There are people who don't play Crash: N. Sane Trilogy exclusively as Coco

>there are people who don't play Crash: N. Sane Trilogy exclusively as Coco

Explain yourselves.

well you can't you are forced to play crash

>playing as Coco in non-canon levels

Are they going to patch whatever garbage makes you slip from things or leave it as a 5/10 game?

there's already a patch, its called get gud millennibabby

I'm not a furfag who masturbates to imaginary animal children.

I'm probably older than you, you little retard. Don't defend absolutely dog shit game design and there's a small chance it won't get worse.

So you just masturbate to regular children? Fucking gross user.

Should have made Tawna playable.

I'm not a furry

Is there gonna be another print of this or do I need to suck it up and buy digital?

>mfw I waited until the last minute and thought I could just bop in somewhere and get a copy

Don't project too much there, furfag.

So mad


The remaster looks like your typical "realistic" Unity remake shit that Sup Forums keeps laughing at. Why does N Sane trilogy get a pass? I mean this looks pretty awful and they ruined the original artstyle.

git gud this is Dark Souls difficulty

maybe you're just getting bad at games in your old age : ^)

>i'm probably older than you
almost always means you're a millennibabby.

You know there's a thing called the internet where you can buy things and even have them shipped to your home! Welcome to the future!

>dog shit game design
Not even bad design. It's just design you don't like.
You can still jump while sliding so it's really a non-issue unless you're shit and need to stop every time you jump on something.

You guys know that anyone born after 1982 is considered a millennial, right? If you're not 34+ years old you're just using it as an insult towards people you dislike.

Get better at the game.

Shut the fuck up

I'm 87 you disrespectful little whippersnapper. We get free games here at the old folks home

Hey faggot, you know there's this thing called "no fucking shit retard" and online stores are out of stock too?


>there are people who play the Crash: N. Sane Trilogy

Explain yourselves.

I'm in love with the Coco.

I like playing as a male you fag

oh fuck

Would be nice if she had more death animations. giant sword guy, spikes, bees, slamming walls, fire, all make her go angel.

>no inflation death
what the fuck

I like good games.

The supposed answer is that Coco mode was a last minute addition due to overwhelming begging.

But considering she still has tons of violent death but not any that leave her naked, I think we all know the real reason.

Whoa nelly sir you should refrain from such language when someone is only trying to help you! No wonder you didn't get what you want with that attitude. Did you try FUCKING GAMESTOP website or just buying the ps1 versions instead?

I own them all digitally on PS3, I just want the collection too

Hey there, kiddo. I've seen you post this image in quite a few threads so far, and I'm going to have to ask you to stop. Any future failures to comply and I'm going to have to bring you in for questioning, m'kay?

You have a nice day, now.

I've been playing as Coco whenever I can in Crash 1, simply because I enjoy her gem collecting victory screen more. I enjoy her "hahaa" more then Crash's "Ba ba ba baaaa"

I'm not a closet nonce.