Are you prepared for the 1,8 to fix Stellaris?

Are you prepared for the 1,8 to fix Stellaris?
It's already best 4x game on the market, and soon it will become even better


the AI can only use one single fleet at a time so you can win any war by kiting them

just like every single paradox game, this game needs at least 6+ DLCs to finally get good

This is what was said about the last patch, and it is what will be said about every future patch

>It's already best 4x game on the market


Update looks nice though.

every patch fixes the last patch but introduces more stupid that the next patch has to fix
welcome to paradox

Fix combat and wars and we'll talk. Hell, you could just lift the entire system from Endless Space 2 and it'd be fine.


i fcuking hate Wiz his UTTERLY retarded design decisions vasted ALL thze potential this game had fuking away

eh combat at its heart isn't all that bad, it just needs better balancing and an AI that can actually put up a challenge

I'm always confused with patches. If you have 1.6, do you need 1.7 to update to 1.8 or not?

>Naked Corvettes

it's a steam exclusive you just wait for gabe to finish penetrating your network

Yeah, yeah, I meant in case you do this without gabe's approval.

>eh combat at its heart isn't all that bad

It's doomstack vs doomstack with no tactics. I wouldn't really call it "combat" so much as spaceport spam.

ah yes the space 4x game with the mechanical depth of tripping yourself over and falling face first into concrete

No one talks about endless space 2 here, senpai


thx for reminding me op

at least the first 20 minutes are a nice star trek simulator

problem is that space doesn't really offer that much room for tactics

>this is what normies actually believe

>meanwhile in Battlefleet gothic

Come on guy, they could at least use an age of wonders 3 like system

you ever played some other space strategy game or anything else that is not made by these monkeys at paradox ?

Recently started a game, but its way too stale. This is number crunching simulator with little amounts of actual flavor sprinkled on it. No kind of society you create will fundamentally feel different from others besides the small percentage based modifiers you get. The gameplay is railroaded pretty hard in regards to early, mid and late game and the lack of meaningful goals to achieve besides winning the game by being the biggest baddy or buddy is a sorry display from Paradox.


hah, lemme laugh a bit harder if you think there's any depth to endless space series at all.

A system where it's just spam long range and win because they made the singular short ranged weapon all but useless unless your enemy goes short ranged along with you.

Wiz barely had time to put effort into stellaris game design. He was too busy trying to get the cum stain out of his beard.

alright I'll put it this way, it is possible to introduce tactics to space combat, if you simply ignore everything we know about space and basically turn everything into fantasy naval warfare



Yes, that would be the better option. Stellaris itself is already campy as fuck and not realistic at all.

thats knoor


Confirmed for never played Homeworld

which is what stellaris basically already is you dumb nigger

they just suck at it


its a game you dipshit

look at the current state of it is neither fun nor realistic. would be greate if wiz fuking anward would get that numbercrunching aint no fuking fun

Also fuking animals using ftl in their assĀ“s are ok by you but as soon as space battle get strategic you throw around with the Fantasy card ?


Right, you want to have projectiles flying around at maybe the speed of light for ships that can travel faster than light? Combat would literally take years and they'd never hit each other.

Real space combat would likely revolve around extreme short range combat and ramming.

it actually doesn't
anything resembling realistic space combat is basically whoever detects the enemy ship first wins
nothing else matters, just detecting your opponent

So basically like Firaxis' kusoges?

No, real space combat would be blasting railguns at one another from other ends of the system, if one hits the other guy is fucked

not really, if you can make a ship go FTL instantly you can make a weapon go FTL as well, and much cheaper at that given a weapon contains less mass than a ship
not to mention you can't just jump away because then your enemy just blows up your planet (being able to move FTL will ensure your ability to wipe out a civilization on a planet)

completely wrong

sounds a bit like naval battles

It's more likely that space combat would take place at extreme ranges with guided projectiles.

no my bruh, you're right in thinking stellaris as is cannot be strategic, but saying that space combat in and off itself cannot be strategic is moronic

nobody knows it exactaly...

thats like 2 Neanderthals discussing how Aircombat would work out.

So pls just admit that WIZ is a fuking retard and that he vasted the potential of this game

to everyone complaining

How exactly would you fix stellaris' combat system, keeping in mind that the combat
1 has to take place in real time
2 must take place in the main game map
3 it must be possible for the player to engage in an arbitrary number of battles at the same time

how is it wrong?
it's literally impossible to hide in space, there's no environmental features and no atmospheric drag to slow down weapons and make movement more difficult to predict

you detect the enemy, you shoot at the enemy, you destroy the enemy

Fuck off, retard
I'm not the one who making game
It's fucking their job

you don't understand how big space is. you don't just point and shoot and expect to hit anything.

naval battles have other subtleties like the geographical features of the area, enemies being obscured by weather, said features or the horizon, stealth being a possibility etc.

Literally Endless Space 2's system with the ability to have fleets join in support in real time. You set the fleet tactics, you warp them in, they do their thing, you can order retreat orders or reinforcement.

That's it. And it'd work perfectly. AND it would actually make designing your ships matter unlike the current system.

Maybe I should have said I was specifically thinking about Civ's naval warfare and how braindead it is compared to ground combat.

ok you are a neet but just think for a moment.

>turning your ship off so i would look like its space trash or anything

i dont want to spoonfeed and you.

but every person with at the very least half a brain could imagin SOME THINGS to make it enjoyable.

you literally can
there's nowhere to hide in space, the space dust is not sufficient to affect the physics of a projectile in any way that can't be countered by onboard systems
in space, if you can see it you can hit it, that's how our entire space program works.



hear me out



3 isn't possible with the current system

Seriously? What's the current system?

naval battles have over the horizon radar. this isn't the 1800's

go play Children of a dead earth you dumb fucker
there's plenty of room for tactics in space

for the love of god please don't tell me you think asteroid belts work like in movies, you could shoot 5000 probes at the asteroid belt randomly and never even once get close enough to a single asteroid to take relevant data
you mean the giant objects everyone already knows every single detail about the minute they head towards a solar system, what exactly are you going to do with them? you hide behind them you can't hit the enemy either
>turning your ship off so i would look like its space trash or anything
Captain I am seeing this giant ship shaped, ship sized piece of debris that has it's weapons and detection systems turned off, shall I shoot it?

remember there is no stealth in space

Just imagine if Stellaris offered a similar combat system to the original Homework

radar detection can be avoided though, the horizon is still relevant as a result



stealth is a huge meme

wouldn't work in stellaris due to how the game is set up

Are they still replacing the only unique crisis with another unbidden reskin?

Yes. Though its "uniqueness" is what made it so easy to avoid.

old AI crisis is still going to be around as a midgame event
it's just that they finally realized the same thing everyone else did: AI crisis is completely and utterly underwhelming and virtually impossible to trigger

Why not improve it instead of going "fuck it, make it another unbidden clone"? Is this really all they're going to do with the neat crisis system?

What makes it so hard to trigger?

You need to be a special kind retard to do it

Relatively new player here, what's the best way to play as an empire bent on dominating the galaxy and using slaves? My last game I enslaved two species and vassaled two more, so I had good mineral and food production but my research and unity were shit because I had so many pops, and I always had energy problems. When do you enslave, make tributary, vassalize, etc.?

Isn't Stellaris all about roleplaying? If you decided to take the role of a special kind of retard you shouldn't just suddenly deviate from that role to evade the crisis.

you can only trigger it if you
A: use a massive amount of androids
B: don't give them rights

given that the ethos which is most likely to spam androids has pretty much zero reason to not give them rights it happens virtually never

yeh but as an endgame crisis it never triggered unless the player wanted to trigger it, and given it was one of the big 3 crisises as a direct result there were effectively only 2 crisises

it's still around to fuck you up only now as a midgame event and not one of the main ones, a bit similar to the End of the Cycle crisis which you also need to be a special kind of retard to trigger

CK2 has better combat system already, they could just use that.

And then 4 more to be ruined

Honestly, no
It doesn't
All paradox game combat sucks, even hoi2 one

CK2's combat system would be a lot worse if there weren't any environmental factors and it doesn't really fit space combat given that the phases wouldn't exist

I think you lack some reading comprehension friendo, I said better not good. It is better. Even EU4 has a better combat system than Stellaris.
The CK2 system would be the best for stellaris, unless you're seriously suggesting that the combat itself should have player involvement, which is retarded. This isn't total war.

>phases wouldn't exist
The Stellaris combat system already phases though, just make it more space themed. Early long range, corvette dogfighting and retreat.

>have to wait 2+ years to get a game that should have been like that on release

I hate Paradox.

Yeah, sure. We'll talk after 2 years and at least 5 more DLCs. Right now the game is extremely shallow.

>Right now the game is extremely shallow
Still better than it's main competition

I didn't know Stellaris competed with Aurora 4X :^)

How is the multiplayer?
I don't have any friends to play this with and I suspect it's gonna be tough finding randoms that you can play long games with over several days.

Only blitzes are played over direct connect and over several hours, and they are the minority. The majority of games are played through PBEM with diplo done either in the thread or on Steam, and games last for like a month or two or three, so you basically do a turn per day or so. People join like 3-5 games at the same time and do 3-5 turns per day. Simple as that.

Fug, didn't mean Stellaris. My mistake.

r8 my roleplay autism

Seen yours before, but it's nice.

Shame that the role-playing is so limited though so you have to imagine certain things are happening.

Fucking kek
I'd read a book based on those retards

Kobolds are best slave race.

Steal Gratuitous Space Battles system basically. It's very similar to stellaris except with more weapons/counters and the ability to set more specific AI. It turns it a bit more rock-paper-scissors but is a big strategic improvement in allowing you to set up an automated fleet

Distant Worlds and Aurora 4X are light years ahead Stellaris.

good keks were had

literally just use the supply system in every other paradox game so you can't just blob one giant fleet

-Increase FTL travel times
-Decrease the time required to bombard down a planet, make it similar to SOTS where if you leave a colony undefended your likely to lose it. Multiple fleets should at the very minimum be an option.

Then change ship designs to actually have defects, directional armour/shields and firing arcs. This gives some more identity to empires and adds flanking as a concept.

-Give rough tactical commands for the AI, ie approach from the sides/rear/front. Types of battle tactics and so on.

No, humans are.

Are we getting doomsday weapons yet?

Yeah it is
You'll definitely lose because your fleet is divided, but it's perfectly possible.

>Game requires multiple expansions and DLC to have a good all round experience
>It's getting there slowly but since it's paradox there's a chance that the game will get worse as time goes on as well
Which is a shame, since space 4x is not really a genre that has a lot of good games in it that aren't very dated at this point