Cut the shit; you had an online gf/bf before. What was their name? What did you guys play?
I still miss sharing shitty deviantart uploads and playing neopets with you, Hannah.
Cut the shit; you had an online gf/bf before. What was their name? What did you guys play?
I still miss sharing shitty deviantart uploads and playing neopets with you, Hannah.
>Make female runescape character
>Powerlevel stats
>Go to Varrok
>mfw full sets of gold trimmed rune armour for free
i refuse to believe this shit actually worked
It worked flawlessly all the time. Remember, your average ten year old didn't usually have the attention span or parent's credit card for WoW, they were all in Habbo Hotel or Runescape.
Elsword back in 2012, I remember the exact message 'wow i think i love you', I think it was impressed by my combos
Now that you mention it, my friend had a female character in Habbo Hotel and he had a suspiciously high amount of furniture considering his parents were alcoholics.
Came to post something similar.
>Make female character
>Wear slutty armor
>Join a group
>A couple teammates stand close to me and give me crafting materials.
>Received friend requests, too.
It don't matter. None of this matters.
I was never beta enough to accept relationships with a gf that didn't have a physical component
I had an online gf. We fucked. Then she left for Murrica. Feels bad man.
>her name was April
Those are my fondest memories of playing any vidya ever. Fucking hell I miss that game, and that girl.
WoW, found out she was a whale in real life
Micherrie. We played Ragnarok Online together. She became my gf after I paid her debts to some merchant. Not the most romantic relationship I ever had, but it was nice for a 14yo.
>play moba
>meet a cute black chick
>decide to visit her
>have a one night stand
>make her orgasm
>go back home
>offline For 2 years
Fuck off. I am a perma virgin at every level except masturbating to porn.
When i was like 10 or so i lied about my age on habbo and got some sweet online gfs, even got one girl offering to show her tits over webcam on msn messenger
Those were the days
She's dead, you know.
Yup, she was pretty hot too, its amazing what a little charisma and claiming to be 15 or 16 can get you
I just cant believe i was better with women when i was 10 than i am now. I wasnt even interested but she insisted
You dont have to tell me user...
When I was 12 I used to chat to a girl on mirc back in the 90s. We exchanged pics one day, I sent mine first (this was back when u had to scan physical pics to put them in your pc), she said I was really cute and hot. She sent me hers and she wasn't that good looking. I immediately stopped chatting to her and never did again. We had been chatting for months.
Honestly I feel bad about doing that in retrospect. Really dick move. Oh well lol
No, but did she actually show her tits?
FFXI. Haley.
>ywn share moments with anyone in Bibiki Bay/That Forest place before Sky/Lufaise Meadows ever again
Habbo sluts were the best but i wasnt a horny teenager yet so i didnt think much of it, i just wanted a 'gf' to talk too and stuff. The only name i remember was a british chick named ria whom i talked to the most, i think it ended when she finally asked for a pic and i paniced and sent an obvious stock photo of a teenage male. Another one ended when she randomly sent a porn gif over msn and my response was "Ew" And she was like "Youre not 14 are you" and i dont remember the rest
>have online gf when I'm 12 but posing as 16 under a fake name
>stealing some dudes selfies off photobucket saying it's me
>she's from Argentina and is a total qt
>we actually grow very close
>as I grow older I get more involved in my actual life and we grow distant
>fast forward to being 20
>she somehow finds me on Instagram but I'm not posing as that guy, just myself
>very confused and unsure if she's aware it's me
>message her and talk, ask how she found me
>somehow I was in her suggested people
>talk to her pretending I have no clue who she is but follow her because I "like her pictures"
>we just follow one another now and like each other's pictures here and there
>she likes pictures of my current gf and I
>no clue if she knows it's me
It still hurts lads
This is too real.
>13 years old
>playing Warcraft III
>make some friends
>hit it off with some girl
>become close friends
>chat on AIM
>we start doing really crappy, awkward roleplaying
>share pics
>she's actually 17
>both okay with this
>we play all sorts of online games for several years
>occasionally call each other over the phone when our parents were out
>soon start using MSN to chat via webcam
>her fucking dad walks in on her when we're "kissing"
>never signs on again
>permanently attracted to older women
>abandon ship when I think things are getting a little too close
Goddamn it, Rebecca.
I wouldn't call her an online girlfriend, but there was one girl I flirted with and spent a lot of time with in voice chat and watching movies. We met at a LAN, but it just wasn't the same after that.
medal of honor 1, believe it or wa so long ago i don't even remember her name...
It was Guild Wars 1, and her name was Ai Takahashi. Then years later after moving on from the game and her, I googled the name and found out it was the name of a Japanese idol. Obviously I'm sure that wasn't her and she gave me a fake name. Hell, it probably wasn't even a girl.
My online GF and I have been together for a good few years, have visited one another every year also until we can move in together. Feels good
>Cut the shit; you had an online gf/bf before.
Nope. I'm so pathetic, I couldn't even have an online relationship with a girl.
I had a friend in Endless Online, but then I took a few days off, came back, and he had a Twinblade, some kind of rare armor, and lots of other friends. Felt left out so I quit.
In 2008 I role-played on gaia and some nerd kept trying to turn our vampire-high-school-RP into some kind of romance-cyber-sex session over private messages and it freaked me out so I quit that too.
Same here.
The only thing girlfriend releated was when some "girl" has added me out of nothing on some sort of messenger. I was 9 back then I think. The first fucking day "she" told me, if I can be her boyfriend. When I told her that I'm fucking 9 y/o she told she doesnt mind.
After a week of she told me to send her pics of myself. When I told her, that I dont have a camera, must got permision from parents, I dont know how to send photos from camera to computer, she still insisted to send her my pics.
Then I got angry blocked her, and deleted from my friend list.
Nie when I think back, that probably was a 49 level pedo, and I dodged a bullet.
This was the closest thing to any relationship both irl and online I ever had.
I don't remember her real name. Screen name was Aisu or something. It was so long ago
I still have
Man this thread is making me miss the msn messenger days when i had a bunch of girls to talk to all day every day. Now id kill just to have regular fb chat conversations with anyone
Brb killing myself
Is this reverse NTR?