Yeah, I'm done. I can't take it anymore. I don't give a shit if I get called out for blogging or if I get banned. This has to be said: fuck you all. Shitposting has taken over. Decent threads fall to the wayside, while meme threads reach bump limit. I can't discuss any games anymore on this board without some false flagger coming in, just to start a console war or even just to start another internet battle he desperately hopes to win just so he can feel some sense of superiority in his meaningless life. It's gotten so bad on here that people will legitimately hate a game on the basis that another website enjoys it. Do you know how insane that sounds? They're not judging the game on its own merits, they're judging it on the fact that someone else likes it. Sure, people used to do that as a joke, but this place has become overrun with faggots that think those people were being serious. Don't get me started on the moderation (although, I'm sure this thread will be deleted real quick because they hate the truth). Threads on here are just genuinely negative, and I'm not sure how any of you people can even stick it. I can feel myself becoming more bitter towards video games just by browsing this board, and what am I browsing it for? Absolutely nothing. I come to Sup Forums for video games news, and it has just occurred to me to me that I don't need to come here anymore. I can easily get all my video games on anywhere on the internet, but without the need to wade through miles of shit just to try and find that one diamond in the rough of a thread. Browsing Sup Forums is so pointless to me, I'm not growing as a person and I'm not even enjoying my time on here anymore. The community has just become far too toxic, no wonder moot. So I'm leaving for good. I'm blocking this site after this post and I'm never turning it back on. Go ahead, tell me to go back to x website. Tell me any meme response you've created in this moment to try and convince yourself that what I'm saying isn't right.
I hate you all. I'm done
Other urls found in this thread:
migrated, that's what everyone else did.
tl;dr lmao
>no wonder moot
No wonder moot, what?
Dunno if pasta but you take this shit too seriously. It's mostly kids here that really have no clue what they are talking about and have zero life experience. I'm 34 and just lurk for the occasional good threads. Usually im.just enjoying my games that everyone here says sucks and my life with my qt younger gf.
Go back to your MOBA then, asinine normie.
moot decided to sell to get clean
>when you shitpost so hard you get redditors to abandon your site
>muh reddit
>muh sjw
>muh platform
>muh lewd posting
>muh politics
OP is right. Wake up
>he doesn't know how to make a discussion thread on Sup Forums properly
>he believes Sup Forums has gotten worse when it's basically always been the shittest board
>using the word "toxic" unironically
cya summerfag.
You'll be back, and when you are back, use the filter.
>he's 34
that's fucking sad lmao
Alright cya tomorrow
how does it feel to be literally dying?
Site got more popular. Maybe someone else will make an alternative
Well you're right but there's no where else to go and you'll just come back
My gfs 26 and I have my own home so I'll continue being "sad" in your eyes but super happy in reality. I'm also getting paid $27 an hour to play on Sup Forums right now.
Good and 21 felt like yesterday. Time flies my nig
ur still old lmao
relax, its just a prank bro
>my gf
hahahaha since when hugpillows became gfs lmao at your face amigo.
just b urself
>tfw the great emerald's power allows me to feel
lol rekt his ass
I agree with you user, but I'm bored during work hours so I keep coming back
Its just kind of funny, to see a legitimate issue being posted in a thread, and seeing responses like yours.
Perhaps the OP has a point.
> mfw he doesnt know what 8ch
lurk some more before posting stupid comments
Great blog
>using redditchan
Oh that dead pedo shithole which is run by Sup Forums? Sounds like a great place to discuss videogames
nigga this is redditchan lmao, wake the fuck up
>taking this place seriously ever
>not browsing late at night when the literal underages are asleep
All the cool threads happen after midnight when the mods are few
There have been more discussions of games on 8ch than Sup Forums has had in in the past 3 years.
I'm 33 in my own home with a 27 yo gf and I get paid the same as you to WFH, are you me from another timeline?
tl;dr fuck off reddit nigger
I've been on there. It's shit
>play good vidya
>can't wait to talk about it with Sup Forums
Don't expect meaning discussions on Sup Forums, nowadays I just come here the occasional chuckles.
>too seriously
Lord forbid someone takes their hobby seriously
>2am vidya threads
>comfy af
>having a cold beer and relaxing with bros
too true, man
If by discussion of games you mean discussions of how niggers and sjws are destroying videogames then I guess yeah
this is a redditboard maybe but not a redditchan.
Sup Forums has always been like this stop crying
>being this old and still not married
i'm glad i'll never be this much of a creep
>So I'm leaving for good
Why announce this, faggot?
Just leave.
Marriage is for suckers it just gives a woman more power to screw up your life and rarely lasts in this day and age
that's why you get a good woman, you're obviously not confident your girlfriend is the right choice which is why you haven't married her yet. Clown.
or just prenup, dumdums.
My point still stands.
Is that what you think you're doing?
no not at all, that's what I KNOW i'm doing.
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.
The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.
Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Drumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.
fuck you
i was about to post this
Self moderation wins yet again.
Oh it's a copypasta? I almost gave it a serious reply, wew!
>Just fucking nuke this site already.
You could just leave, you know. No one is making you stay.
If you actually need to waste money on a shitty piece of paper to prove she's the right choice, you haven't had much confidence to begin with. a faithful relationship is much stronger than anybody wasting money on a diamond.
>mfw late night comfy threads
It's good stuff. North America prime time is bad.
Coming to Sup Forums for videogames was the first mistake. Its really just a festering shitpost center from every other board since videogames are the most common pastime for the "Younger" Generations.
Gotta live with it I guess.
Go to vg faggot if you wanna discuss and stop complaining this board is for fun
Whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to justify your faggotry is fine by me, you're only hurting yourself.
>Lose Marriage
>Kid is gone, half of your income is gone, the court cucks you
>Lose relationship
>She just left
Wow, I'm sooo hurt.
This place has had an 'eternal september' of sorts at different periods. It explains why almost every thread during the day reads like a retarded youtube comment section. It's filled with youngfags that probably gorge themselves on social media and memes. Genuine discussion is difficult since irony and cynicism is big.
There are still good threads though OP. Just hop on later in the evening. Learn to laugh at the dumb faggots that think their posts are clever or funny.
Like I said, you doubt your woman was the right choice, you're just making excuses for your lack of confidence in her being marriage material.
no, you are just making this board worse.
Not him and not true
But I don't, imbecile. It's more like the woman who doubted me because she wants to buy into the scam that is marriage instead of simply staying with me. She wants to marry the materialism not the person.
i know this is ironic copypasta, but there is a big fat kernel of truth in there.
between gamergate and the election, this website has become a literal hellhole.
So you're in a relationship with someone who is only interested in material gain when it comes to marriage? sounds like you made the right choice.
sure. whatever you wanna tell yourself.
Sounds like the history of civilization
no it doesn't, just how deluded are you?
Not only is she a whale, but she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing either
literally every good thread will quickly be derailed by genuine Sup Forumsbabbies and roleplayers.
it's not funny, it's really just annoying.
>fat as fuck
I've witnessed too many friends, most of which are genuinely good people that found the 'right' woman get fucked my exes and divorce. That shit is nasty and can turn people into vile monsters once they get dollar signs in their eyes.
Everyone seeks to gain something in one form or another
We'd all be single for life otherwise
also extinct or like japan
>right woman
>gets fucked over
Good luck with your life OP. Thanks for the fresh pasta on your way out.
I hear you, man. I'm ready to leave these jackasses in the ruin they've made as soon as I find the right alternative.
Well this sub has always been shit with people who unironically like meme games like Dark Souls and Overwatch. The only saving grace is watching Let's Plays and SGDQ. The transphobia is a bit irritating but it's slowly disappearing and the sub is becoming less toxic as a whole. I'm all for Gamegrumps marathons but I would like a nice chat with people like me as well so I always come to V for that.
K, bye.
>he believes summer is real
Low test beta cucks found
>thinking that literally every single woman on the planet is out to get them
very deluded indeed
>wiping around the disk
Dumb thot.
if you are interested in legit discussion and useful info - do not take this as me telling you off - go to reddit. zero irony here.
Enjoy the lantern oil and scratched copy of COD Ghosts I guess?
Is this how it feels to get red pilled
reddit is worse than Sup Forums, it's a bunch of faggots that jerk eachother off with upvotes and if you write anything slightly controversial you just get downvoted until your comment is hidden instead of users actively arguing your point
Sometimes things don't work out. One friend had his marriage just slowly fall apart after many great early years, got divorced and when a kid is involved it can get ugly.
You don't seem to have reading comprehension, it's okay.
Here's your last (you)
>i can't argue with that but i still win haha bye!
typical redditor
By finding news in other places, you mean reddit, right? Also, thanks for shitting up Sup Forums with another meme thread. Saged
fuck off xivfag
dude, if you wanna talk about video games and go to reddit, you will be able to talk about and read about video games. you can't do this on Sup Forums. you can easily filter this site too, but you will find that you have hardly anything left once you have hidden all the shit.
are you telling me the season of summer doesn't actually exist!?