>buy a ps4 because of Sup Forums making noise
>already pissed because paid online
>already pissed because free games aren't free
>found out that you have to pay for themes and avatars as well
>mfw realize that i got tricked by Sup Forums into buy this garbage
Buy a ps4 because of Sup Forums making noise
only good game is bloodborne
>I didn't do any research before shelling out $420 now I'm mad at someone else
>research about paying for themes and avatars
user what
>Already pissed at x
>Get x because other people like it
>Wow, this pisses me off, you guys tricked me
Buy HZD.
Don't blame Sup Forums on your own choices. No matter what Sup Forums told you, you were the one to make the purchase without proper research.
Anyway you should be able to return it if you bought it recently.
>Listen to Sup Forums and make no research by yourself whatsoever to see if it even fits your subjective preferences
Why would u do dis.
>buying stuff you don't want because some niggers on a chinese-novel imageboard told you so
Honestly you deserved it.
'Cause you can't use a free avatar and no theme, eh? That'd be too fucking easy.
If you get the playstation app on a phone you can choose your avatar from any image on the internet.
>muh free shit
Your post reeks of mustard. What color are the leds in your virgin tower?
>already pissed because free games aren't free
What did he mean by that?
>mustards have standards
>bought ps4 because Sup Forums - Nintendo told him to
Did they tell you that in one of the hourly Sony hate threads, supported by the mods themselves? Christ, I haven never seen a weaker bait. Try again later, make some shit up like you drones usually do, I'd go with ''OMG I was just gonna clean my brand new PS4 (registered trademark), but when I opened it, I found a whole nest of crows, don'y buy PS4 (registered trademark) people!!!!''
What standards are being discussed in this thread? OP still acting like a whiney cunt over paid online in 2017? Get over it already, masterrace shitters
>they chose a gone homo as their goty 2011
>they started and supported this early access bulshit
>after mobile gaming they are the biggest platform that supports microtransaction cancer
>they made paid skins for games popular - tf2 hats etc
>if they buy boxed copy, it is more or less glorified steam key
>they started paid mods bullshit and defended it
Please, don't tell me about your standarts faggot.
>paying for online
what kind of retard are you exactly ?
fucking shitskin queer. What south american socialist hellscape are you currently shitting on?
I caved and bought a standard PS4 for bloodborne, Nioh, and The Last Guardian. I have the income to buy myself nice things and because of that I don't regret my decision.
>because of Sup Forums making noise
Are there even any actual games that looked interesting to you? Why the fuck would you buy a system for anything else?
Honestly, the only reason you guys care about this game is because you're desperate for content.
It's okay, we all are right now. SJWs ruin everything.
I've had a psn account since 2008, I never spent one single dollar online.
The PS4 has issues but come on, you'll be fine with the standard Furi avatar.
>>they chose a gone homo as their goty 2011
>using journalist opinions as an argument
>>they started and supported this early access bulshit
Fair point.
>>after mobile gaming they are the biggest platform that supports microtransaction cancer
Fair point, although I'd argue it's mostly casuals gaming on their $300 craptop.
>>they made paid skins for games popular - tf2 hats etc
Fair point, valve fanbois are retarded.
>>if they buy boxed copy, it is more or less glorified steam key
>still buying physical in 2017
this is mostly a publisher issue, though, and it's not yet standard. Most physical copies still come with an actual game disc - for now.
>>they started paid mods bullshit and defended it
Were you even alive back then? We were so mad they removed the program after THREE DAYS. The only reason it's coming back is because consoletards have no standards and can't pirate everything.
>please, sonychan, fuck me harder!
People like you are why the industry will never get its much needed crash.
You forgot a few.
Shitendo 3DS has paid themes too but no complains
None of that shit has anything to do with the actual games either
You sound incredibly underage and salty. Is this the power of the thirst for console exclusives?
>buy a ps4 because of Sup Forums making noise
You got tricked by outsider neogaf trash.
>buy something
>inform yourself afterwards
>blame other people for your mistakes
You are probably human garbage if you can't even fucking google shit.