I'm starting to dislike her face less
I'm starting to dislike her face less
that beauty mark needs to go
otherwise she's perfect
She looks like a fivehead baby
I'm disliking it even more.
Me too honestly.
She's starting to look cute.
Knew she looked familiar
I like the bratty bitch look. But I totally see why some don't
I think Marina is just considerably more palatable while also being pretty damn cute.
Not that either is as good as Marie obviously.
>thirsty Sup Forumsirgin is lowering his standards
I get the design. Japanese will love the large-forehead/small eyebrow-combo.
But fuck that, give me big hip, big tit pierced-bellybutton brown chocolate octopussy.
It looks better in motion imo. I don't know why everyone hates her honestly.
Literally Callie and Marie 2.0 down to the point where Marina is better
Zef so fresh.
sure you guys arent just inkling supremacists?
It's mostly the bucktooth for me.
I mean, it's not like I hate it either, I like the shitkid appeal of it.
I just don't like it in the same way I like Marine.
Marie - 10/10
Marina - 9/10
Callie - 7/10
Pearl - 2/10
the forehead and crown reminds me of Devilotte.
OK, proud of you son
>Marina already getting art
>Japan doesn't like Pearl
can't wait for porn
Bitch look like a gotdam mouse
>that hairline
Marie has a very classy look and feel to her, like a 1940's movie actress. Callie appeals to people who like genki types. Marina seems very exotic and like she might be a bit naive but in a cute way. Pearl seems like precocious little girl, more of a daughteru than a waifu
That looks fucking gross.
Gollum, Gollum!
Yep, that's exactly who she reminded me of
No one will be
So what's splatfest gonna be like if everyone pick team marina?
Devilotte is perfect loli design.
People bullied Marie at first for the same exact reasons and she ended up being best girl.
The problem isn't her forehead
The problem is that she's ugly
Here's forehead done right
whoever designs for splatoon thinks they're on some new wave shit
and god damn do I hate most their designs
Pearl would probably be fine if she wasn't frowning all the time. She looks ok in the 2D style at least because of this.
apparently japan likes pearl more by like 10%
but hardly anyone in the west likes pearl
For once the 11s have good taste.
Nope, she looks like a fucking baby, she is absolutely disgusting
We can't all be blessed :^)
she looks like Chucky
That art looks alright but nothing can change the fact that the in game model looks like Chucky.
i am a sucker for underdogs
Why does that face turn me on so much?
the fuck is wrong with her mouth?
some people are more likely to inherit shit taste
You're a toddlercon.
>apparently japan likes pearl more by like 10%
of course they would like a girl who looks like retarded babby more
Holy fuck, I now just noticed why I absolutely cant look at her fucking face. Her teeth aren't even showing up as white, they straight up look DARKER than her skin. Her teeth look like fucking BABY GUMS
Doesn't help that she has the forehead from Boss Baby
Holy fuck she's HIDEOUS!
Marie isn't even close to this bad
>some new wave shit
>new wave shit
>new wave
Ugly a.f
Still a better squid than Marina.
Because she's Huwite
I like her aggressive rapping.
It's off the hook.
She seems like an angry brat, but I get the feeling the the Off the Hook backstory will have something to do with her being the only person who initially stood up for Marina when she first showed in in Squid Country, and has acted like an overprotective sister ever since.
Maybe her personality will save her.
give her bangs you fucking apes
Are they gonna be bullies?
Getting exactly these vibes
>We hates the Bagginses
You're a boss kid now
It seems like Octarians might also hang out in rougher more run down parts of Inkopolis. Pearl kind of looks like she could have been one of those ghetto white girls
cover eyes completely please
shut up retard
are you having a stroke?
Would've made her infinitely better.
the vibe I get is Pearl is a little girl who has been conditioned for stardom (pageants, etc), She's big and acts like a big shit. Meanwhile Marina is probably not used to her popularity and can be awkward with her stage persona but draws just as much attention.
Is what I'm suspecting anyways.
Pearl is clearly the superior character, people are just too pleb to appreciate the big forehead rich loli trope.
>In both cases the brown one is better
Anyway, Marina seems a little too innocent to be a bully. Pearl is clearly meant to be the aggressive one who keeps Marina from going into strangers cars
She looks like almost every Rie Kugimiya character she ever voiced.
Marina may be a nigger, but pearl's face is so punchable. God, I hate these two. I hope I end up liking them with time, because fuck me, I love splatoon.
I like both
Fight me, faggots
cant stand the "muh swag much very,im so"
people gonna pick her because "hurr im so different" meme
Small, round eyebrows annoy me incredibly.
Yeah, I don't believe this one bit.
Not even Japshits are THAT racist, to the point they prefer gutter gollum trash over a brown skin.
Boyo then you know fuck all about Japanese Racism
if she fucking had teeth I would honest to god like her more that Marina
It's only a matter of time before more people come around to her.
Marina absolutely wins the appearance competition, especially with those really nice hair physics, but I'm positive that I will like Pearl's personality more. Reminds me of that singer girl from Medaka Box.
Come to think of it, someone try giving Pearl shark teeth.
I think she's cute
Medaka box a best, and she already has sharp teeth dumbass
Absolute trash
Shark teeth, not sharp teeth, like Saki and Rance. Pearl only has two pointy teeth.
Fetal alcohol syndrome the character
of course there'll be faggots that pander it because it's against popular opinion.
it doesn't matter if they like the design or not, baiting replies is all that matters to them, and you.
>we want the nignog audience
reminder that a minute in paint can fix everything
>Rappers instead of pop idols
The real choice is obvious
How long until they patch the game to give her a normal forehead instead of a 5head?
>Getting rid of her beautiful 5head and bushy eyebrows
You, sir, have shit taste.
Feel old yet?
Let's be real. You fell for the Marina hype train like everyone else did before you realized how shit she is.
she looks like tommy from rugrats bitch is ugly
I feel like she would look less weird if her eyebrows/eyes would actually move a little to be less scowly 100% of the time. Need some emotion going on other than pissed
she looks like this kid