It's a celebration of the series

>it's a celebration of the series
>except only three games in the entire franchise will be represented
>two of those games are from the same 3DS era

Defend this.

lmao who gives a shit about the rest of the series?

inb4 "muh Awakefates saved the series"

The only thing that saved this series is a good ad campaign.

more like having nothing else to fucking play on the 3ds

There are two things you could do as a business:
1. You have a limited roster that you fill with literal whos from games nobody bought.
2. You have a limited roster that you fill with characters everybody knows because people bought their games.

Can you prove that Awakening DIDN'T save the franchise? Remember the last two console installments bombed, Shadow Dragon didn't do THAT well, we never got the remake Marth sequel, in b4 we never deserved it anyway, and prior to the sale Awaening was primed to be the death knell of the series ready to be relegated to the same graveyard as Advanced Wars.


>from games nobody bought.
>the GBA games sold better than Shadow Dragon
>most popular male protagonist comes from a "shit selling" game

what did he mean by this

You could do both.

Why in the flying fuck is Frederick of all people in the game for example? all he does in Awakening is suspect you and that's a subplot that leads nowhere. Lissa is at least excusable as being the sister of Chrom.

Give his spot to Hector/Marth/Roy/Lyn/etc. So the oldfags are satisfied.

>Inb4 Muh Deidre or some other oldfags waifu.

Also true, it could have been anything and it would have sold enough to keep the series afloat, it just happened to be Awkening

It's not FE anymore, so it's dead.

Rate the current roster

>Male OC
>Female OC
>Male Robin
>Female Corrin

Personally, I think it's terrible.

>Sword Swallowing Heroes

If there's any game series people should attack its Shadow Dragon, as its by far the blandest, most boring Fire Emblem game I have played on the DS(the original NES is worst).

The Archanea series has always been mediocre. If anything the only reps it should had had are Marth, Tiki, and that's it. The rest of the available slots should have been allocated to Elibe, Magvel, and Tellius and maybe even Judgrel(via DLC).

Awakening had other good merits aside from the marriage system but I wouldn't deny that was one of the game's main selling points. If Awakening hadn't saved the series, it would have ended up a lot like Suikoden franchise, a series Konami dropped right after Suikoden 5 and a PSP spinoff.

>it's not FE anymore

Conquest says fuck off and get raped by ninjas in the ninja rape cave.

I would buy this game if the continuity with the characters I really care about were in it. I don't know how Fire Emblem lore works, I don't know if its all one connected world or whatever, but I'm interested in the story with Eliwood and later Roy.

I've never beaten a Fire Emblem game, though I've gotten really far in 6, 7, the Sacred Stones, and Awakening. Good games but I always get bored of them and never feel the need to finish the games. It's like I hit a point where I'm satisfied with my unit all being strong and well equipped and just get bored and stop caring. I didn't not enjoy Awakening either, it was a really good game, but it's fucked up that it gets all the spotlight in a game like this. Fuck Fates. I have no interest in ever playing that game.

This shit could have been like Final Fantasy Dissidia. Before I played Dissidia I only played Final Fantasy 7, 10, and 12. After Dissidia showed me cool new characters I at least tried every Final Fantasy.

That is a false dilemma, you could add three or four characters that older fans like, you could add skins (like fighting game colors) that would turn some characters to characters older fans like, but keep the moveset and have their own experience gauge and such.

>People get Echoes, Conquest, and FEH is all inclusive
>Still whine about the recent games and original getting priority
Are any of you actual FE fans?

Why would you celebrate the games that were slowly killing the series?

Isn't Fire Emblem Heroes some phone game garbage?

People are burned out after the previous crossover, TMS#FE, also only had characters from FE1 and FE13.

Looks dull as fuck. Not because of roster choices, but because it doesn't even seem to be trying to do anything new. Hyrule Warriors at least brought a few new ideas to the musou formula. Everything shown so far in this are just systems from SW/DW with different names.

Yeah, and hilariously enough it's better than the main games despite being gatcha garbage.

As evidenced by the fact that it's /feg/'s main topic of discussion and faggots on Sup Forums are still making stealth threads for that shit under the nose of the new nazi janny.

animal crossing? pokemon xy oras sun/moon? 40$ smash demo? tamadochi life? link between worlds? mario kart 7? bravely default? super mario 3d land? kid icarus uprising? monster hunter 3u 4u generations?

Do you have mental issues?
They are talking about games released when Awakening came out.

>three games
Doesn't even really look like that many. Mostly seems to be Awakening with a few Fates characters, Marth and maybe Tiki if they go with the loli version. I bet there are at least 5 versions of Lucina though.

>/feg/'s main topic of discussion

Judging by everything I've seen on /vg/ and Sup Forums I have absolutely no reason to believe that by "main topic of discussion" you mean they just have endless 24/7 threads talking about waifus, shipping, and other garbage like that. They probably don't really give a fuck about the game. I don't believe that it's good.

You know on /vp/ there's still an active Pokemon Go general?

That's exactly the problem I have with Fire Emblem Warriors; it looks too much like Dynasty/Samurai Warriors. Supposedly it was going to be tactical. Looking at a couple of vids on the gameplay, it looked incredibly dull and repetitive, in fact probably worse than a Senran Kagura game and that's saying a lot.

Only thing that can save this game are characters, costumes, and dlc. The level design/maps look like utter dog shit.

Also twins worst OCs confirmed for a musou spinoff. Should've just make Shareena and Alphonse the MCs for this game. Would had preferred a Fire Emblem Heroes spinoff for the Switch over this crap.

>at least 5 versions of Lucina
Wow I love Fates StayNight

To be fair, almost all Sup Forums does is either bitch about Awakening/Fates and how perfect everything before that was, or make Lucina threads.

They remind me a lot of those twins from Soul Calibur V. Malfested when?

>You know on /vp/ there's still an active Pokemon Go general?

Yeah, do you see it taking over the Pokemon General? that's my point. Those fags can just do like other generals and split them up if it's so annoying, just like the hentai game general spawned the 2D, 3D and AA versions of itself Why haven't they? Simple answer is because they like it.

Oh they will deny it, as per their contrarian nature, and there was plenty of grandpas in there were crying at the beginning, but as soon as the saw units like Eldigan, Julia, Seliph, etc, being added they quickly shut the fuck up and picked up a smartphone themselves.

We have this thread everyday

Delthea is about the only good thing to come out from that fucking remake.

That and how fuckable they made Sonia.

fire emblem was dead before awakening
deal with it



>not Matilda
The cake game is strong in Echoes.

I really hate the too many sword-lord excuse they went when it came to not bringing lords from the whole series, there's enough difference between the most of the lords to be able to make them different for example Lyn has both the Mani and Sol Katti in which one can be used for light attacks and the other can be used for heavy attacks throw in some dual-wield speical moves and maybe a bow. etc

>Criticals are charged up instead of being random.
>Characters have a set statline so you can't get fucked over by RNGesus
>Can better your husbando/waifu with skills instead of letting them languish with poor growths
>No map gimicky bullshit aside from terrain bonuses and movement restrictions

Credit where credit is due.

Only thing that would improve it is making the maps a bit bigger, but knowing IS they'll just misinterpret it and make them Geneaology XBOX HUEG! levels of big.

>People pretend to be oldfags
>But get butthurt when the oldest character in the series is the main representative

>Yeah, and hilariously enough it's better than the main games despite being gatcha garbage

You mean painfully simplified, but sure.

Well, I meant overall.

If we're talking cakes, then yeah. Matilda does deserve a spot.

>it's a celebration of the series
>except only three games in the entire franchise will be represented
>>two of those games are from the same 3DS era
The most popular and profitable era

Lucina isn't the oldest character in the series.

It's one of the least popular and most hated games in the franchise, if not the most hated.




Waifufags and Husbandofags destroyed the most popular Awakening and Fates characters in the popularity polls.

user, I know Lucina calls herself Marth in Awakening, but there is no need to pretend to be retarded. Marth isn't an Awakening character and is also the main rep.

It's funny because they bitch constantly about Awakening/Fates waifus and yet the #1 waifu is from Blazing Sword, their sacred cow.

Are 4-10 really completely absent or just have less characters?
That would be so dumb if they were just absent, at least have the lords of each game or something.

I can't defend this, it was a shit decision and I hope it blows up on IntSys' face, because Koei wanted to add heroes from other games in the series as well.

They will. As DLC. Or does no one here remember Hyrule Warriors?

Those games' only hope are being DLC.

If anything, it's looking more like Fates could be more than half the roster with the Awakening characters being everybody we've seen now, and then Marth and Tiki are the only two classic characters.

You're delusional as fuck, dude.

ok, Sup Forums. You are now in charge of choosing 3 FE games to be represented in Warriors.
But, one of the games must be from the 3DS era.

This is MvCI levels of character roster.

At least Marvel fans don't have to deal with MCU-only dipshits trying to defend the game at every turn.

Yeah they do.
FEfags never realize how good they have it. At least you guys are probably going to get your fan favorite in DLC. X-Men and FF DLC is never ever tier.

FE1, FE2(echoes remake is on the 3ds), Tellius.

whats my reward :^)


This is your roster before DLC.

>Picking FE1 when you already have FE2
Shit choices. Should have thrown in Jugdral.


FE1, FE7,and FE13.

That's literally the safe selection to go with because they cover the three primary games that are the top three "first FE I played" Japan has a huge nostalgia boner for Marth because of FE3 being a lot of their oldfags' introduction to the series. FE7 was the first game to get a western release and has a huge following because of that, and FE13 is clearly the grand horse that brought in even more newcomers to the franchise. Fates being in doesn't contribute anything except painfully reminding us that its cast and plot exist. 3DS newfags would be completely satisfied with Awakening, and Blazing Sword would satisfy the western oldfags who won't touch this game otherwise with only this selection of games represented.

And for the record, I even think FE7 is pretty fucking overrated. I just still think it'd be an objectively better and safer choice of game to put in a crossover FE fanservice game than Fates.

>its a celebration of the series
>it doesnt say "a celebration of the entire series"


Uh huh

>animal crossing
Released after and most dropped it after a month
Released half a year later

Fuck it, the only thing I remember released at the time was Mario 3D land

I just want Eirika, I don't think it's asking too much. Hell I'd settle for Ephraim even, with him their excuse of "including all the old characters would have too many sword users" doesn't work.

Story characters get in even if they are irrelevant. See Frederick. Hinoka is in the cutscene where Corrin has to choose side so she'll 100% be in.

Conquest is the most fire emblem it has ever been.

frederick has more to do with the plot of awakening then hinoka has in fates.

>my waifu pegasus knight that not even the devs remember isnt in the game?
>I mean, how can they make a fire emblem game without that one axe guy from a decade ago? What are they thinking
>Why are they filling the roster with characters people actually know? Are they retarded??

Pre-Awakening fags are the worst

reminder that all your Tellius and GBA characters will be DLC cause they know you'll all buy it. Ike and Roy will likely be the exceptions since they're really big in the west

All the characters are from the 3 best selling games so they're getting new fans back by having all the popular characters back.

It's only similar to two games in the series, neither of which were ever popular.

>except only three games in the entire franchise will be represented
>Mostly == only
Really makes you think.

That boy aint right

So, you don't know that FE always had waifus?
It was just not the key selling point of the game, newfag.

Being a decent game after two ones with big problems saved FE.

shut the fuck up bobby

Please, launch an other FE game than Awakening or Fates in your life, thanks.

>three games
Marth is the protagonist of two games and their remakes, he represents four games alone

The real crime are those fucking OCs, holy shit
How do you make those two dorks from the mobile game look more appealing than those lemon headed freaks?

>Lissa with an axe
>Frederick with an axe
I really wanted Charlotte in the game but it looks like they're already trying to fill her niche...

And Corrin technically represents three games.

So long as they all share several chapters and you get a choice that includes accessing the other story paths, I refuse to see them as separate games.

It's ok as long as we get Lucina


I don't even care that it's 3DS Warriors ft. Marth because that was 100% expected from the moment the game was announced. But they picked the most boring selection of characters possible.

I will be incredibly disappointed if we don't get Owain shouting about his sword hand, or Cynthia beating down enemy soldiers in the name of justice.

If we get a Pegasus, chances are they'll be the Whitewing sisters.

I doubt we'll get all three, particularly since we have to get Caeda and Cordelia in there. My guess would be Catria, but Palla is possible as well. Est is the least likely of the three.

1 spellcaster, 2 axe users, 7 sword users

4 Donut Steels
5 Awakening
3 Fates
2 Shadow Dragon

That's 14 characters already. They claimed it will have "the largest roster for a first iteration musou". The largest before this was Hyrule Warriors at 16. So it's best not to expect any more than 3 new characters beyond this point. Which if I had to guess will be Takumi (an archer is already confirmed), either Camilla or Azura, and a pegasus knight. Probably Est to pretend Shadow Dragon totally isn't just tacked on as an after thought. Popular characters like Tharja and Gaius will be DLC. Ike and Roy will be locked behind amiibo.

The white wings are less popular than Caeda, Hinoka, and Cordelia. Minerva is the only one from Macedon who is likely to get in.

You know FE warriors sounded cool as fuck at first, but now I realize how shitty of a idea it actually is. Not because of "muh nu-fe" or whatever but how when you really get down to it, the roster was probably always gonna be shit, with or without Awakening or Fates characters.

Even then if they did manage to add EVERYONE from the series I imagine a lot of characters would end up feeling the same as another character (and warriors games do get pretty repetitive from time to time, if they fuck up on making a character feel different then its just the same shit all the time) so its pretty much impossible to appease everyone.

The roster was fucked from the start.

>white wings
>less poplar than Hinoka
Maybe Est, but not the other two. Minerva is guaranteed but she's a wyvern rider. A better question would be if there are any wyvern riders other than her and maybe Camilla.

Unlikely. Other than Camilla, the most popular wyverns are Haar and Jill, both from games that won't be featured in the game.

Minerva is more popular than Haar and Jill.

It'll get worse.

Wait till Cordelia, Camilla, Tharja, and totally not Cia show up


I have no complaints about Camilla, especially since she could have a very unique fighting style.

Some FE games are more worth celebrating than others.

Marth Emblem is a nippon meme.

It's outdated tripe but the nips don't care about GBA FEs/Tellius. The GBA/Tellius games only have 2 waifu cancers and two forced Smash memes going for it.


>Make two (possibly three depending on the MUH BAD GUY) OC's that use swords
>Add nothing but sword characters

Fates sure isn't one of those.

But only 2 olde FEs had power. One from Smash memes and one from extreme salt towards cancer like Lucina and Tharja.

>Freddy Dicks
Only good one so far.