Videogames should have more Hispanics characters

Videogames should have more Hispanics characters

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Video games shouldn't reference real life, give me more space frogs

I disagree, I think even IRL should have less

t. beaner

>op actually means mexican mestizo mutts



Videogames should have more feet

Nobody likes Mexicans

That chick is hispanic? holy shit, she doesn't look hispanic at all

t. hispanic

Sombra art is cute.

I'm hispanic and I laughed at this

Actual spaniards are cancerous quarter-muslims too.

shes animu, not hispanic

t. asshole virgin

This is a Hispanic ninja

*tips sombrero*

... you have a point there

fuck off retard

I think they should have more Native Americans. Bonus points for not falling for the Noble Savage stereotype.

If they're not as ugly as Sombra, sure.

WTF is that food?

that isn't hispanic

This desu

She lives in Japan, though, so she made an omelette

Not exactly, but it's a game in space, made by frogs.

Everyone knows well have more Muslim characters before we get more Hispanics

>Sombra looks disgusting in-game
>She looks like wife material in fan-art


>"Bon apetito"

>not putting ketchup on your migas

then hispanics should make games rather than trafficking drugs and creating collapsed communist narco states. kill yourself faggot.

She's pretty cute

Suicide bomber game so I can praise Allah in the virtual world fucking when?

C&C Generals

Bitch shes half Spanish half Japanese, not hispanic. Even if you take hispanic to include spain, she's only half, and she's certainly not a latino like in OP's pic

Latina women are best women
Latina boys are also best traps

>Latina boys are also best traps
Post one (1) good looking latina trap

>Latina boys are also best traps
please provide evidence.

theres fifa


Trannies aren't traps, lad.

Then shut the fuck up and make a game with the characters you like.

Brazilians aren't Hispanic

Is there a version with sound

Sara Salazar

Japan does a good diversity though.

Damn how is it possible to look this good

be of latin american descent
also, black market plastic surgery

Pretty easy with hormones and taxpayer funded surgery, user

So you want some strung-out drugged addled Aboriginal looking abomination skelly?

Columbia spits out tons of them. They might not do much porn, but the cam"whore" a lot.

Latin women are the best, so yes.

That's what Mario -agonna do

but black women are the only diversity user



What I learned today is that Diversity=only black people


Next time give him a tougher one

Worth your vacation imo

It's all the same character with different color schemes.

Sure why not. Brown chicks are cute. This thread is consummate Sup Forums garbage though. Race baiting and gay shit.

>NHS makes you act as a trap and tell everyone in your city that you're now a girl before they even consider prescribing HRT, and after that surgery is private only
>all these Latinos can just get all the hormones and surgery they need easily
feels bad man

Japanese diversity= nondescript person of slightly darker skin tone, still drawn hot as fuck.

At least it's more of an equal stance than the U.S.A's approach

ever notice shitlibs and lefties in general always go to sex and dicks in every response to everything?



Post more fucking Sara

That's essentially what American "diversity" is. Just throw bloack people into everything

HIspanics should look more like that.

I'm Trump all the way, we both like to fuck tight boi buttholes

What a cute male

This. How does someone doping on estrogen get to have such a huge dick? I legitimately wouldn't fuck a shemale with a dick bigger than mine cause I'd just feel pathetic.

>Mexican character
>brown skinned

When will this meme end?


Don't forget gay and trans

My wife, etc.

>mfw people associate citizenship with race

That's ok since she'd be the one fucking you.


Afro-Mexicans need the representation they deserve!

lol cuckold lmao

I really don't get why you guys spend so much time fussing about skin colour.

Who knows but a lot of South American trannies such as in Columbia and other close areas regularly on the side of 8-9 inches and convincing too.
Who knows why they're hung like horses there.

This saraposter is kino

As long as they are cute like this one I really don't care what their skin tone is.


What are we supposed to bitch about? Religion?

>he doesnt have a near 8inch penis

7 and a half reporting in

Sadly that was my last gif of sara, mods are getting mad

Those are the ones camming bro, don't think that represents the majority

It's not really so much about skin color, it's more about the agenda they are pushing.

race isn't skin color, and race is certainly not skin deep. Also I don't know why people like you even care - you claim race doesn't exist, creating an elaborate paradox when you accuse others of being "racist" while you support black pride and movements like black lives matter

Well you've done a good job

gonna need a name here

Fuck off kid you're probably like 17. Protip: no one under 25 or so has a legitimate political identity, you're just trying to fit in.


What agenda? If I make a space game and I want a chinese chick and a brown dude on my ship then what agenda is that pushing?

I don't support shit like that because it's also putting more importance on race than it deserves. I judge people on shit they can control mostly, like being fat.

But that doesn't make sense, why would only the big dicked trannies cam in that part of the world when all sizes cam in the rest of the world?
If I remember correctly, some user posted and image of average dick sizes around the world and Columbia had one of the largest, don't know if the picture was legit but it seems that it might be true.

I do kind of wish there were more Mexican characters. They're fun as fuck.

I'm hispanic and couldn't give a single fuck.

name ONE (1) good Mexican character

>Umayyad Caliphate was forever ago
>Some spaniards having some arab ancestry = mudslimes

Because they don't look Brown

Fuck Josie doesn't even look remotely Filipino, in fact i don't think Japs know what Flips look like, Sucy looks 100% white

Sara salazar/Carolia Ramirez

Sergeant Cortez.