I'm so fucking sick of White people being underrepresented in video games in favor of multicultural trash

I'm so fucking sick of White people being underrepresented in video games in favor of multicultural trash.

Are there any recent video games that cater to me, a White man?

Other urls found in this thread:


Witcher 3 cause eastern europe is based


Generally, Japanese games don't do any of the "progressive/multicultural" schlock. So basically anything Japanese. They are honorary Aryans, after all.

>DUDE fucking SHITSKINS, why dont they just make their own games instead of demanding to be pandered to in games other people make LMAO

>DUDE fucking DEVS, why dont they pander to me that way I don't have to make my own game that features everyone I like and people I dont like LMAO

really manages my memory

Witcher 3 sucks though.

So does op though

Technically shitskins aren't making their own games all the programmers are white or asian most likely


>making games
fucking JEJ
literally ZERO(0) black programmers

Still not an argument, virgins.

Why don't you just code your own video games?

because i don't give a shit about videogames you autistic virgin

Nobody wants to play as some microdick cracker lmao

based third-world hellhole

i don't buy or play any games with multikulti influence, and especially don't play any games made by crypto-commies or people who say they are commies.

Skipped several "AAA" games recently, have no issue with it. One game that I know I'll be giving a strong pass to is the new Wolfenstein. The swedish devs are a commie creepshow, I have better shit to do.

Whites have larger dicks on average

>because i don't give a shit about videogames you autistic virgin
So then why are you posting in this thread and replying to my posts, you pussy-starved projecting virgintrain?

>this board
back to r*ddit newtrash eternal virgin

>he still thinks "reddit" is wordfiltered
Stupid virginal lowercaseposter. Also, not an argument. I win again!

blacks/shitskins can't program for shit familia, IQ too low
stay assblasted turbovirgin

So then why can't you rage-filled virginposters just code your own video games? Sounds like I win again, virginpants!

kys yourself filtered

>being so much of a loser that you seriously suggest someone to waste their time programming videogames
LMAOING IRL @ UR LIFE jesus man step outside for once in a while virginlord

This thread is so horrible that I'm convinced that it's a bunch of falseflaggers falseflagging eachothers.

we do

this discussion is clearly about corporate culture in the west, these giant shit-tier companies like EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard et al that always acquiesce to socjus activism. Corporate giants valued in the billions basically destroying everything related to gaming, that Sup Forums loves to bitch about on a regular basis (DLC, microtransactions, streamlining et al) but is unwilling to accept corporate culture and it's dumb globalist, progressive memes being a shit thing as well

videogames had nignoggins long before it became a thing.