All heroes made after release have brown skin tone to varying extent. Except for Orisa...

All heroes made after release have brown skin tone to varying extent. Except for Orisa, still made by a little negroid girl.

What does this tell you about Jeff Kaplan?

Other urls found in this thread:

That he isn't a white supremacist?
Does he even have any white countries left to cover?


That there are a lot of brown races and only 4 new characters so far?

fuck doomfist


france, northern countrys, i dont remember anything about canada, denmark, belgium, austria, poland
what is left from africa?

We need a Spaniard matador hero.

>Punching character
>Does more damage at medium and long range than shotgun character
>Still has way more versatile abilities when up close, including an actual punch that out DPS's the shotgun character

Overwatch balance is a mess.

Widowmaker is French.
Torbjorn is Swedish.
There are two heroes from Germany, which is right in the middle of four of those places.
And Pharah is half Canadian.

Always was and always will be. Just how Jeff likes it.

She might not be white, but she's still from France, user.


>Every country in Europe
>when we already have like 7 European characters

>what is left from africa?
Everything but Egypt and Nigeria?

What would his moveset be?

jeff didn't look or sound enthusiastic in the latest developer update video like he usually does

his jewish masters probably forced him to put a bbc mandingo in the game

Oh shit. Zorro should be in this.

so the new nigger is better than the old nigger? who gives a fuck, its overwatch, not a serious game in which balance matters

There could be more slav or baltic characters.

why should I care?

t. Canadian

Next white hero will be fat woman. Welcome to 2017.

>What does this tell you about Jeff Kaplan?
that hes a kike who literally said he is forcing "diversity" into the game himself out of his own mouth?

Only of they add a tracksuit skin and only of he attacks by throwing empty liquor bottles

Overwatch's cast is supposed to be global, right? Like, from all around the world.

So of course the majority of the cast is going to have darker skin. The majority of the earth's population has darker skin.

Majority of earth's population is asian.

if it makes you feel any better all the new diversity characters except ana are the least popular

why is this suddenly a 'revelation' you are having op? i knew overwatch players were retards but this takes the cake

This, I don't think it's pandering if the point of it is to have people from each country.


Are you saying asians are white? Because that's retarded.

Do you guys complain about the lack of white characters in fighting games? No, because that's a dumb thing to complain about.

You know what's rife with white characters? Literally every other game.

so you are telling me that 4 characters with brown skin out of 20 is pushing an agenda?

And there are 5 asians in the game


Asian people is not european white, but they dont have "darker skin".


It's 4/4 op already did the math for you and you still fucked it up


All overwatch porn is going to get BLACKED

at least it's a villain now

>Sup Forums keeps bashing Overwatch
>can't stop talking about it

Makes you think doesn't it?

that argument doesn't really work when there is 3 mexicans in the game

This fallacy is known as a non sequitor

The discussion is about one specific game made by one specific developer

I assume he likes fisting.
Doomfist fisting Roadhog when?

It's almost like Sup Forums loves to bash games

why not? they're adding like 4 heroes a year, do the nationalities need to be spaced out evenly before?


>a punch that out DPS's the shotgun character

You what?

Doomfist's punch, with a 4 second cooldown, has a charge time until it's able to one-shot a 250 character IF they hit a wall after initial impact.

Reaper's shotguns fire 20 pellets a shot, each one can do up to 7 damage, and he shoots twice a second. And they can headshot.

In what universe does the punch out DPS the shotguns?

And 5 with dark skin, if you dont count sombra and orisa.
Your point?
What we need in game is more omnics, but not niggers for sure. They have so much freedome and they give us this. Disgusting.

Looks like open toe boot things to me

>those SJW ruining our games, why don't they make their own games if they want to add niggers in everything
>they do it
>wow why can't they stop adding niggers?

Stop crying and complaining, don't become what you hate, just stop playing the game.

>Asian people is not european white, but they dont have "darker skin".

lmao is this a joke? a big majority of asian people have darker skin

Yea, why the fuck consumers complain about product, what a bunch of crybabys.

how about you stop consuming products you don't like?

The product works, it's functional, you just don't like the political agenda from the creators, the product is fine. Why are you guys even complaining anyway? More niggers to shoot in game, if anything you should be happy.

>Sup Forums
>playing fighting games
We only play MOBAs and FPS around here son.

big majority - indian people?
Mei, Dva, Hanzo/Genji dont have darker skin
Can you consider Symmetra asian?

Can't believe there would be people that aren't white in Overwatch.

I did like it, but then they add like 3-4 niggers in a row. When last time we had white guy? Sombra, Ana, Orisa, Doomfist.

I, as consumer, can complain about anything that i dislike in product.
And if you think about it from that perspective, then i guess you right. Nigger escaping jail, great job Blizzard.


Sup Forumstards

both the same cancer

Why isn't his basic attack punch? Why does he shoot gay lasers from his knuckles? Where is Terry? WHERE IS TERRY?!

>Exaggerates the number 2
>And that would be if you're including a fucking robot as a black person


Orisa is a robot, it's not her fault the one that rebuilt her was a nigglet.

I don't care that he's black. I expected that.

But that design is disgusting. Literally just a black guy who's just wearing shorts. But they added some generic robot parts to him and some generic African paint. It's like they didn't even try.

He's not even an American type black person and the game doesnt even have one yet. The game is full of waifus and launched with an OP cowboy and OP clint eastwood so what are you complaining about?

Damn, I didnt know Nigeria's pop. was so high

>Torb main
>Play PTR
>Instalock Torb
>Watch my Turret cuck him every time he tries to dive with the autistic rocket fist.
>"Fuck you Torb i'm trying to play the new hero".

at least they made the first black man in the game be a criminal with jailtime

>Can you consider Symmetra asian
This is a new level of retardation

that they want white people to become a minority in every single country on this planet and eventually die out

>pick junkrat
>just throw bear traps around
>laugh hysterically at all these free kills from doomshits blindly charging in

It's fucking great.

tells me youre an insecure little white bitch


It tells me Sup Forums needs to go back to their own board instead of shitposting everywhere else.


>bitches and screams instead of refuting

Wow, just like SJWs!

That Sup Forums clearly cares more about cuckolding that Sup Forums

>Only white people have pale skins
How about some asian characters
I mean Doomfist is even a martial artist


that he has his priorities straight because he released all of the important white characters in the base game, and only then got around to the sloppy shitskin seconds

Roadhog is for Trashmouse only.

Someone post that image of the nu-male caricature wearing a mask and saying "I don't defend SJWs but etc." because this is what that user is doing

imagine being so pathetic that you give a shit about the skin color of new characters in a game you don't even play
alternatively, imagine being so pathetic that the skin color of new characters ruins a game you play for you

they're literally the same kind of people born in different races or genders

Imagine getting your panties in such a twist over a simple question