No /albiononline/ thread

>no /albiononline/ thread

WHAT the fuck? It's great.

Why aren't you guys hyped for this? Literally ultima online 2.

looks like shit desu senpai

WHAT? Is Sup Forums filled with "muh graphics" Kids now?

Is it gonna be free?

No, thank God. Would be filled with kids.
30$ the cheapest founder package

No I heard that it's gonna be free after the launch

They sold 250k founder packages. It's not going to be free, ever.

Is there gonna be a European server that you can buy for Euros?

A $30 price tag does not prevent kids from playing a videogame, moron. If that was the case then Call of Duty wouldn't also be filled with kids and that game is twice the price. Is the game going to have voice chat? If not it doesn't matter, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Go shill on >>>/reddit/

I thought this was an MMO? Looks like a MOBA. Great. Lost Ark Online really is my last hope and it's probably delayed till 2020 in the West.

Doesn't interest me in the slightest.

Stop shilling.

Is this the kickstarter mmo with a founders pack that costs several thousand dollars and gives you "royalty" status or something?

i love MMO's featuring player looting

>literally a shit game
Gee, I wonder why nobody is hyped.

I'm basically going to do what i did in the beta which is go market to market jewing. I might pvp at some point, but I think I'm mostly just going to horde shekels.

>I can't wait to camp outside towns and gank n00bs with my Sup Forumsros. Gonna steal all their shit lol
>hey, why is everyone quitting

Assuming some people are actually playing this here, could you guys tell me about the actual game?

>Go shill on >>>/reddit/

yea, FUCK this guy for wanting to talk about video games on the board designated to talk about videogames, what a fucking LOSER he is hahaha

>muh graphic

that artystyle looks like fucking cancer

The only thing more cancerous than a kikestarter game is a kikestarter mmo. Please go.

I havent touched the game in months

Its a fun game tho

>Looks like a MOBA
You're going to completely ignore every aspect of the game except the camera angle?

basically this
but there is no other way to get an MMO with actual economics and politics without people being able to lose their shit.

i hope crowfall gonna tackle the played exodus problem.

i know man, FUCK people talking about video games, where do these fucking retards think they are?

All i know about this game comes from paid streamers and youtubers.

Nobody NOBODY actually plays this game, is all just sponsorship.

Stop fucking advertising this shit

>get attacked by gankers
>"hey guys there are gankers in the zone, lets group up and kill them"

Wow, grouping up with other players to do things in a massively multiplayer game?!?!

>Literally ultima online 2.
no it fucking is not

Yea man, FUCK these people talking about video games. Sup Forums is for bitching about SJW only

I don't know if this is ironic shitposting or an actual shill being this retarded.

No I've followed it for awhile and the camera angle isn't the problem.

you can leave anytime shill

Yea i know right? Fucking LOSER talking about VIDEO GAMES haha

In theory. In actual practice no one will bother helping.

>get ganked and lose your shit
>guys there's gankers outside, be careful
>gankers either get bored or get run off by a zerg of mad players
>few minutes later
>get ganked again
Wow, just look at that amazing emergent gameplay.

Is the combat still Runescape tier?

>No I've followed it for awhile and the camera angle isn't the problem.

I thought this was an MMO? Looks like a MOBA.

shill get out

Nobody cares about your shitty 2003 game

It worked when MMOs were a niche genre :^)

>kickstarter mmo

I know man I know, I cant STAND people talking about VIDEO GAMES. like.. what the fuck, you can't do that here!!

>Wow, just look at that amazing emergent gameplay.

it is pretty amazing if you aren't the one at the bottom of the food chain and basically spending farming all day for other people.

>cash shop

Well so much for this game.

>it worked when the average age of the mmo player was 14 and there weren't more than a few options to play

Looks like is a bit irrelevant to the point. I've followed the discussion and develop talk and I have no problem with the camera angle. I literally mentioned the fucking game Lost Ark Online which is the same angle.

>I've followed the discussion and develop talk and I have no problem with the camera angle

>I thought this was an MMO? Looks like a MOBA

yeah, hence non neet players leaving/new players not even bothering.

looks like a phone game

Funny you mentioned that...

It's true. This current generation of "gamers" are all very autistic and anti-social. Having a game that requires cooperation and not being a sperg is doomed to fail.

Wait a minute that unicorn

What you think will happen
>help, these guys keep ganking me
>what ho?! fear not, fellow adventurer, for I will aid you in fending off those curs!
What will actually happen
>help, these guys keep ganking me
>no one does anything because no one wants to get killed and lose all their shit

What will actually happen: Exactly what I said will happen.

Proof: I've actually played the game.

No you haven't, you faggot.

ITT obvious shill shilling his mobile garbage
>inb4 muh Sup Forums is about games
fuck off we're not playing your shit

You're right, I'm on here defending a game I DON'T play. Right.

I know man, how the FUCK could ANYONE want to talk about VIDEO GAMES. this is UNACCEPTABLE

predictable garbage response, seriously fuck off or i'll expose you

yea man, predictably want to talk about VIDEO GAMES on the VIDEO GAMES board, so fucking predictable man, he fell right for your devious trap

I hope the game does well but it sure does look like shit