, who cares what views the dev holds?
cringy well done bait, earned my (You) for sure
Hmmmmm....... What precisely did they mean when they posted this?......
why are twitter bios always so cringy
Because the only news periodical that attempted to explain Gamergate outside of "men and gamers are naturally evil" was Breitbart?
Seriously, what's not to get? Gamergate moderates didn't generally get on a stage except to express that they were sick of being called misogynists for breathing air and sitting on subway trains, which isn't very sexy or worth reporting on, and in the long run Gamergate kind of won because it broke the fear of speaking out against abusive SJWs.
SJWs spent a lot of credit trying to persuade people to believe that Brianna Wu of all possibilities was a good, sensible person who wasn't being rightfully derided.
so why did nobody give a shit for literal decades until that one insignificant indie game chick had sex with some dude?
seriously nobody fucking cared. and then it all was about that chick anyway?
all GG ever accomplished is enable feminist preachers in the eyes of the public.
>tfw no one even remembers that gamer gate actually got multiple game review sites to update their rules for disclosing ties to game creators
They did jackshit after that, tho.
>libtards lose the election
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums get more recognition
>libtards spam their verbal diarrhea all over Sup Forums as a result, constantly whining about the Sup Forums boogeyperson
some chick made a indie game and had sex with a dude who worked at gameranx or something, so angry neckbeards said they were gonna rape and kill her on twitter.
You think I'm afraid of you? I eat consumers like you for breakfast. Delete this post.
It ruined this website and many others.
It's obviously bait, you fucking faggot. Ignore it and move on.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums get more recognition
so, pray tell, what do you think is the consequence to that?
>libtards being libtards is always bait
Because for the first time there was actual proof. That woman sleeping around for good reviews was the opening needed to attack their practices. The fact that gamergate caused reviewers to state of they have any affiliation with the game developers, proves that it wasn't about attacking women.
I know all that, but is that it? Jesus Christ if that's it you're all fucking retarded. You know sometimes giving people copious amounts of attention is the wrong thing to do. Many people don't afraid of other over the internet anymore.
Fallout 4's protag is a canonical cuck. Why is his baby black regardless of how you make him look?
And how am I supposed to collect (You)s without bait then?
libtards spam their verbal diarrhea all over Sup Forums as a result, constantly whining about the Sup Forums boogeyperson
Liberalism and multiculturalism is the way of the future. You evil bigots at Sup Forums need to get the memo.
Honestly even if she was just promiscuous, fuck the dude giving her friends games recognition without admitting his ties to them.
>Nobody cared
As far as I recall, the whole conflict kind of rose up with the phenomenon of making "women's studies" a thing you can major in at US university. It's getting a degree in feminism, basically, and to legitimize that feminists tried to create these social models to explain why feminism is and always will be relevant. The problem with the models is that they're really flimsy and don't properly describe the overwhelming majority of behaviors. If a man spreads his legs on the subway it's not a power bid, for example. But in the schools they'd teach there was some hidden psychology that makes it sexist.
Then people who got those degrees couldn't find jobs because seriously what the heck would that be useful for? So they did what English and Sociology majors do when they graduate: found low-level work elsewhere. Gaming journalism, in this case. Then those people hired other people with similar degrees and that became the state of game reporting. It was all reporting, but from this framework of "hidden psychology" where the only hidden thing is misogyny.
that was literally it. proto-Sup Forumstards went full aspie attack mode and gave the rest of us a bad image.
>taking a moral highground while simultaneously shitposting hard
it doesnt work like that, pumpkin
>not even "is". Dude backed off hard.
twitter is a warzone for retards. Such a shitty site.
>caring about Sup Forums's image
>wanting normalfags to come to Sup Forums
the true sign of a newfag
check my 7
Bethesda was always garbage and if you bought their games you are the cancer killing the video game industry.
they get their news off of twitter. What do you expect?
Bethesda hasn't made a good game since Morrowind
Who gives a shit?
oh right, it's totally not the Sup Forumstards drawing in the influx of redditors and edgelord normies.
because every thread is getting derailed by so called "libtards" and not r/the_donald aspies in this bizarro universe.
you know, i think you might be a part of the problem.
Grow up. Bullying "the new guys" is for fucking immature asshats. And stop using "fag" like it's nbd
No it was because a cunt was sleeping with multiple people to get favorable reviews for her game, and then it was found out that the whole video game journalism industry was basically for pay and extremely biased.
Thanks for proving me right, reddit.
yeah now we get edgy redditors coming here instead, fucking sweet
the logical consequence would be to boycott game magazines (why would you pay attention to that crap in the first place).
What people did instead, was to throw a aspergers fueled internet hissy fit of massive proportions, in the process, dragging - yet again - the image of normally minded gamers through the mud in the eyes of the public.
real good job there pals.
They did you fucking mong. Gerstmann-gate? Jack Thompson? Dewrito Pope? The only reason this went nuclear is because the press picked this time to have a 'tism fit and throw their own audience under the bus. Kotaku could have nipped this in the bud in one day, but just like with the Robert Florence thing that would make journos look bad and that sure as hell wasn't going to happen.
No she whored herself out for reviews of her game then made fake threats against herself.
Is there a tl;dr/quick rundown for GG?
Who are you quoting?
gamers you shit eating retard.
also, the biggest source of bringing in normies and redditors was GG and specifically Sup Forums (still doing it).
Go figure.
Yes but I don't have the link
reddit is shit, you lost, gamergate, trump
triggered yet?
Who is posting this thread?
>calling me out on my bullshit actuall proved my point!!
>haha you fell for my elaborate ruse
just stop shitting up this board with your presence.
if you wanna discuss """"politics"""" go to your designated containment board.
this board is for videogames not your aspie fantasies.
>j-j-just ignore them, guys! T-they only got powerful because you drew attention to them!
Shouldn't you be busy prepping Jamal before he fucks your girl?
>People want better ethics with game journalism
>SJWs and feminazis hijacked the idea into it being anti-woman
>GG vs SJW shitfit.
>No clear victor, but GG did have its name slandered pretty severely.
You don't go to a pole dancing club and berate the management and the bouncer for terrible rates and bullish coercion for tips. You don't complain in the army for harsh treatment on newbies. You don't get nice treatment for joining a team.
Do you know where you are? Being an asshole to newfriends is code of conduct.
Boycotts don't really work. What happened instead was that Gamergate supporters notified advertisers that the various magazines accusing everyone of misogyny were spread hate messages. And the tactic worked because, of course, those periodicals were spreading hate.
A message to bring down a person based on their gender or skin color is hate speech. It doesn't matter if the person is white or male. It's still biggotry, and advertisers could see that, so a ton of them pulled away from those magazines.
There were a ton of layoffs, apologies, and so on. Gamergate did actually win. Not the PR war, but it drove a lot of the most toxic stuff out of the media.
>fake threats
insanely buttblasted neckbeards on the internet would never say such awful things.
entirely unheard of.
says the libtard spewing diarrhea about muh Sup Forums boogeyman. this isn't your safe space