>blizzard thought we all wanted a serious and edgy Doomfist
Does this one decision pretty much sum up everything wrong with Overwatch?
>blizzard thought we all wanted a serious and edgy Doomfist
Does this one decision pretty much sum up everything wrong with Overwatch?
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The problem is Kaplan.
Even Vinny Caravela from giantbomb make fun of it, nowadays he's a huge SJW but he keep to himself most of the time, when they reveled Orisa instead of a gameplay video you were greeted with Kaplans face talking how he wanted to make a diferente kind of female character and whatever the fuck social progressive shit he was spewing, on that week on the beastcast everyone made fun of it talking what a fuck was he doing, he's releasing a character on a video game they want to see the character not Kaplan face while he recite a manifesto.
Dude completely lost on his own progressive ass.
I don't play Overwatch
So its pretty much confirmed in every instance that progressives ruin everything to push for their own pet causes
I do like reaper being a Mexican edge lord tho that's fantastic
I don't blame you
I think you should actually watch the video in question
it's no where near as agenda pushing as you and they are making it sound. Also the developer updates have followed the same format since the games launch it's not new.
I was really surprised that they didn't get him to voice the character.
Sombra is blacker than 95% of mexican girls, they are no even subtle at this point
no but I'm still upset that it isn't Terry crews.
Meh Latinos are mixed with everyone
>tfw my fav camwhore is a Brazilian girl that half Asian
so it's not out of the question.
and these characters aren't exactly normal, so I don't know why you're looking for realism in overwatch.
>Character's name is DOOMFIST
>Somehow we're supposed to take him seriously
The reason everyone wanted Terry Crews to be Doomfist was because it would have been silly/ridiculous.
I really don't understand how this meme grew so large. No one from blizzard every said anything about Crews, he and the fans were the ones making shit up on leddit and the overwatch forums. Besides the fact that Crews is much more expensive than a regular VA, they can't have him coming back every time there's an event to do more voice lines and shit, it would've never worked out. I see some bitching on the forums right now and the shitty fans only have themselves to blame, and also the stupid fucking youtubers who make the hype grow. Fuck em.
We could have gotten Terry Fucking Crews as Doomfist. This alone would fix 60% of the games problems.
tons of white, caramel and black Latinas in my childhood neighborhood, Idk why pol is obsessed with shit like this.
I play Overwatch
>Terry Fucking Crews
i dont get it, why do reddit faggots like le meme black man so much
>not the nigga that does Cole Train
they REALLY fucked up
Brazilians are latin, they are just not hispanic
I would have taken this or Patrick Warburton
Seriously though, whyd they fuck up so badly?
>could have had teen doomfist
>SHOULD of had Terry doomfist. People wanted this and Blizzard knew full well
>we get a boring bland fuck
Even his fucking outfit sucks. He's ment to be a lead at Talon and he runs round topliss with tribal crap? Fuck off Blizzard
They have said before they never intended to make Doomfist playable untill the fan deman and it fucking shows with this rushjob of a character. They dont even have alt skins yet!
You are faggot for wanting teen doomfist
I reckon they picked a literally who over Crews because they can get the other actors to show up to every blizzcon and other fan events because they've got nothing better to do
>teen doomfist
I bet you like feet too you degenerate
well, what's the name user?
Reaper is american tho
she's on chatterbate I forgot her name now :(
Because TC is based as fuck
you disappoint me
See you are a faggot.
I'll bet my nuts that he has at least one voiceline that references Terry Crews/Old Spice
I'm looking for it ;__;
Na your an insecure fag who cant have fun anymore
Fuck that's pathetic.
And people wonder why some complain about token black and minority characters.
Previously you had cool black dudes like Barret from FFVII and nobody complained. Nowadays everything needs to be underlined with "positive vibes" and "progressive" bullshit which makes all of it forced and fake.
They all can go fuck themselves honestly. It's a fucking joke.
Terry would be miles better, yes, but teen doomfist would have been at least more interesting than the boring cunt we got. Stop over analising shit autists
>character is named DOOMFIST
>literally can't stop imagining Nepnep is laughing and pointing shouting NEPGEA, PLAY DOOMFIST! DOOMFIST!
I don't know about that progressive stuff but Kaplan legit seems like a megalomaniac to me
Like he has to be fucking everywhere in any Overwatch marketing, holy shit
terry crews is a meme and I'm glad they didnt do it
I'd actually argue he's secretly red-pilled because if you notice, most of these new minority characters are villains.
The mexican guy is a murderer
The black guy is violent and just got out of jail
The latina girl is a robber and a hacker
If anything, the message of overwatch is that minorities are prone to becoming criminals
nigga, the overwatch universe is some heavy shit with drama and death.
>Blizzard has vision for character
>Random hollywood actor spergs out online "OMG LET ME VOICE UR CHARACTER"
>Blizzard continues to execute their vision
Of all places i had expected Sup Forums to not get it. But i didn't expect them not to get it by this much.
>they manipulated a French character into becoming evil.
>good guys are whites + weebs + some peaceful buddhist monk, ape and Brazilian rapper
Really bogles your jogles.
you're the one over analysing
mexican ethnicity, you know what he meant retard
After playing with him for a hour or so I think he's fine. At least better than Orisa (she's cute but boring to play as). It's also fun to combo, I guess he's the first hero with combos so smooth.
His voice is also good and I don't care much about him being african or anything. I bet most people sperging about SJW or racial shit don't even play the game. The game itself will be fine as long as it is about shooting people.
Why am I suppose to give a fuck when the game rarely acknowledges it?
>having any artistic vision
All of their designs are done by a marketing committee with the intent of having as much mass-appeal as possible.
Dude seems super boring in the reveal. Should've just made an omnic doomfist if they were gonna make him so deadpan.
Hoping they really ham it up ingame, and make his loadout more about punching people into next week.
>buzzwords: the post
>fanbase: hey company that we literally feed money to, if you could get this guy to voice an upcoming character we'll hand you even more money
>blizzard: nah
>>blizzard thought we all wanted a serious and edgy Doomfist
Here's the thing Blizzard really doesn't need to care what you think if people are buying it
Except it was the fanbase that started the Terry Crews Doomfist meme.
He just endorsed it weeks later.
Not him but what word in his sentence was even remotely a buzzword?
He's not wrong. Just read their gdc keynote
His loadout is already on the PTR
The whole game is full of ironic stereotypes. Youre an idiot
>if you could get this guy to voice an upcoming character we'll hand you even more money
Please all that would've happen is contrarian "they catered to the memes" posts
So does super mario
his kit is already out and its based on smacking people to death while self sustaining when smacking people
ult is an orbital strike except he's launching himself
Wrong, Blizzard have said publicly before that they never intended to make Doomfist a playable character untill the fanbase kept demanding it.
look at the shit they have released since diablo 3 and are about to release.
nothing else than low effort, high profit.
There is no mexican ethnicity. They're all too mixed to the point of being mutts, or many different ethnicity.
No u
Why is Doomfist now black?
Terry Crews is cool but you're all reddit fags if you care that much
Serious characters are pretty boring for this kind of game, in my opinion.
They should've made another excited dorky oaf like Reinhardt (literally the only charismatic character in the game)
On Sup Forums, sure whatever (even though I think enough of Sup Forums likes TC enough for it to balance out), but on reddit and beyond people would be going insane
And would only happen on this shithole of a site. Normies would be losing their shit over it.
and what's that? White?
Better question. Why did they make movies about a terrorist? Makes no fucking sense. Just proves Blizzard hamfisted this character together
>campy as fuck name
>in-universe rumors that he could level buildings and shit
>big cartoony gauntlet is not only the focus of the reveal trailer but also an entire map
>let's make a serious villain with a boring VA and the same tired "war makes us strong" motivation that's been done to death
>it plays like a buggy as fuck Genji with a bit more health and annoying CC
Bravo Jeff.
That first one its 100% black my dude. Get your eyes checked.
Its another "autistic pol retards triggered by a videoGAME again"
They're are multiple Doomfists?
Why did they make movies about Hitler?
Wrong. Most this thread is complaining about how boring the cunt is. Most of these people also would rather another black man voiced him.
Feel free to kill yourself anytime cuck
Wasn't Doomfist in Overwatch before they disbanded? I'm pretty sure he was there with Reaper.
If I remember right, there were a few different Doomfists. This is just the most current, who was captured.
Not as the main antagonist.
Not sure. I dont remember seeing him anywhere
Keep whining lil triggered bitch
Fuck it. He went to Crackdown 3 where he will be the character you wanted there instead.
You're right, I thought he was from Overwatch but looks like he was scouted by Talon after he got the gauntlet (after the uprising).
reminder that if the skin color of a video game character triggers you than you are more than likely a low IQ brainlet.
racism is idiotic.
>its a lame monkey jawed loin cloth wearing tribesman straight out of the jungle of the congo speaking in a Click clik Mbuntu accent
LMAOOOOOOOOO you cant make this shit up
but pandering for social justice points should be scolded at
go back to tumblr faggot, you dont even know what IQ is nor what it measures, nerd.
So we will get flooded with butthurt each time some company shows a black character, i.e. every few days?
no one gives a fuck that he's black except people trying to farm (you)s. it's that he has a boring VA and uninspired design that's shit
I guess so
Same thing happened with the same white bald guy design. It's simply a lack of creativity.
>I don't know what Hispanic means
>There are cucks unironically defending the addition of another ape
Which design would you consider inspired? Hitler in mechasuit or moonman?