Every healslut's dream

Every healslut's dream

how are you enjoying the PTR, Sup Forums?

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It would suck to play on console right now.
But just imagine Zarya ult + Doomfist ult combo.

Since doomfist is a talon leader I think he will capture mercy and BLACKED her. Also since he is a talon leader Widowmaker is already BLACKED. The question is when will there be a high quality detailed asshole of Widowmaker and then she gets BLACKED afterwards?

I doubt it does that much damage if it also knocks down. I could be wrong though.

zarya ult works with literally any other ult idiot

SFM or blender of him BLACKED Mercy and Widowmaker when

you're on the wrong website friend, you must have mistaken this for reddit

probably some out already

witebois fear tha big black fist

>no more disgusting dreadlock havin manlet lucio in my sfm porn

>reaper is now a cuck

>posts in an over watch thread
>a shitposting thread ontop of that
>le reddit

lmao where do you think you are?

Jeff put him in the game as a strong big black giant just to fulfill this fantasy, prove me wrong.

He actually doesnt feel strong at all imo

I thought Gaia was dead.

That's because you are bad my man, he's absurdly overpowered.

I want to FUCK that pig-tailed girl!

I think you're forgetting its a PTR



As a combo,it works pretty well.

Can't wait to see Mercy getting fucked by this nigerian lord

>heal sluts

>tfw no 3d girl will ever tease you and drive you crazy as much as superior based fem Ranma

I guess it's time to order the helium tank boys.


keked out loud holy fuck is this meme dumb

>tfw I am a healslut and I am only into white dudes

>All the sfm of Doomfist fucking Mercy and D.va

>SFM porn of him is being made RIGHT NOW
>it will be used to shitpost
Sup Forums is no longer interesting when you already know all the moves that will be played.

>Doomfist on Mercy
>Not the superior Doomfist on Orisa

Lucio getting cucked by the superior bull

So this is the power...of the Overwatch fanbase...
It's quite something...

Cant wait desu

I love how black guys having sex is just a joke now lol, every time i see a black guy fucking i just cant help but laugh and close the window.

Im sure we will see doom fist sfm porn but it will just be a meta joke haha


>straight people
like clockwork

>9.26gb remaining
you tell me

We'll have to deal with BLACKED shitposting, and the inevitable Sup Forums spergout in Sup Forums Overwatch threads for the next month
I can't

kill yourselves

someone call the whaambulance

pot kettle black

>sailor moon