My Octarian Goddess

My Octarian Goddess.

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am I contrarian for preferring the other girl?

oh look they inserted race into a game where the characters aren't even human. very progressive of them

japs dont give a fuck about being progressive

Pretty sure you are in the minority but to each their own

You could make a black skinned Inkling in Splatoon 1.

>those boobs
>that navel
>dem hips
>all those great sexycute animations
Literally perfection.

They already had brown you sonegger


yet people complained because there wasn't one shoehorned into the game that you HAD to encounter as part of the game

no thanks

You HAD to team up with one at some point during a match.

Oh look its twintelle all over again where Sup Forums horny weebs kids will spam her only for her to be forgotten in a week.

oh ok im just shitposting for the hell of it, i dont actually play nintendlard games

Watch her be DJ Octavio's daughter.

>no black facial features
>isn't even a human
>happens to have dark brown skin
>"This character is a sub-saharan African"

Good ol' Americans.

Can't wait for the doujins!

Meant granddaughter.

>West makes brown girl
>just pandering to a demographic that doesn't matter
>East makes brown girl
>Immediate erection upon discovery \
How do they do it?

That would be legit

What color are her nipples? I'm asking for a friend hahaha

2 more years of tentacles and tonguejobs boi

gtfo pedo

No, just a racist.

Fuck off, Bigshit.

>Sup Forums likes black girls

Are you guys black or are wiggers coming back in style?

That sister ain't no sister she a brown cumskin

You need a break.

Where did this song come from? I fucking love it.

By definition, you're only a contrarian if you prefer Pearl for the sake of preferring Pearl. If you genuinely just like her more, that's just your preference dude.

Delicious dark is not the same as black.

but olivia is black.


She constantly looks like this

No Olivia is SINGLE

See you in a few days, user. Thanks for the picture though.

Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

I like pearl because dominant Loli. This type of character is always fun to watch in anime, so yeah.
If you like Marina because her shy side appeals to your animalistic male instincts, than that's ok. If you prefer her because "black character in video games", than you are cancer and I will hate you.

Is there even love for Pearl?

>pink nipples

I'm black.


Same color as her fingertips

that's not even close to an octaroon

Tan is delicious brown. Olivia is borderline chocolate cake (emphasis on cake since she single lol)

Nice pandering.

No, on Japan polls Pearl is winning.

One's just crossing off a bullet-point on a list, the other just wants to make a character people will like.

>Is there love for racist

So like, she's an octarian right?

Why is she allowed into Squid society?

I want to know her story.

>same color as her fingertips

But user only true subhuman shitskins have brown nipples. This proves that Marina is not in fact a nigger and therefore a-okay to like.

I'm okay with this too.

I'm seeing people start to come out in support of her.

>the west is suprised when the Loli wins in Nippon



People like you are ruining everything.

Why is she black if her name is Peruvian?

African niggerette*

I wanna rub my dick on Pearl's forehead! Dekozuri!

You are why this board has gone to fucking shit.

It's OK when Japan does it

She will bark at you while fumbling with her hands if you do this.
Don't Bully the Loli

>I care about what people jack off to

Nice meme fuc. Boo

>octarians send the cutest girl they have to a squid producer and make her pose as someone escaping from them wishing to create a new life for herself
>become an idol and lead squids into following her actions as the octarians would have wanted

>some can't handle a non white character
>it's always pandering if they exist


ARMS discussion (and Twintelle's ass) was moved to /vg/.

I want to mate with an Octoling!

I'm mexican. I usually hate niggers but this one it's a cute nigger.

Pandering to my dick.


One is muh stronk femynine need no man
The other is a delicious loli

Delicious brown =/= nigger. Olivia is not black, Marina is not black, Twintelle is not black. Do you underage faggots even remember brownbooru?

That's like saying
>blue eyes


Yes, in Japan.

>octopus nigger

Very terrifying and maddening design.

black girls who take care of themselves are amazing

I love you Nika.

>Twintelle and Marina aren't black
Hello Fox News

the one you're calling stronk and independent is literally a shy qt 3.14 whose smile we have to protect at all costs

Would have been better as a gyaru desu

That nigga is going to get mad pussy coming up


that picture is very old, i think it's shopped too, but yeah that would probably make all the white girls cream themselves

Ice Cream or Cake ????

Only nippons, the west is all for Marina though

Marina isn't even a fucking human yet you're going to tell me she's African?

How's the Splatfest gonna work? Wil they release a demo of the game or what?

>Dark white skin

With her lack of the typical black facial features like wide nose and big lips, she might as well just be a tanned white girl like most japanese ''black'' girl designs.

>dark white skin
That's a new one

Her piercing seems too low to be a bellybutton piercing.

Ice cream for me, but it's pretty close. I'd almost commit to cake just for cheesecake, but I definitely like ice cream more.


Pearl literally is so into herself, she wears a crown. From what we have seen, she is is gung-ho, dominant , full of herself and wants to be the center of attention.
Imagine all the bullying you could do by petting her head

>the one you're calling stronk and independent
looks like you didn't read the post he's replying to, he's talking about western black girls.

she's from the local coast of Sierra Leone

>Black squids or squiggers as I call them have been around since the first game
I think I know the real reason
It's because she's an octarian isn't it

That's one of the most obvious shops I've seen in a while.

No, I'm telling you she is black in the sense of human skin colours, as this was the way the character customization was designed with. Or else we could be blue-skinned squids.