Seriously Sup Forums, how the fuck do you get a Switch at standard market price?
I find nothing.
Seriously Sup Forums, how the fuck do you get a Switch at standard market price?
call around try to find one in store
there's bundles online too, though you're not just buying the switch with it. i got mine for 400 with arms and a memory card
go to a small town
I know its crazy, but you have to go OUTSIDE and TALK to people.
I have been out for two days going to every store that could sell consoles and have found nothing but people saying "out of stock".
Then when you click those you get out of stock often. I suspect many simple don,t update regularly enough.
Local listings, people are selling them off daily after finishing Zelda.
I preordered mine day one.
care to provide some ? Yet to see one that wasn't hilariously overpriced
Every amazon store I have checked is out of stock or overpriced.
Yeah, Amazon's got great prices.
My entire area has them for minimal markup, typically no more than $10-$15. This one has zero markup.
Everyday I see endless listings of these things.
Did you ask them when they restock? I got one since they told me the exact day.
Go to ebay and get lucky.
Got mine with Breath of the Wild, the guide which I don't give a damn about, and another $20 game which I'll probably never play, for $350, which is still under MSRP, not even considering sales tax, for the system and Zelda, which is all I actually cared about.
>Live in Canada
>Switch releases, lineups around the block, sold out everywhere
>Close to an EB games while I'm out and about
>pop in and ask if they have any switches
>Employee finds one behind some boxes in the backroom
>It's a red and blue one
This was the day after launch.
Fuck scalpers
I got a 5 minute update at a gamestop, called them and went down to pick one up.
It seems to work.
Its not even marked up.
Console is $400 + $53 tax + environmental disposal fee.
But yeah, most scalpers can't sell them, so a lot of them relist with lower prices to make a $20 or so cut.
Bought one on opening weekend
I did it like three weeks after it launched. Nigga, its not hard, just set up an amazon alert.
Anyone who buys a console at launch is retarded.
Why would you want one though?
I literally just pass one in Toys R Us, Target, and Walmart nearly every day I am in one of them.
>Managed to get a preorder for Switch before launch
>Fell for the Nintendo meme yet again
>Played Zelda for a week and it was overrated as fuck
>Switchc has been collecting dust except for the 2 days or so I played Mario Kart cause I felt like I need fucking anything to hold off the buyers remorse
I have zero problems with it and other people are now complaining about not gettting one, I think I'm doing just fine
I'm happy with mine
Seems to be paying of pretty well.
I've enjoyed it since launch, but I also have more than one gaming console,
I'm actually regretting not getting it earlier.
Splatoon splatfest is around the corner and I have no Switch to play it.
The walmart down the street has a bunch of them.
I work at a target. We get a shipment of around 5 every week and a half or so. You can check the website to see if we got them in stock that night or not. If you want one, you have to be there right at opening because literally every time we get some in, the same group of resellers come in as soon as the store opens and buys them all up to sell on ebay.
That's honestly the main reason I got a switch on launch, since the testfire was in March. Most of my friends have a switch, but a few want one now that there's some games for it.
>go to best buy
>ask employees what days the shipments arrive
>go to store at open on those days
>repeat until they get a switch in their shipment
But if you know it's them buying the same thing, can you not forbid them from buying for real customers?
Someone should make a custom firmware to use the Switch for mining. Switches could pay for themselves if current trends continue.
>check store online
>they have hundreds in stock
so hard
>Check their actual sites
>out of stock
wew lad
In my entire city.
As long as they have the money, we can't really refuse the sell. They aren't technically breaking any rules, just being scumbags. The guys at electronics like to annoy them by trying to sell them cell plans every time they come in though.
>check store online
>they have hundreds in stock
Post link.
There's one in my city, but it's at MSRP and it's fairly easy to get one $20 or even $30 below MSRP if you wait a week or so for an online store shipment. I could also go to a larger city and easily pick up a few more at MSRP. Eastern Europe.
my local best buy had some in store about a week ago
You wait a few months for when it's in the bargain bin as a result of it flopping like 90% of Nintenbro consoles.
woah what planet is that?
>shit is not fucking stocked anywhere at all
>meanwhile if you go into any store on earth you could buy a ps4
and a good allahu ackbar to you too, sven
Sadly i don't read cuck
The Wii U never ended up in a bargain bin, though. Has any Nintendo console since the Virtual Boy?
It's Finnish
look around. The walmarts in my city are empty but I found a bunch in a more ghetto wal mart in the next city
Best Buy around me's got a surplus at market price, but I ain't buying one til Fire Emblem Warriors comes out, so I might as well wait for Black Friday. Fuck Breath of the Normie.
Seems like you would've been better served buying a NeoGeo pocket.
Piss off Sex Genie, your thread is gone BTW :^)
How do you figure
Actually, first four are perfectly valid arguments - look at sales numbers for Pokemon on the 3DS vs. literally any other game, look at the Christmas shopping crazes, and look at the air shipping in March or Nintendo actually declaring that the shortages are not artificial fairly recently. However, "Nintendo Switch" is the best name Nintendo had in years.
>proving my point
Just like clockwork :)
>Check every local store that could possibly have a Switch
>Until a glimmer of hope, Target has exactly ONE (1) Switch
>They won't hold it
>Roll around at the speed of sound all the way there
>It's gone
>can't tell swedish from finnish
Use fucking Amazon, just check in frequently. Pic related, I purchased today and the same seller had Switches for $290. This was literally just like 3 hours ago, OP.
I got my Switch the same way like 3 weeks ago.
They lied to you, user. It was never there.
>shit is not fucking stocked anywhere at all
>Breath of the Normie
>Fire Emblem Warriors
Thats fucking rich.
You're doing a great job fitting in sweetheart.
Mongol is undistinguishable from cuck for the untrained white man eye, Sorry, Subotai
wew lad
Console warring is fucking pathetic desu
>image of 3rd-world country's store in a place where literally nobody can afford it
>haw haw this will prove that the switch is easy to get a hold of and that people just don't want it!
Is there any way to make the home menu show games in more than one row, or is that a different screen?
pretty sure that's a different screen.
where can you still buy new wii u's?
Hope you actually get it.
Get an Amazon Prime free trial and wait for there big sale next week.
Yes I bet you are pissed your thread is gone
How's BOTW BTW Sex Genie?
Gamecube sorta? They were $100 by the end of 2003, but it was an official price drop.
Thanks user, I hope so too. It's been hours and my order isn't cancelled yet. Really cool bargain if he honors his obvious mess up.
Nah, you're a fucking faggot :)
Console warring is fucking gay lmao
>american education
If it's not America, it's 3rd world. Sorry user.
How's that "I don't emulate Nintendo trash" mindset treating you?
You can do better, OP. Just pirate it.
go to a store and buy one. not that hard
>60 million consoles sold
>No game on the PS4 has sold more than 16 million
haha epic post Sup Forumsro
>PS2: 155 million
>PS3: 84 million
>PS4: 60 million
Look, mom, I can do this as well!
Do keep in mind that a lot of the handheld Nintendo owners will hop on to the Switch (but not all, unless a $200-tier model appears), and for handhelds, Nintendo numbers look more interesting:
>GB/GBC: 118 million (GameBoy is at least 64 million of this)
>GBA: 81.5 million
>DS: 103 million
>DSi: 41 million
>3DS: 66 million
I think the Switch can easily get to 20 million. Possibly up to 40 million, but I wouldn't expect much more.
Mainline Pokemon on Switch will sell gangbusters regardless, especially if there's a bundle.
>came bundled with vast majority of consoles sold
Go to any store that sells used games and they'll have a shitload of copies of Uncharted 4 because nobody fucking wants it.
>Sonybabies clinging desperately to their cinematic experiences
It's very unlikely the PS4 will surpass the PS2. Too much competition from PCs for that to happen. It might surpass the PS3, though, but by a slim margin.
Oh look no response. Pussy must have fled after getting caught red handed by falseflagging too hard
will be my first console since ps3
literally on bought it for breath of the wild
Yes. For the last twenty years, Pokemon games have managed to consistently pull in at least 6 million games (including "sequels" and "third editions"; not counting those, at least 12 million) since the very beginning in 1996.
Yea pretty hard to surpass the ps2 sales at this day and age.
Not that anyone should even care about sales unless they've invested money in certain companies
I-It gives bragging rights, though! T-that's how I feel more confident in my purchase!
>call a store
>ask if they have any instock
>none instock? when do they expect to get a new shipment?
>repeat until someone gives you a day
>be there when the store opens
The console is supposed to sell for $300
>Request Cancellation
it's not too late
Nintendo hates to bundle Pokemon games. At best they'll do a limited edition console with a pre-installed Virtual Console Red and Blue.