Was this intentional?

was this intentional?

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope so.



Who would pick pearl?

I don't get it. the bitch on the left is cute whats the problem people have with her?

Marina does not mean harbor at all

My wife on the left.

>greentexting on twitter

a specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure craft and small boats.

fuck off, nip


That is LITERALLY Woolie

a marina is much smaller than a harbor, they are not synonymous, they are different words

She looks terrible in-game.

Or you know, marine pearl.

I need to stop, my brain is working too much it hurts

This is what you get for play casual Japanese kid games instead of superior Western shootan.

i'm italian

marina does not fucking mean harbor.

"porto" is harbor

marina means "something of the sea" or it's used for the navy

>She looks terrible in-game.


Considering both of pic related's names,

they both do

It would be both tasteless and fucking hilarious.


they probably just don't like her forehead or eyebrows or some shit. Pearl > Callie

>be italian
>think you matter

How did that happen

>haha le filthy franku haha
Leave now

characters based on sea animals are named after nautical terms...woah...

You don't matter Vito.

you're retarded

I mean, the names in japanese are different, so this falls squarely on NOA's shoulders since they localized it this way.

NOA confirmed racist against japanese people.

Their slant eyed Emperor will regret this insult.

How about closing those portos, and not letting all these niggers land on your shores? Would be much appreciated. Best regards,

user from Germany

she looks okay but okay is unacceptable compared to marina

>Pearl Harbor

Shit like this is the reason I refuse to play garbage like Splatoon.

>but okay is unacceptable compared to marina


The brown cumslut is gorgeous, while pearl is not even fuckable, hell i would not even hug that thing

People who don't want to pick the squigger

This doesn't omit the fact that it's basically Pearl Harbor and Japs are going to bomb you again for Fat Guy and Little Boy, you damn americans! Banzai!

SU fags

nah I'm pretty sure this had no impact on your decision to not play Splatoon

>i'm italian


bibbidi bobbidi?

>fire prevention headquarters

top tier 1940's banter

you germans cuck are the only reason we started taking them in wtf

are you retarded?

I'm Portuguese, a marina is indeed a type of harbor for small recreation boats.

Marina means small boat harbor in ENGLISH you moron.

pearls are white and beautiful

marinas are brown mucky waters

who is who anyways? they should switch hairstyles tho

Nintenbros on damage control

Guys, calm down. There's enough black cock for everyone's wife. Don't worry about it

same in spanish. italanon btfo


you probably think that "bravo" or "macchiato" are english words right?

I like her in the drawn depictions.
That in game model though, Jesus.

>mfw ryu for sfv was announced the day of pearl harbor incident, and rashid at 9/11

It doesn't mean that in spanish you stupid anglo dominated spic.

>the wop thinks he has any authority on the matter

>naming them after the event that causes your country to literally get blown the fuck out

>why would anyone choose the left?

marie vs callie was at least close. this is not close. the left is fucking hideous. and the right is cute.

They already bombed us

they've severely crippled reproduction rates with anime

then i should deport my uncle for being a faggot

What did Nintendo mean by this?

In seriousness, though, the jap names are nothing like this and I'm wondering if someone at NoA gets fired if this gets too public

Marina and harbour are not synonyms

What are the JP names?

they're named differently in Japan
Hime and Lida

Iida and Hime

>I can't rule my own country please someone help we need a european union again

fucking pathetic, stand on your own two legs or die

They are English words in that we have adapted them to mean something in our language you absolute dipshit. That's how language works. Look up the word Salsa in an English dictionary. Its there because we have taken it to use to describe a dance and a spicy tomato sauce you retarded cuck.

a marina is literally a kind of harbour


I'm Italian as well. A marina is a tourist port in our language too, you retard.

Fucking sneaky Japs

If I pulled this off would she die?

Fucking retarded weeb. Let me try to help your anime riddled brain understand. Hambaga is a Japanese word taken from the German language but that doesn't mean its not a Japanese word.


>"Greetings from Germany! Everyone I love is dead and soon I'll be too. Just had to donate to my favorite game and kill the mood! #savetheanimals"

See that? That's you. That's how dumb you sound.

But isn't marina an octoling?

I'm Mexican.
Marina means that all your valuable stuff is stolen at the checkpoint, and we're all pretending that this is a regular part of life.

thats because we call the cities near the sea "marina of (name)" nobody uses it for the harbors.

nobody ever use marina to refer to an harbor only to a city.

but yeah google search>actual knowledge

it's not like you have schools anyway in america.

how many times are you going to make this exact post

it would be extremely painful

I'm American.
Blow it out your ass.

This is the stupidest post on Sup Forums. Imagine being this dumb:

>those ugly as fuck MC's

Fucking Mexican Mech Repairmen!

anime girl

dafug where are you from?

>they used words like harbor and pearl in a game with an aquatic theme

>l-look at my anecdotal evidence f-for why youre wrong d-dont look at the largest collection of intelligence in the history of humanity!

Even if it was, it'd be a localization joke since those aren't their names in Japan.

Octopus you fuckhead

We use marina for cities and also the marines. I've never heard of it being used to refer to a harbor.

But by all means americucks, keep being triggered. I'll keep laughing if it's all the same to you.

>I'm Italian

Harbor = Puerto/Porto

>knowing a language is anectodal evidence

There's where you're wrong, nigger. Do you think you've heard every single word out there in every single usage of the word? Without looking it up what does floccinaucinihilipilification mean? When was the last time you hear someone use that in a sentence?

kill yourself.

What do those names translate to? Rice and princess, right?

>if i don't use a word this way, that means nobody in my country does
you're hilariously stupid

Central Italy. Have you seriously never heard of marina to refer to a tourist port? It's even on wikipedia, so it's not uncommon:
>Marina – porto turistico

I live in a port town and 'marina of (town name)' specifically refers to its tourist port, while the regular port with ferries and merchant ships is a separate one and it's not called that.

Nobody knows every single word in every single language. Just like you didnt know marina means harbor.

I think Pearl is cute and people are too hard on her

I also want to mating press Marina