>B-B-But it would take years they said
>B-B-But you need a Core i900 with a GTX 3080 to run it at 20 fps they said
Consolecucks BTFO again
>B-B-But it would take years they said
>B-B-But you need a Core i900 with a GTX 3080 to run it at 20 fps they said
Consolecucks BTFO again
Other urls found in this thread:
but i5-4690K is still a beast CPU and it still doesn't run at full speed
It's sad state of affairs when the PC can emulate PS1, PS2, and now PS3 more or less at at a C plus to B rating. Meanwhile the Remasterstation 4, Sony's magnum opus, cannot play PS1/PS2/PS3 games without Remaster idiot charge. And don't forget paying for online play.
IDK why you're singling out consoles in particular, Microsoft is working on Xbox 360 and now Xbox classic emulators and they're baiting hard with possible PC releases. Sony's the most anti consumer company this gen, without a doubt. I hope the PS3 emulator on PC keeps shaming Sony and their shitty PS4 tablet processor console.
you need to consider how fast the progress is being made.
I'm pretty sure it will be playable by the end of the year
RPCS3 team are ann fags confirmed
Post yfw you bought a Intel CPU
what kind of subhuman buys amd
the power of Patreon bux
>ps3 emulator runs better than the ps2's
RPCS3 will take as many threads as you can throw at it, IIRC. Something like a 1700 might be best cost/performance for it.
Maybe because some people dont want to wait 3-4 years to play a game they want but are too poor or have "too much pride" to purchase a console, also you're acting as if people throw their PS1/2/3 away as soon as they purchase a PS4
It doesn't
This RPCS3 was slow as fuck off the start but they have made more progress this year than they did in the first 4 year of development. Persona would run but was not playable back when it came out and its getting very close to be playable now. I think Patreon has been helping with that after they saw how much CEMU was getting, they have been slowly climbing in backers per month.
Sony is winning so they know they can afford to be greedy. If they continue at the rate they are going the PS5 will end up like the Xbone when they shot themselves in the foot with the extreme anti-consumer practices they were trying to introduce with the Xbone.
>B-B-But it would take years they said
But it did
>Improved graphics
It's a fucking cartoon.
>PCfats have to spend thousands on their computer just to play the worst version of a mediocre game I finished months ago
it does
PS2 emulator can go in-game with thousands of games,RPCS3 only 20 or so and with bugs everywhere.We are literally 5 years away from a good PS3 emulation.
>I finished months ago
>having nothing to play that you have no choice but to play the latest games realised
MGS HD collection?
>PS2 emulator can go in-game
that's not what i'm talking about
>that's not what i'm talking about
>ps3 emulator runs better than the ps2's
Is a factually wrong statement
Not that guy, but that doesnt even make sense, PS4 is objectively the console with the most games atm
>>B-B-But it would take years they said
And they were right.
You do know PS3 launched 11 years ago, right?
PCSX2 runs like ass you performance hiccups and slow downs you galactic dumbass
You can run most PS2 games on a mid tier 2008 CPU you idiot
Petition Compiling port begging Steam PC master fatasses shitters are truly subhuman and the worst scum of the earth of this board.
You are so fucking repulsive, disgusting and pathetic, even phone posters detest you.
read again
Fuck that, make emulators of consoles no one smart has and will physically die much more quickly, like the 360.
If you try to play something with stupid settings on a shit pc
Is there a working emulator for 360 yet?
Because I really, really don't want to have to buy Fallout NV on steam. Fucking Bethesda don't deserve my patronage.
>Consolecucks BTFO again
>RPCS3 is an early work-in-progress open-source PS3 emulator. Several commercial games currently already run on the emulator, but most only show title screens or don't boot. AAA titles such as The Last of Us and other advanced games do not currently work. There is a lot of work to be done. Working on the emulator is very exciting, but it is also extremely time-consuming.
>games currently already run on the emulator, but most only show title screens or don't boot.
>but most only show title screens or don't boot.
>don't boot.
Most of them run at good accuracy with no glitches retard,do you like being insulted?
Also learn to configure an emulator.
>It would take years
Well, it did.
Reminder that Tales of Vesperia PS3 will never be emulated because it uses SPU specific syscalls that murder your CPU usage. If you disable these calls then the game just crashes instantly.
>Wants to pirate on 360
>Not willing to just pirate on PC
So this... is the power... of Steamcucks
how about piracy
I just want to play Star Ocean on the PC. Please don't judge me, it's a sickness.
SPCS3 is brand new. How do you think dolphin started out? Now look at how dolphin is today with 2.5
Really? FUCK
>caring about PS3 emulation
>PS3 has no games
You can only chose one.
Does anyone have any good places to download the games? I can't find any good websites and I don't want to have to buy a bluray drive.
>shit pc
it can run ps3 games with no fiddling with setting or using speed hacks, unlike pcsx2
>B-b-but its n-new.
But no multiplayer, which is a damn shame
It may be emulatable one day with dirty SPU hacks but then you'd be trading emulator accuracy for performance (spell effects and some cel shaded shit gone but game runs better)
What the FUCK? A year ago RPCS3 couldn't run jack shit at 10 fps. It's amazing the improvement they've done in just a year.
2008 called, it wants that meme back.
bethesda published NV retard. you fund them when you buy a copy of the game.
more people joined in the development
Keep signing those petitions
is it so fucking hard to buy an used ps3 for 50$
pc mustard race autists are creaming themselves over them silky smooth 15 fps
>B-B-But it would take years they said
but it did take 11 years though.
Then you're just a retard that can't into emulator settings
>letting console filth get in your house
ew no, I'd rather wait 20 years before buying outdated pieces of shit thanks.
sony will sue them
Getting your hands on a hacked ps3 is not difficult or expensive at all.
I mean it's good that emulator progress is happening, but I'd rather play games without having to think about them randomly crashing or using workarounds to play a specific segment of the game.
yeah great argument
youre fucking autistic son
>buying outdated and discontinued hardware
Stay upset pc master race will soon be able to play ps3 games at higher resolution than your nearly 12 year old console
work on an xbox emulator or something, everyone and their mom has a hacked ps3
it's not supposed to be an argument, are you retarded? I was just blogposting, stupid.
the cpu inside your computer right now is based off outdated and discontinued hardware
i never said i couldn't run them, fag.
HA, you're fucking funny. PS3's don't sell for 50, they sell for twice or 3 times that. ESPECIALLY if they've been modded. It's the Wii that'll typically sell for 50, unless its been modded.
it's not about not having the original console
unless you're a poor fag
everyone and their mom has a hacked xbox too. even cod kiddies have jtag'd xboxs
PS3 emulation is finally almost functionally playable and it only took 11 whole years when you can probably dig a PS3 out of a garbage can for free.
They should have ported this to PC
Really though I'm glad it's finally functional just because it's neat and emulation is good for archival purposes
>Console cucks BTFO again
Enjoy those 10 year old games, I guess.
You still need to do soldering and shit to jtag an xbox, ps3 it's as easy as transferring files. Not a good comparison.
>no games came out for ps3 after 2007
PC babbies would have thrown a fit when it wasnt 85% off on the first Steam sale after its release and all decide to pirate it
So can I play Persona 5 as well as it runs natively on PS3?
Will a gtx970 be enough to play persona 5?
nobody wants to actually play old games though outside a very small, vocal minority
it's been tried and it's been proven to be completely unprofitable.
Just offload all that shit to a dedicated core. With the increase in core count thanks to AMD pushing there's no reason not to.
Doesn't the Ps3 need to be behind a specific firmware though?
>Just offload all that shit to a dedicated core
how to crash your emulator in 1 second
3.55 and you don't need anything to pirate it, above that you need an e3 flasher
Yeah, but so does the xbox, and that's before you even open it up.
Well, based on the OP video, no. The music especially seems to be really slow.
>refuse to bring game to PC
>emulate it and pirate it instead when I would have gladly plunked down $60
You're loss Atlus.
years you say? yeah only 10+ years. seriously though it would be just easier to get cheap ps3 than emulate. same with all the other shit like wiiu emulator.
Since you don't know history, Sony already did this with ps3
chinks btfo again
There was a demons souls voodoo just the other day you fucking idiot. It's pretty playable already
If you think P5 is just a vn then there's no point in anyone listening to you whine anyway
>You still need to do soldering and shit to jtag an xbox
if you're too dumb to use a screwdriver and a soldering iron, pay someone else to do it. console modding and repair shops exist everywhere.
I guess Sonybros didn't see it coming.
Yeah you can tell the fps are like sub 20 outside of battle. PS3 runs the game pretty stable at 30 fps.
>C plus to B rating
PS1 emulation has been perfected for a while you mongoloid.
This is awesome progress. Are any of the Yakuza games playable yet though?
I guess they mostly don't give a fuck because they played it not like the pc players who are hoping for rivers of games in the drylands of their machine
>new CEMU out
>runs at 10fps
>looks like shit
>"i-i-its ok they're going to fix it soon I just know it!"
>4 months later, no news whatsoever, still making tons of money from their patreon
>new RPCS3 out
>"LOL take that sonyfags!! finally we PC master race can play P5"
>runs like shit
>smooth 10fps
>runs in slow motion
I wouldn't hold my breath.
Meanwhile I've bough an Wii U, played everything I wanted on it including BotW, traded it for a PS4 from a guy who wanted a Wii U to play with his kids, and have been enjoying P5.
Hope you guys get to play P5 by the end of the year though, good luck with that!
I've got a CFW PS3, the framerate and resolution in most games is abysmal. Emulation means there will eventually be higher res rendering and a locked stable framerate.
You must admit, this is kind of the last surprise of the last gen.