What went so wrong with it's multiplayer?

What went so wrong with it's multiplayer?

Trying to pander to two different audiences that were the perfect opposites of each other.

People that like violent FPS games?

What two audiences is that?

id software's (as it is today) only other multiplayer games were rage's multiplayer mode and quake live. they haven't really had much practice.

It's not fast enough to be Quake, and not slow enough to be CoD, so you get this awkward middle ground that doesn't really work very well.

Not making map packs free, multiplayer was great though

Aside from gameplay, it's literally Call of Duty.

It's Halo, dude.

Development time was wasted on it that could have been put into the singleplayer or post-launch content.

As far as I know id didn't really have anything to do with the multiplayer, Bethsoft had that outsourced to a different dev team.

Halo had a lot of big open maps. It might have changed, but Doom's were in the same vein as the single player, so lots of small arena's and corridors. Which works great in singleplayer, but multiplayer doesn't flow very well.

It was a less fun Halo without vehicles. Thankfully the campaign was fun.

It was just... boring. And the demon power ups were OP.

have you ever even played halo?

Quake/UT fans vs Halo/COD fans

Even if he hasn't, I have. And it's just Halo in small maps, without as much fun.

I haven't played Doom in a while, but did they ever just do a multiplayer mode where everyone is a fucking demon? That would probably be way more fun.

Do you know what "gameplay design" is?
If you so, see

Too good of a solo experience, multiplayer got overshadowed end ended up being neglected because that was not what pleyrs - me included - ended up wanting to play.
If I want to shoot people on an online multiplayer game I got Overwatch, PUBG, Paladins, that joke that's Battleborn, Rainbow 6 Siege, CS....
Doom is enough as it is as a solo FPS experience, the game leaves you feeling happy and done with it after its campaign.


The only multiplayer I would want would be some sort of co-op. I imagine some sort of mode where waves of enemies spawn in increasing amounts as more weapons become available around the arena climaxing with some of the bosses or something.

I don't think it was horrible, but it was nothing really special

didn't like how much they focused on unlocks and powerups, they should have tried to stay more basic and focus harder on map design

>halo movement and doom weapons would both be fine for a multiplayer shooter on their own, but doom weapons don't work too well when you move as fast as you do in halo. weapons have to take into account how the players move around the map - the LG in quake, for example, isn't OP because players move really fast and are hard to track, but it would be OP as shit in halo
>dull maps that didn't take advantage of the strengths of a halo-type shooter and all seemed to draw from the exact same color palette
>annoying demon transformations that just turn the game into keepaway until someone gets lucky
who knows, someone might have made a snapmap gametype with 1.5x speed or whatever and actually made the game fun
but as it stands the multiplayer itself was doomed from even before launch
I blame the fact that the MP was outsourced honestly, outside studios almost never seem to understand classic properties with the exception of Retro

no music and the voice announcer is shit
other wise it's fine

Multiplayer should have been single-player but with other players to kill.

That was what made the first Doom so much fun; these guns and maps that you had learned like the back of your hand wall-humping for secrets and scraping through massive waves of enemies were suddenly the place you were having showdowns.

Having multiplayer use different guns, different mods, and different maps made the whole thing feel like a different game. It would have been plenty of fun to just have everyone start with grenade-equipped shotguns and the double-jump in Foundry and let them have at it.

Fuck I'd love to have that.

What Singleplayer levels would be the best arenas for Multi?

>Argent Facility
>Argent Tower
>Kagdir Sanctum

I enjoyed it but it plays very differently than the heart of the game (the singleplayer) because it was handled by a different team. Once id found the singleplayer's pacing they didn't have enough time to translate it into the multiplayer. I hope they'll be able to in any sequel(s).

Correct, id handed the multiplayer off to Certain Affinity so the main id team could focus almost exclusively on the singleplayer. (A small part of the team worked with Escalation Studios on SnapMap, however.) Once the game shipped id took control of the MP for the remaining tweaks, updates, and DLC releases.

Daily reminder this game now requires 30Gb of patches consisting of multiplayer content for a DEAD community. In a few years when someone picks this up for $€10 in a PSN/Steam sale they'll be unpleasantly surprised.