Healers are the most valuable class. They literally save your lives. Why aren't you more grateful to them?
Healers are the most valuable class. They literally save your lives. Why aren't you more grateful to them?
They are just doing their job. Are you also grateful to the damage dealers for dealing damage?
You don't get special treatment for doing your job. You're no more deserving of special treatment than a tank or DPS who also does their job appropriately. I'm grateful for good players, regardless of their role.
And you're an awful person for playing healer just for compliments.
Put on some underwear and maybe people will respect you.
Fun fact: A tank can solo any normal difficulty WoW dungeon.
I want to give them easy access...
Must be a thing with you. When I played healer in FFXIV I had a female character and nobody ever asked me if I'm a girl because I didn't type stupid shit, didn't use any emoticons, did damage when I had down time and sometimes pulled more trash to the tank if I knew I could heal it.
>you're an awful person for playing healer just for compliments
B-but where else can I boost my self-esteem?
>DPS and tanks require more skill than healers, actually carry the match, and don't beg on their knees to be thanked for every little thing they do.
>Healers take the least skill of any role in ANY game they're in and they ALWAYS beg for thanks and cry if they don't get thanked, despite their role being the easiest one and requiring no skill whatsoever.
stop using aqua for blatant shitposting
>girl (female) healers don't date me IRL
>expect me to be grateful to them
fuck off faggot
It's only fitting
pretty much, healing just requires keeping your attention on a bar. If I could swap into heal spec on Rift (RIPIP) and fill in then anybody can.
>can't do shit to carry the team
>always the first to die
>either are extremely ineffective at healing or are a pocket to someone during the entire match
>expect you to thank them.
Why would you put female in parentheses lol. I think we all know girls are female!
You know why, motherfucker.
Do people thank their dentist if he gives them a new filling? No, so why should people who only heal fictional wounds?
I'm going to compliment a healer only when they exceed my expectations.
But I do.
I also say thank you when the waiter serves my food, or when the cashier gives me my purchases.
It's called basic human decency.
Healers are just attention whores deep down
Shut the fuck up, Aqua.
Skin deep, maybe. It's practically their entire persona.
>intelligence below average
>play armored healer
>never die
>none of my charges die
>don't say a word, just do my damn job and hold the line
If you don't play like this you're not doing it right.
fuck off aqua go do a party trick ugly
Black man here, you little sissies need to shut the fuck up and start healing before I slap yo whiteboy bitch ass.
>literally keeps the team alive
>can't carry the team
A good healer can turn a shit team into a great one. DPS wouldn't do as much damage when they can't stay alive, and tanks can only take so much before they need us.
Also, unlike the other classes, playing healer isn't fun. We do it purely for the gratitude of others, so if you don't show it, then you shouldn't expect to be healed.
With that kind of attitude you're probably an awful healer anyway.
But if you fuck it as a healer your team is done for
aqua is dumb and retarded
Just suck the tank's dick and stfu. No one cares about your opinions slut
>A good healer can turn a shit team into a great one.
>playing healer isn't fun
U wat m8? As long as you aren't one of those faggoty priest/cleric healers who literally ride god's dick all day every day healing can actually feel very rewarding.
>the only good thing Aqua has ever done is inadvertently ensure the existence of best girl
Is this the part where you suck my dick?
>tfw Medic in killing floor games
unkillable and essential