Wake up the watch news

>wake up the watch news
>get angry
>go to work and deal with retarded clients
>get angry
>ride bus home and forced to sit next to some faggot that cant afford a headphone
>get angry
>finally sit back and relax to browse on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Marina is sexy, Doomfist is pandering. Just don't play bad games like Overwatch.

Now, THAT'S progressive!

>not liking brown squids

Doomfist was always black, kys retard

What's wrong, whiteboy? Jealous you don't have the glorious BBC gene?


This is bait

>hating on shy octo-girl

Son, you might be gay

Maybe you'd be angry less often if you didn't get angry about shit like niggers existing

There's a board for people like you that get so easily triggered

>sperging out over black characters
If they're sexy I like them otherwise I don't care and only a horseshoe theory T_D fag cares.

>still playing nu-games

But.... it was not some last minute decision. Doomfist was speculated to be black for like ages. I hate SJW pandering too user, but that doesn't give you the right to be a blistering retard.

What is a nu-game

>Young women never sit besides me when riding the bus.
It's not fair!



>wake up
>be racist
>see black people
>be so poor and such a wageslave that I can't afford a personal vehicle
lmao I'd be angry too if I were a loser white cuckboi like u

>tfw unironically dropping Overwatch now

Only good thing about this trash game was the porn, now that's going to be ruined now anyway.

She's an octopus

I'd be less mad if Terry Crews was voicing Doomfist

Cultural enrichment and shit like that.

>Oh hey a new overwatch hero!
>a another black sjw

Whelp, still no reason to reinstall the game

At least I know my dad.

Hes a main villan now. I thought you would be happy to see a black as a villan and not the hero pander.

>this thread

>b-but he was always black

It's still pandering, especially when all DLC characters have been minorities.

>implying anyone will miss you
and nothing of value was lost

it's ok when japan makes niggers, user.

>all DLC characters have been minorities.
>Organization of heros from all around the world.

Every character in the game is a 'minority' except Mei.

>the entire world is America
>white people are the world majority
good bait, actually

Technically they've all been majorities because they come from nations where their demographics are primary.

>99.9999999% of the world is white

Really maex u fink

If you ever see a non-white person you might as well capture them they're so rare.

She's asian therefore minority, it's not a hard concept

Asians are the world majority though.

Theres always been speculation that Doomfist is black, who the hell cares? I'm more upset at the color scheme, it looks pretty shit imo.

This is a white's game though

So will Blizz ever introduce a new character that isnt a colored or a woman?

At least its going to be realistic.

They really fit the full african stereo type with him. They might as well have gave him a spear to throw.

>doesn't want to fuck both
Shit taste mate.

Sup Forums is an offshoot of Sup Forums we're allowed to talk about stuff like this here

He sure taught you strong values, look at you now complaining about fictional characters in a nintentoddler and a tumblr pandering game, while you are a grown ass man that needs to ride the bus and talks shit of teenagers like an elder that can only relax talking in this cesspool of a board.

The next character is white but dosent identify as a gender.

no, the orisa dev update video said they were going to continue "diversifying" the cast

>Character that has been teased for 8~ months was always confirmed to be black

>Character finally debuts, suddenly a flood of falseflag nu-Sup Forums threads filled with falseflagging faggots along with dozens of retards taking the bait until the thread reaches bump limit

>copying and pasting the same shit across threads
dude, we are all the same 20 people shitposting in every thread. just give it a rest

Femanon here: personally I don't think there's anything wrong with giving minorities a chance. They've been part of the gaming community for decades, so it's time devs fully embrace their audiences.

Remember when Sup Forums wasn't triggered by the sight of characters with dark skin?

oh no not diversity,

everyone else who was around then has moved on

>taking news seriously
>working a job where you're required to talk to people
>not living within biking distance of your job for a daily workout with purpose
>caring about vidya characters in games you don't and won't play

White here. I wouldn't care if all vidya characters were non-White for a few years.

Why does Hitler like accelerators?

ouroboros, faggot

The only thing I hate is that doomfist is this shirtless dude who's supposed to be a melee DPS in a game where most characters get 2 shot before they can even react. Even his gun only fires 2 feet in front of him. So what's he going to do but be a waste of space 9 times out of 10?

Hot damn, I thought it was illegal to own niggas like this.

He likes to step on the gas.

more space for good games is a pretty valuable gain ;^)

i mean i aint complaining if they add a jap girl

Stop being white

You are literally triggered because they aren't catering to your race lmao, you're a white-SJW

>his ult doesnt even take out the training bots

Why do you feel the need to express your gender for no apparent reason?

Why do you want dudes?

Black male here. Get fucked whitey.

>maybe if I post Sup Forums bait people will care about overwatch

Jap here. Get fucked whitey.

Loli here. I want a big brother so badly.

Black man here, you got a problem white boy?

How about you look at all the white little dick boys that are turning into women, becoming more feminine and getting off when they see a black man like me stretching their white girls little pink pussy.

You all talk about being strong, I see nothing but sissy white boys

Black male here. where the white traps at

trap here


Can you handle the BBC little white boy?

How does it feel to be a girl who has a bigger brother.


>no rebuttal
Good job.

Fuck off reddit.

>thinking I'm going to read all that stupid shit written by the white man to skew facts

Oh you poor little white boy, you're wrong , weak, and we're proving it every day.

Not through war like you white boys do
But through love

>"everything i dont agree with or that bugs me is from reddit"

end this sad hole filled meme already

This. It's 2017, people. Black is the new white.

makes it better bait

v is pretty left , just shitty poltards shitting up the board

No, people who talk like redditors are, such as people who unironically say "lul".

What's the difference between ironic "lul" and unironic "lul"

>be me
>wake up
>see black person
>day ruined

you are literally that guy those threads make fun of kys

oh my god shut the fuck up dude are you even a full grown adult to be worried about shit like this or talk like that? go get a life or a job or mature to the emotional age of an adult already. fuck i mean c'mon.....


>no upper cases
Yes, a redditor.

No difference, it's used exclusively by redditors.

I don't know if you're just memeing but I am a fucking girly little white boy and I am so into black dick it's not funny. Holy shit. The meme is more than a meme. And you're turning me on. Mostly 'cause of the whole "you're naturally made to be a fucktoy" talk.

ayo gurl spread dose lips

GOD, how could he not KNOW that. fucking noobs not taking the red pill, am I right?

you're a dipshit Ideologue and you have very little self awareness from years of shit posting anonymously. grow up weenie and stop talking like a teenage boy

Move to Atlanta. There are black guys there that love qt white boys. Trust me.

Why do you keep proving me right?

I miss funny racism. This shit is so obnoxious and embarrassing.

i fuckin love that city. good food, nice people, good music scene, adult swim is based out of there.

Doomfist is tribal black, which is probably most of the problem here. It's like they don't even want to display the american version of a black person for some damn reason. As if they're going to offend someone, when in reality, this is actually offensive to a black person

Im black. Fuck Blizzard

Magical Negro Scientist?

I can sense a black brethen behind that post. Why are you guys so good at banter? I wish more of you came to this board. There's too much beta estrogen around here.