Holy fucking Christ, the PS1 fucking sucks...

Holy fucking Christ, the PS1 fucking sucks. Took mine out of storage the other day and was reminded of how terrible this console is.

>Abysmal graphics. Texture warping and lack of anti-aliasing in EVERY 3D game.
>Isn't even good at doing 2D. Limited animation frames and framerate drops even in SNES-level games like Alundra.
>No analog controller at launch = majority of games only support d-pad. Even the ones that support it rarely let you use the right analog stick for the camera. Disgusting.
>CD quality music... with sound effects that sound worse than most Genesis games.
>Library consist of wannabe SM64 knockoffs, arcade ports, movie games and JRPGs that hadn't evolved since the late 80s. Complete fucking garbage.
>Poor build quality. Unreliable lasersand overall shit design with the cheapest plastic parts possible.
>Some of the worst load times known to man.

Why exactly is this a good system again? And don't finger your ass while you scream "sales numbers". I want a real argument. Sales don't mean shit unless you intend to tell me that Pabst Blue Ribbon is better than a good craft beer just because it sells more.

>inb4 haha N64 fans still mad that Sony won haha my faggot JRPGs haha xD


Why even bother replying?

ps1 is the best thing to play music cds on.
ps1 is better than anything you or your family has ever invented.

Because OP is an attention whore begging for (You) and im a nice guy

t. Dumbass self proclaimed audiophile

Its the same as every other cd player.
>muh output
Fuck off

Best of it's generation even with the shortcomings.

>ps1 is the best thing to play music cds on.
Congratulations, you are the most retarded person on Sup Forums.
>ps1 is better than anything you or your family has ever invented.
That would imply that feces is better than anything I've invented, and I make a pretty good grilled cheese.

>shitting on PS1's audio
it's a audiophiles dream.

Crash Bandicoot

not proclaiming to be an Audiophile, but if you go to an Audiophiles house you will see one of these. that simple.

>Best of it's generation even with the shortcomings.
Nope. It wasn't. It was literally worse at doing everything than either of the two other consoles. It was raped in 3D graphics by N64, raped in 2D graphics by Saturn, raped in multimedia features by Saturn, raped in quality of games by both N64 and Saturn, and is riddled with underdeveloped ideas.

gr8 b8 m8, or you are 10 years old pick one

>It was raped in 3D graphics by N64

> garoud shading
> blur filter over everything

t. nintendo revisionist.

Spyro the Dragon


> What is game library and the number one determining factor for any console in any generation.

>Why exactly is this a good system again?

It had good games, unlike N64.

>t. nintendo revisionist.
Hahaha look at this faggot, look at him and laugh. First off, it's called "gouraud shading" retard, secondly, there's nothing wrong with it, and most games didn't even use it outside of SM64. The "blur filter" is called anti-aliasing and it's the reason that N64 games didn't look like hot shit in comparison to the pixelated, warped mess known as PS1 games.


>he thinks the N64 had AA because of emulators

>It had good games, unlike N64.
Wrong faggot. The PS1 was the console with the dirt library. Literally not one single game on that system is better than an 8/10. The "killer app" is a 3D Final Fantasy with gameplay that hadn't evolved since the mid 80's. The N64 has THE most highly rated games of all time, on any system. Keep crying just because mommy didn't buy you Ocarina of Time.

You will see enough dumb shit there anyway.

>ps1 is the best thing to play music cds on.
oh my god when will you audioshitters STOP

>he thinks the N64 had AA because of emulators
Who in the fuck said anything about emulators?

Don't bother arguing with him. Sony ponies operate on sub-autism levels of intelligence.

Thank god it actually had games though. The hardware was garbage.

Have fun getting motion sickness from the N64s blurry graphics and awful framerates.

>raped in 2D graphics by Saturn,
unless you wanted literally any alpha at all, lmao


N64 only has a handful of good games. There's a lot more good games and hidden gem on PS1 than on N64.

Swimming textures, jittering vertices and endless Z-fighting are going to give you motion sickness far more quickly than a bilinear filter ever will.

>implying anyone cares about specs
Ps1 had games, good games, that's all, Saturn was the coffin of sega, can't say anything about n64

Not that fag, and I love my PS1 JRPGs, but you are legitimately retarded. The N64's 3D graphics look a hundred times better than the PS1. Face it: the PS1 may have amazing games, but are were ugly as fuck.

>Thank god it actually had games though.
There's a lot more good games and hidden gem on PS1 than on N64.
It didn't. Name me the 5 best games on the system. Not a single game on the PS1 even appears on Metacritic's top 100 games list until you get into the fucking 30's with Tekken... a port. The entire system is filled with complete garbage. The ONLY stand out genre on the entire system is SNES-level JRPGs which only an autist could love.

It was the best console of its time. It had a huge, varied library of games and besides the very early ones, most of them look, sound and feel great. Games had detail, rich gameplay and most of the time, big replay value. Performance wise it was alright for its time. Its demo discs are a little treasure trove of early versions of games and a source of gameplay time for others. I honestly cannot think of something negative about the console, i mean hell its also easily hackable so you can play all the games you want.

Are...Are we really going to shitpost about a 20 year old console? Is this what we have devolved to?

It's more interesting to argue about consoles with games. And more obviously flawed hardware.

>ps1 is the best thing to play music cds on.
I thought this was b8 but after a quick goolge it appears this is actually a thing. People seem to be going fucking crazy over them, might dig mine out to see if it is the right version for a bit of fun

>Metacritic scores suddenly matter when a Nintendo games get a good one

Never disappoint Sup Forums.

Hey guys, remember when people called Gran Turismo "Grain Turismo"? Truly the greatest console war.

Name the top 5 N64 games and I'll name a better game in each genre.

Neither console was truly great at 3D rendering. The PS1 was warpy and jittery; the N64 was blurry and laggy. I personally prefer the PS1 aesthetic but that's probably just because it was the one I had as a kid.

The PS1 won because its games were more plentiful, more varied, cheaper to produce, and (in many people's eyes) more interesting. A lot of N64 games were quite cartoony; the PS1 got more shooters and generally darker games.

I don't remember who, but someone involved with PS1 production once said "everyone is 17 when they play video games". Adults want to go back to their teenage selves for an hour, and young children want to play more "grown-up" games with guns and aliens. I think this was very true then (and still applies to some degree today), so the market for all the N64 cartoon games was actually quite small.

The salt from being chucked by Squaresoft never ends

>the PS1 got more shooters and generally darker games.
Really? Some of the N64's best-remembered games (Turok, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark) were FPS. I'm not sure what PS1 FPS games are considered classics desu.

boring as fuck, post something with some real gameplay like Parasite Eve

>Never disappoint Sup Forums.
What would you rather me do? Make a completely subjective argument? I can scream "Banjo is better than Spyro" all day long, it doesn't mean shit. You have to have an objective basis for comparison. In this case, Metacritic demonstrates that, all in all, N64 has vastly more highly rated games.

What's the point? You're just going to spout some delusional shit, like saying that Medievil is better than Majora's Mask. Literally the ONLY genre that PS1 has locked down are turn-based JRPGs. The N64 has the absolute best games of every other genre and ratings prove it. But here you go anyway:

Adventure - Majora's Mask
Platformer - Banjo-Kazooie
Shooter - Perfect Dark
Strategy - Ogre Battle 64
Racing - F-Zero X

Now go ahead and tell me about how Alien Resurrection is better than Perfect Dark and all your other retarded opinions.

Medal of honor and call of duty maybe?

>Medal of honor and call of duty maybe?
Neither of those games holds half of a shit-drenched candle to Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, DOOM 64, or Turok.

>all of those faggoty turn-based JRPGs
Lmao oh yeah, I'm fucking envious.

Critic reviews or user reviews?

>Why exactly is this a good system again?


>earthquake simulator machine

For you maybe, call of duty is still alive, medal of honor was THE WWII shooter not so long ago, the games you mention are all dead

>Critic reviews or user reviews?
Your post needs context senpai.

would you rather another Sup Forums thread?

You're all a bunch of retarded fagchildren. Both PS1 and N64 defined what was literally the diamond age of gaming, with timeless masterpieces that are held with the highest regards to this date. I grew up with the N64, but emulated a bunch of PS1 while in middle and high school (as well as N64 games I didn't get to play or wanted to replay). Saying shit of either one of them shows that you are either:
1. underage
2. a company shill
3. owner of one of the world's shittiest tastes

It's beautiful.

Well, Medal of Honor had its first instalment on PS1. That was huge, regardless of whether you like it yourself. I also played a shitton of Rainbow Six, before I knew about the PC version.

But I did say "shooter" and not "FPS"- I was thinking of stuff like Dino Crisis and MGS. Also games less focused on shooting like Tomb Raider, and less popular (but good) military/spy adventures like In Cold Blood.

Not that user and I'm usually a Nintenbro but
>Platformer - Banjo-Kazooie
>Strategy - Ogre Battle 64
Final Fantasy Tactics
>Racing - F-Zero X
Wipeout, and it's not even close.

Nintenbabies are still mad after 20 years that their console got no games.

Well, do you pay more attention to user reviews or critic's when looking up metacritic scores?

>Isn't even good at doing 2D. Limited animation frames and framerate drops even in SNES-level games like Alundra

Technically it didn't have support for sprites. It was easier to make a flat polygon and put a texture on it. Which is what they did.

>For you maybe, call of duty is still alive, medal of honor was THE WWII shooter not so long ago, the games you mention are all dead
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? The fact a series has been raped to death means that it's better? Are you seriously this retarded?

Let me tell you something, your shitty WW2 campaign shooter is fucking garbage. Perfect Dark blows it out of the water in every single way imaginable. Does MoH or CoD have customizable characters? What about dozens of guns with secondary firing modes? What about customizable bots with personalities, fighting styles and even team colors? What about a shooting range? What about literally hundreds of unlockable weapons, maps, features, cheats and secrets? Can your friend play as the fucking enemy AI in the campaign mode? Can your piece of shit games do anything half as good as Perfect Dark?

No, they can't. Shut your whore mouth.

The original Medal of Honor and Underground are better than all that shit.

not him but
soul reaver
crash bandicoot
syphon filter
ridge racer 4

See Your opinion is shit and you are retarded.

N64 defined Nintendo going to shit and the killing of most of their classic 2d franchises.

PS1 and SNES are the 2 best consoles ever made with the best games library.

What the hell is perfect dark?

>soul reaver
No way. I love Soul Reaver but it's blatantly unfinished and unpolished, even next to Majora's Mask.

>soul reaver
Graphics suck and the gameplay is less advanced, varied and interesting in every single way.
>crash bandicoot
See above.
>syphon filter
Comparing shovelware to one of the most highly rated FPS games ever made. Fucking lmao...
>ridge racer 4
Awful. Just awful.

Here we have the tastes of a Sony pony folks.

>syphon filter
i'm a pcbro ackshully


not any of the guys you're arguing with but holy fuck you literally have no arguments
no gaems
no arguments
how can nintendo toddlers even compete??

At what age did you realize that the N64 is trash and PS1/Saturn is the superior choice?

Also see top 20 sales of N64 vs PS1 games.

Whats sad is knowing the majority of people who praise the ps1 shouldnt even be allowed to speak on it. Its just a bunch of dumb kids who grew up with the ps3 and ps4 who think "Oh its also a playstation it must have been good!"

Retards. Had no idea the quantity of shit that came out for it. How many of you were tricked into renting Independence Day? The god awful loading times. The jittery earthquaking textures.

A couple good games for it does not justify it as a decent console. It was utter shit.

Banjo literally does everything that Spyro does, but 10x better, with vastly larger environments, better graphics, better music and more interesting gameplay.
>Final Fantasy Tactics
FFT is good, but not better than OB64.
>Wipeout, and it's not even close.
Yeah... wipeout is also on N64 and it isn't better than F-Zero X.

There's just so much, user

>The god awful loading times. The jittery earthquaking textures.
At least it had games.

PS1 had quality and quantity
N64 had less quality and zero quantity outside of Nintendo and Rare,shit Nintendo had nearly no japanese support and that already says everything you need to know.

Jesus, who cares this much about proving which 20 year old console is superior? Both are fine and each have their own supply of excellent games.

>haha you have no argument because I disagree with you haha xD
>has no argument
Almost every single game I'm "arguing" against is literally shovelware, shit that literally got like 71/100 ratings. The fact that this is the best shit you faggots can even come up with is a testament to how utterly terrible the PS1 library is.

>rented awful games
>therefore console is shit
ok user but do keep in mind that the n64 would have had just as much shovelware if cartridges weren't so obscenely expensive

I'd take the worst PS1 game over the best PS3/PS4 game.

when I was 10 and I learned how to play pirated games on my PS1 and Saturn

>graphics suck
>le shovelware meme
>i don't like this game!
those aren't arguments you dumbfuck
what the hell is wrong with you

Meanwhile N64kids still argue that Mario Party and Goldeneye are the best games ever made because they only played 20 titles in their entire life.

Reminds me. Did anyone save those images from /vr/ that had a huge list of 2D Playstation games with the annotations of which games were which?

Even the worst PS3 game is better than Bubsy 3D.

Nintendo 64 had Superman 64. That should be enough to put the Playstation on the pole position.

As an ps1 kid, i always wanted a 64. It just had better games (i don't like jrpg's)

PS1 had the stronger and more varied library.

N64 had some GREAT games, but they were like 7 of them.

Saturn is the one who was the loser kid of the gen. It had a super weak library, and although the 2D technicalities were better, it often had fewer great 2D games. Often the 2D exclusive games were ugly slow paced JRPGS. The only ting it had goign for it was Sega first party games, Arcade ports (both 2D and 3D). If you want to play Virtua Fighter, Panzer Dragoon, Radiant Silvergun, Sega Rally Cross, then it's your system.

Meanwhile it's the only console with both software and hardware hacks just to remove the blurriness from games.

How can the Shovelware64 even compete?

Truly the GOAT age of JRPGs.

PS1 still got better third party support than N64 and way better RPGs, enough said.

For every 1 good game on N64 the PS1 had 10. This isn't even a debate.

>PS1 had quality and quantity
>lying on a Taiwanese picture board

For what purpose? Quantity yes. Quality.. um no.

It can't

For every 1 great game on N64 the PS1 had 9 good games and 1 great game.
That's how it really is.