What is wrong with kids nowadays? I'm a 26yo elder god on this cantonese silk threading forum...

What is wrong with kids nowadays? I'm a 26yo elder god on this cantonese silk threading forum, and I have a 16yo little bro that only plays those goddamn early access survival garbage games.

I don't get the fucking appeal of these games, taking aside how technically horrible they are (graphics, performance, bugs, etc.), they all havethe same uninspired shit game mechanics. It's like playing the first 10 levels of an mmo over and over again just to hit that plateau of boredom.

Is this an indication of a vidya industry collapse coming soon? There is so much shit churned out and consumed primarily(?) by fucking teenagers, especially by that fat fuck you faggot adore so much.

Look, I don't mind a zombie survival crafting meme game in itself, the idea is interesting. However, I do mind it when they sell it for like 20 shekels while it's still in alpha with broken mechanics and has shitty babbys-first-opengl-tutorial-tier graphics.

>20 shekels
Go kys you fucking nerd

Whites are the world's most degenerate race.

Also, bear in mind this slut-kids meme is present only in the Western or wannabe-western world. Traditional societies would never let that shit on the right happen.

I want to impregnate the three girls in OP's pic

Middle school girls back then still sucked dicks for alcohol, drugs and fun

>vidya industry collapse coming soon?
No. It's bigger than it's ever been an only going to grow. It just makes it harder to sift through the chaff to find games you'll like.

Threadly reminder that this has been going on for decades and you just didn't know about it because you were an ugly autist girls had no interest in.

this is a VIDEO GAME board you fucking idiots keep it vidya

>minds that games are in development

Nigger what? You figure in 26 years you'd be a little more mature to not care what other people enjoy, or at least understand that games have to be developed before they're actually fucking fun. Oh wait this is Sup Forums so you might as well be 15.

is this pasta

What did user mean by this?

>tfw a bunch of people fucked under the stairs of the under-construction basketball stadium when I was in middle school
>I never even kissed a girl in middle school while everyone else was fucking there

fucking milennial

>Isn't fucking middle schoolers
Shiggy diggy doo

>implying I didn't include 70s, 80s and 90s in my post

The 3 girls are 14 years old, user

Kids nowadays are accustomed to instant gratification and a hugbox environment, they don't understand the concept of working hard for something that pays off in the long run.

Example back then
>Game gets revealed
>People hype it up during development
>Years pass with little teasers here and there
>Game finally comes out
>Tastes so sweet because you waited so long

Example now
>Game gets revealed with a 3 month's time release date or just drops suddenly
>People swarm and impulse buy it to death
>Play the buggy, half-hearted game for 3 hours then move onto the next one

Releasing games in a shit barely playable state allows for more immediate profit since kids now don't want to wait for anything. They'd rather have a shit version of a game right now than a polished 10/10 version of a game in a few years time.

I don't want to impregnate them at this moment anoun

Old enough to experience the most important era in vidya. Anything b4 the nes is a meme

>Is this an indication of a vidya industry collapse coming soon?
Not collapse

Ah yes, the 'ol 'I suffered so everyone else has to too' mentality.

As above so below. The worst appears from the best and vice versa.

the reason why you can't understand young people is because you are fucking old, get over it.

waaaah why don't people like the shit i like? get over yourself.

Well said mate
I'll give you a noun. Dog

>The 3 girls are 14 years old, user
all the better

there have always been sluts.

just ask your mom

Ah, that's why all the school girl shit sells like made in Japan and that's why KPop consists of pubescent girls in miniskirts and short shorts. It's all the whores in the west's fault!

When you take away the possibility for real achievements from the youth, they'll find other ways to keep busy. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say your brother is not especially intelligent, in a school with a lot of female teachers, while you live in a country that has a lot of anti-white, anti-male sentiment and an increasingly degenerate culture.

Teen pregnancy was on the rise ten years ago. It's come down since. Girls were thots back in middle school. You weren't paying attention.

>this is a VIDEO GAME board you fucking idiots keep it vidya

How's that statement your kind has been pushing been working out for ya thus far? Sup Forums will always be about everything but videogames you neo Sup Forums faggot.

if you make these threads you are the most degenerate of all

Nah, birth control improved. You should call out any degeneracy in youth you see, let them know it's not acceptable.


Jesus christ when was middle school for you? Last year? Either that or youre a nigger.

>in a school with a lot of female teachers
This is true for most of society that has a state-wide school system for youths that isn't run by the local religious majority, user.
The only thing you have revealed is your butthurt.

kill yourself
if you cant name this character you are a fake gamer boy

Most girls back in the day wouldn't do abortion even in liberal areas but now it's something that's considered ok.

Ah, here come the feminized sons of single mothers to defend women and their stupidity. How boringly predictable.

>if you cant name a weeaboo character from a weeaboo meets disney franchise you're not a real gamer

>birth control improved
Improved how?
Not in availability, which is constantly being undermined via nonsensical abstinence only programs that are built to fail.
The products themselves have not gotten 30% more efficient in the last 10 years.

What about the degeneracy of posting on an anime porn website?

thot is a new term, but the type of girl it describes has always been around.

Yes they would, they would just do it illegally in alleyways.

if you hate women you are insane

And most kids don't use them. They just fool around. People are not having as much sex as they used to all around.


Eh, there's filters and I grew up here.

If you excuse everything women do, you're not treating them like humans.


>Yes they would, they would just do it illegally in alleyways.
No. I live in a liberal area where you don't have to drive three hours to go to an abortion clinic. Unless you were rich or had a reputation to uphold odds are you'd just have the baby while pretty much everyone now just gets an abortion.

>traps and feminine penisessss xDDDD
Go kill yourself homophile

Every kid nowdays want to be a chad because only chad have children.

>thot is a new term, but the type of girl it describes has always been around.

No shit faggot. My point is the only people that use it are high schoolers and niggers. Just say slut because what thot stands for is even gayer than you.

>hurp durp
Troll nonsense aside, kindly realize that it women have been the primary teacher faculty in schools for the last 200 years or so when there was a school system to be had, and women ran them because men figured they were more suited to do so.
This new ideal that it's somehow the school system that has been in place for generations is now at fault for a very recent (5 years) paradigm shift is actually as silly as can be. Generally, you start with the people themselves.

As though people just started to consciously avoid sex, fucking lol

Some people are having way, way more, some people stopped getting any. That's what causes a drop in the average.

if you hate women in general you are insane

>consume Marxist Jew media
>become a degenerate

That wasn't so hard now was it?

Being traditional and conservative is now the counter-culture.

Of course, my mother is a woman and so is my wife. Not treating them like human beings who can make decisions and judging them accordingly is the same as hating them. It's effectively saying they're dumb children who can do no wrong because they can't be responsible.

Under that logic they should not be allowed to vote, work or make financial decisions either.

did she put the dress on backwards or is it supposed to be that slutty and hideous?

Dont you people realize that video game industry is MUCH BIGGER. That is because they CATER TO MORE PEOPLE. Just because some games CATER TO RETARDS doesnt mean that the industry is dying. You can still find and play GOOD GAMES you just have to search a little.

>The 3 girls are 14 years old, user

They have a collective age of 42 which makes them fair game and the answer to all lifes questions.

In short, i want the bunny cunny