HALO 5 4K update soon and Backware compatibily for Halo


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"Every Xbox 360 Halo add-on map pack in the Xbox Store will be made available for free"


let this shit die already, nobody cares aside from gamethirsty xdrones

>L-let a successful franchise die!
>Halo 5 is going 4K
>CE: Anniversary, Halo 3, ODST, and Halo 4 are all going backwards compatible
>All will be LAN capable, including between 360 and XB1
>Any map packs for those titles will be free (and probably Reach's as well!)
>Serina HW2 Leader and the campaign expansion go live this month
>Yapyap the Destroyer (a grunt) HW2 Leader coming in August
>Halo 3 throwback playlist for H5 confirmed with "classic" settings and Forge remakes

>sorry we were too lazy to make Halo 3 Anniversary and fix MCC
>here is what we decided to do instead


I just want mcc on pc

They are working on Halo 6.

Xbox Won

>giving people the opportunity to use their old discs instead of trying to jew us a second time is somehow a bad thing
Where do you retards come from?

Should have been two years ago.

>no MCC 4k
>no Mcc pc
They're literally giving us all the finger



Well they already jewed everyone with MCC.

Also this. I'm starting to worry Halo 6 won't actually come to PC at this point.

Sony Shilling Central.

will it be classic like halo 1 playlist or actually tweaking the settings this time

The only thing I care about is being able to play ODST Firefight when I have a buddy over. Might buy a second copy to LAN it.

>make MCC 3 years ago and it's a broken piece of shit
>use it as a defense to not make halo 360 games BC
>mostly fix MCC but it's a walking corpse at this point
>instead of continuing to make MCC a worthwhile product they're now just making the old games BC as an excuse to not update MCC anymore
>no MCC pc port
>no MCC scorpio enhancements
>just the same shit we had back in 2007
What a fucking joke

>Halo 6 won't actually come to PC at this point.
Halo 6 is only coming to windows 10. 60% still use W7 and other OS on PC.

What's broken on MCC?

I want to get an x1x, but, then remember I need to go 4K and it's like why bother

>instead of jewing you again we are just going to let you use your 360 disc
Ok? How is this bad?

Why? EVERYTHING is coming to PC, they even ported some Halo 5 stuff on PC already.

Time to update

>just the same shit we had back in X
That's what backwards compatibility is. Shitpost harder
And MCC hasn't been updated in ages because everything works already, it has been fixed.

so does the back-compat mean it can play the 360 discs, or that you can buy the games online?




Already working

Already bc

Fucking dumbasses I swear

Already on BC dumbass

H5 is the best MP of the series tho so...

Halo 5 was really bad desu

Said the guy WITHOUT a xbox.

>Halo 5 is the best MP
Reddit post

In the trash where it belongs.


>343 Halo
Halo used to be an event. Talked about for months/years after.

Nobody but the most deluded of fanboys was talking about Halo 5 even a week after.

Halo USED to be successful.

Thanks for typing like a spastic

It was very good actually, the only ones saying it was bad are PCĂșcks and Sonygros.

it was alright, it just took some getting used to. i personally didn't ever adjust to the jetpack and clamber style of gameplay even though i was good at halo 4 but i know people who adjusted very quickly to the new game and have become insanely good with their last halo being halo 3.

Ironic given Halo was always a shit series and 5 is an actual good game

>Nobody but the people who bought the xbox was talking about Halo 5
You don't say.

Could name a map from Halo 5 desu

I mean I would rather just play destiny 2 which is actually made by bungie

Havent tried 5 but there has been too much backlash even from normies so you know its a fucking disaster. Apparently it has good multiplayer but there are tons of deathmatch games out right now or coming out like splatoon 2, WW2, battlefront 2, battlefield 1, titanfall 2, etc and I doubt it is going to be the best of those

What does this mean?
Should I play MCC first and then play Halo 5 or do I just play Halo 5 and revisit the prequels at a later time?
Also, Should I play the original bc games or get MCC?
Also, do I really want halo? I have never played a single fps on a console in my life

It still is even now. Crazy huh?

this would have been the smart thing to do, in addition to the BC, this is why Xbox is losing this gen


Reach bc
MCC + ODST dlc
Halo 5

>too much backlash even from normies so you know its a fucking disaster
>wants to play a sequel to Destiny

Oh the ironing

I adjusted to it but it just felt like ever other FPS, there was nothing Halo about it. Turned it into a twitch shooter

The guns were pretty Halo.

good thing 343 are apparently listening to the fans and changing the whole thing up for the next game.

The best thing I like about your response is that you didn't address the comment, you just responded with a press release.

Stop falling for 343s lies.

The only reason Halo has been successful is because of the massive youtube tier clickbait 343 advertises in all the E3 trailers.

>343 said they're listening this time
>it'll be good this time


weapons do not spawn at the right time, sound sometimes for guns do not work, games start before all players are in, it is a mess

Weapon spawns were fixed a long time ago.

times were not fixed

They were in Halo 1.

How good is the backwards compatibility on the xbone? Can I play any game as long as I have the disc? Or is it only a select few "patched" games or whatever? I really don't want to waste money on another dust collector like I did with the PS4.

halo one is a buggy mess

It varies from game to game. Not all games are compatible, but you can use your old discs and downloads.

>weapon respawn times

Even the campaign is fucked in MCC, I've beet the level "Gravemind" twice on Legendary, and it still hasn't registered that I've even played it.

It has almost 400 games on it so far, theres a list on the xbox website, you just plop your game in and it will work, downloadable games too.
They often run better as well.

well who would o thunk it I was wrong, still the mcc is a horrible buggy mess this website only handles halo 1 and as you can see it is not perfect

It's far from perfect, but you get get on and play games with it. Which is much more than what you could say at launch.

sorry working is not what I consider fine, that should be expected, so when the game works I will not praise it

I'm not praising it.

you said its far from perfect but you can get games now, that means jack shit if the games do not run well

Works on my machine.

What about banjo nuts and bolts and perfect dark zero they ran worse on the xbone

Games that nobody would have played in the first place.

but i already have halo 1-5, odst and reach on xbone.
what they're doing makes so sense

Updated, both run better now same as ualo reach

Why? I can play all that on MCC

Why not?

Cool, it's gonna be a bit rough going from 1080p/60fps to 720p/30fps but i'm really excited for the revival Halo 3's multiplayer. Hopefully it will remain active for months to come.

I guess if you don't have MCC it's good or want to play with someone on 360

No ODST firefight.

If you're looking to play campaign, do this:
>2 (TMCC)
>3 (TMCC)
>Reach (Xbone BC)
>4 (TMCC)
>5 (Xbone)

If you're looking to play multiplayer, do this:
>CE (PC)
>2 (PC)
>3 (Xbone BC)
>ODST (Xbone BC)
>Reach (Xbone BC)
>4 (Xbone BC)
>5 (Xbone)

It makes sense to do, no sense in locking them to the 360
Especially since MCC ODST doesnt have firefight

xbox drone here. halo became shit when they turned the style into MONDAY NIGHT ARENA FOOTBALL

>Halo 2 is now backwards compatible
what the fuck is the point when the servers are all shut down?


Google it, im on my phone otherwise i would do it for you, but seriously DF and this guy VG tech did a retread of updated Reach, and people have said Banjo was patched (though DF has yet to do a retread)

>Halo 3 and ODST going backcompat with the map packs going free
D-does... Does this mean Forge and Firefight might actually be fun again?
If I can play those old custom games and ODST firefights again that might be enough with the OG Xbox compatibility to push me over the edge with the one.

Halo 2 isn't backwards compatible.

well never mind then. are the Halo 3 servers still running or were those killed off awhile ago too?

Hi shill.

Still running, population should get a major bump with these news.

He's not wrong.

Everything i said is fact you butthurt faggot
>inb4 you post Mass Effect back when BC was launched
>even though it too has been patched

>All those XBLA games with frame pacing issues


call me when it's full bc that doesn't need a download, shill

It's about fucking time! YES! Now, I can finally play Halo 3 and 4 on the Xbox One X in 4K and There no longer any need to buy Halo 5 Guardians, I can just buy it in 4K now. Yes! Now Microsoft just needs to announce Halo 1 and 2 for the original Xbox backwards compatibility. The year of Metroid and the year of Halo, what a year to be alive, baby.

>somehow impressive that games can be rendered at higher resolution

Pretty sad, we had resolution setting and scalable engines on PC for decades.
Pic related, 2002 game which also came out on the OG Xbox on above 4k.
You can just type whatever meme resolution you want.
20k? 1000k?
Not a problem.

>wanting them to ruin the art, sound, and aesthetics of Halo 3
What the fuck is wrong with you?

time to buy an xbone
imma just play Halo 3 all day just like the good old days man