Why do millennials prefer story games over action games?
Just curious.
Why do millennials prefer story games over action games?
Just curious.
Text games are older than you are.
Depends on the story, depends on the action.
Personally, I would rather play a game with an entertaining story then some braindead waifu buttonmasher.
Because TV sucks and all the good story comes from games now.
Well, i dont
A good mix of both is nice though
I like a mix of both, having the best of both worlds are great for a video game and it's why I like TTYD.
I play almost only strategy and 4x games, which have close to no story since you're making shit up as you go. So gameplay I guess.
a mix is best but most late 90's / early 2000's story games were better than action games of their time, and action games without any underlying story usually lack charm
babbies have shit taste, why do you think walking simulators and quick time games are the hottest shit, these kids dont even like to redo a level if they die
>these kids dont even like to redo a level if they die
Then why are roguelike games so popular right now?
i dont know how pic is related so im going to talk about how good that game is.
TTYD's story and gameplay are both very enjoyable. the gameplay because its smooth, has a high skill ceiling, requires player ability, allows for customization and choice, requires strategic thinking and skillful button input, and looks impressive to onlookers. the story is good because it has likeable characters in a world you enjoy being in and want to know more about. its overarching plot is competently paced as well.
all in all, i dont know why you posted that image, as its gameplay and story are both 10/10 and mesh well together.
thats for the hardcore autistic crowd the majority of the gaming market is for normie casuals. Why aren't the best genres with highest skill ceiling like shmups still the most popular
isn't it the other way around you goatfucker
call of duty and other fps games are the most played video games for years and they have as good as 0% story
what's a millenial, again? 1977~1995 birth date?
anyways, I like both, as long as they do what they're trying to do well
People still like a challenge in their games. DS is a good example. Not because it's the hardest game series ever (never played it myself), but because its popularity shows, that people still get statisfaction from overcoming a difficult task.
I was just shitposting I think the market is big enough that any type of game can get made and be successful in all honesty. A lot more girl gamers now a day so thats why shitty walking simulators are popular.
This, roguelikes are still very niche.
How old are you OP?
Are you too stupid to realize you are most likely a millennial?
I am an early millenial and I think story games are stupid and bad.
Anyone who isn't a millennial and still browses Sup Forums should probably kys themselves.
OP's probably too young to remember the Adventure game heyday.