Are there any good Berserk games?

Are there any good Berserk games?

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The mouth animation is the worst part of this gif

All Berserk games are good.

I wonder if the studio making this crap, is proud of their work.

Dreamcast one is merely ok gameplay wise but the story was written by Miura and it's pretty good.

PS2 one is flat out great, straight up adaptation of Millennium Falcon arc up to the fight with Grunbeld, has an original mini scenario written by Miura also spliced inbetween.

Musou one is pretty bad, but actually LOOKS better than the new anime.

Did Guts marry Schierke yet, or are they still dangling that carrot on a stick.

So I got into this manga after the thread a few days ago, and I'm hooked. Griffith just talked to the princess about dreams and what friends mean to him, and he looks like a total fruitcake but when he gets that look in his eyes I'm reminded that he's likely going to fuck shit up.
>Tfw guts has had a hard life

They're dangling a far bigger carrot on the stick now.
They're on elf island, Casca is being cured by Schierke and Farnese diving into the brain and they just reached a bunch of fucked up memories shiped like, LITERALLY, barbed penises. It ends with a cliffhanger on them reaching the Eclipse/last memory and a message saying it goes on hiatus until again and will resume mid winter.
No I'm not shitting you.

Probably proud they did something with berserk.

One of those
>Sweet can I see so-
>B-but can I see some of that be-
>Y-yeah the deal of course..

Guts is Miura's self-insert fantasy character, so having a little girl love him sexually and emotionally is what he wants. He's a pedo.

No, and there never will be. The latest piece of shit slice of life will get a better game, before Berserk gets anything.


Try Helck
Once it stops trying to be fantasy one punch man it becomes eclipse-tier for a short while

Have you even seen Miura's standalone manga he made during hiatus? There's a naked loli parading around and making the MC drink her "nectar" which is her piss.

And in latest work, a book spinoff about Grunbeld how he became an Apostle, Grunbeld's love is a loli that's also half naked.

And then there's him designing the Idolmaster girls which are all lolis.

Miura is 100% a pedo.

>And in latest work, a book spinoff about Grunbeld how he became an Apostle, Grunbeld's love is a loli that's also half naked.

Wait, what? This is the first I've heard of this.

>And then there's him designing the Idolmaster girls which are all lolis.

Imas = Isma

>Implying you wouldn't.

You realize its the same studio that did teekyu right? They're amazing just why the fuck would you ever want them near berserk

>Wait, what? This is the first I've heard of this.
Here you go user, it's from last month, literally fresh from the oven.

It's a novel not a manga so not much in the way of images, but he did one illustration per chapter.

hmm I'll give it a read then I need something to scratch the berserk itch and nothing really does it for me


Do you think hes gonna make novels for all the apostles ?

No idea, but I wouldn't mind one per each of Griffith's Neo Band of the Faggot.
Problem is getting them translated, cause this one won't be for a long time.

They need to start dying. As awesome as Grunbeld is to my 16 year old self, he needed to die in the berserker armor fight.

The novel shows that Grunbeld isn't evil like Griffith. I'm quite convinced that Miura is going to go for a plot point where the oracle loli and/or the Apostles will see Griffith's true nature as cunt extraordinaire and dump him. With the exception of that creepy assassin apostle, all of them seem to have actually been "good" people rather than common scum before becoming Apostles.
Grunbeld for example retained all of his chivalry and honor as an Apostle.

yeah I agree, I just want a goddamn conclusion

Miura said the story was about 70% complete when they were about to reach the Elf Island.
So you've got another decade to go user.

>Guts is Miura's self-insert fantasy character,
No. That was Pippin.

A Dynasty Warriors-esque Berserk game came out a while ago dunno if you'd like that its pretty generic

All of the main members of the Band of the Hawk except Griffith, Guts and Casca are based on Miura and his IRL college friends. Let that sink in.

Miura is powered by the suffering of his fans

I want to find the guy Judeau was based in, hug him and tell him everything will be alright.

How do you guys think Schierke and Farnese will react to The Eclipse?

They already literally experienced Casca and Guts having sex from Casca's point of view, basically Schierke already knows what sex feels like despite still being a virgin, let that sink in.

As for Eclipse, if the barbed cock monsters are anything to go by, it's going to be a Mr. Femto's Wild Ride.

Is there a summary or a full translation of the Grunbeld novel anywhere online?

>oh boy elf island
>off the boat finally god damn
>what the fuck is all this stupid bullshit
>nice wickerman can we fix casca yet
>oh okay it was all a misunderstanding and we're being welcomed into elf city now
>who are all these characters can we finally meet the king yet
>another fucking chapter without the king
>hey it's the king, and he says we can fix casca
>we're going to fix casca
>we're in her memories, casca is literally being fixed
>we are in the progress of fixing casca and have now arrived at the final step
I am upset

I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I think Femto of the 5 God Hand has the creepiest design. Something about the partial latex suit, and the fact that we actually know who Femto really is is just creepy to me.

Miura literally mastered the art of blueballing.

The hiatus BEGINS next issue. So expect another chapter at the end of this month before the hiatus begins.

What the fuck? This looks like some shit I put together when SFM first came out. How does a professional studio make something like this?

Are you sure?

It's the eyes and the bird "helmet".
Griffith had those unsettling "bird of prey" eyes even as a human during Golden Age in some scenes. That's what makes him unsettling.

Void is just a tortured scholar who has a personal beef with Gaiseric/Skull Knight.

Slan is literally a slut with a boner for Guts that flat out wants Guts to become one of them so they can fuck for eternity.

Conrad is a literal autist that does literally nothing.

Ubik is a happy merchant jew manipulator.

Griffith is the only one that's actually creepy when you consider all of the above.


Already confirmed that this was the final chapter unfortunately. Have fun waiting until winter.
And by Winter they most likely mean February or March.

That's what it said in the scan I read of chapter 351.
It seems like it's slightly up to interpretation, but in the most literal sense this says that the hiatus hasn't begun yet.

confirmed where?


Is the golden age arc only the chapters labeled as such? Or is it all the history chapters in the beginning?

>anime is shit
>Koei game is shit
>manga is back on hiatus
Remember a year ago when we were so excited, what went wrong Berserkbros?

The Golden Age is everything from Guts's birth to him leaving Casca in the elf cave with Erica, Rickert and Godo.

Oh snap, so it's a lot further ahead than I currently am. What a ride

Dark souls

Shit, I didn't mean to spoil anything there. How far in are you? It could have been a lot worse.

Is there anything good about Berserk? It seems to be overtly edgy and dark from what I've seen so far.

Isn't there some musou everyone was hyping up? how did that turn out?

>mfw the new anime's dub is using a completely different cast
I expect literally nothing and Berserk 2016 still finds ways to disappoint me

Blacked Swordsman is everything from Volume 1 to end of Volume 3.
Golden Age is everything from end of Volume 3 to start of Volume 14.
Conviction is everything from start of Volume 14 to end of Volume 21.
Millennium Falcon is everything from start of Volume 22 to start of Volume 35.
Fantasia, the currently ongoing arc, is everything from start of Volume 35 to now and still ongoing.

It was on the same tier as every other musou tie-in besides maybe HW and a couple of the Gundam ones - it was fucking shit

Griffith just explained what friends are to him to the princess, and then guts and casca fell off a cliff during a fight. They found a cave he's trying to help her recover

He said good.

If you're just taking in the visuals then it will seem edgy. Yeah, it's dark and has some really heavy subject matter, but there's a lot of genuine sincerity and heartfelt characters and moments. The harsh scenes exist to try and accentuate the hope the characters find in their different personal journeys.

I actually really like the new voice for Guts. I liked the 97/02 version a lot too, but this guy's great as well.

Leave this thread before you get spoiled.

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of especially about series you know nothing about.
The only "edgy" periods of Berserk are Black Swordsman and start of Conviction (generally referred to as Lost Children, it's a sub-arc within Conviction arc) and there are very good story reasons for that cause you see, Berserk starts in medias res with Black Swordsman arc, it's not the chronological beginning of the series, that's the Golden Age arc to which Black Swordsman cuts to once it ends as an elaborate flashback to explain the motivations behind the main character.

That's what I was looking for, thank you.
I really should. I'm a believer in that the journey matters, but I think I'll take your advice this time. Cheers user.

Wait what? Golden Age movies used the old dub cast from what I know. Anyway I'm not a dumb dubfag so I don't care much.

The first Hokuto Musou was great and wasn't much like a traditional Musou which is why it was good. It was more of a beat'em up game.
Unfortunately second Hokuto Musou was pretty trash, and the Berserk Musou used second Hokuto Musou as a base so it's also shit.

I mean I like Kaiji Tang and all best English Kenshiro by far but hearing Marc Diraison and crew again is probably the only thing that would ever make me rewatch that shitshow.

>All those chapters that will be dedicated to fighting Griffith's apostles.
An ending is fucking impossible for Miura at this stage

Reminder that the dreamcast game is canon.
Edgy at times but has plenty of poetic moments that balance it out.

Hope you enjoy, friend.

Golden Age movies used the old dub cast, which was one of very few good things about them especially since the new Japanese cast they used was a lot worse than the original anime's. 2016 uses a new English cast entirely for seemingly no reason.

Why didn't Gutts just removed the curse mark with a knife?
>inb4 it hurts
I bet it hurts more to fight against demons every hour

>That's what I was looking for, thank you.
There's also the Berserk: Prototype chapter which as the name implies, was a rough prototype for the entire series and is the oldest in terms of production. According to Miura, it's canon but loosely because some elements of it directly contradict the lore he established for the series proper. Placement is somewhere during/between Black Swordsman and Lost Children portion of Conviction.

It's the good kind of edgy though

Not shadow the hedgehog nothin personnel shit

It's more like Conan the Barbarian tearing people and monsters apart on steroids

It's really fucking good and Guts is a very compelling character, give it a read, i couldn't put it down myself when i started, honestly my favorite manga

>Every drop of your blood will be ours

is this anime good or is Sup Forums just trying to get people to not jojo it / doing its 3D hateboner bull / being moody as usual when its actually ok

2016 anime replaced many of the Japanese cast simply because most of the original 97 VAs are retired or flat out dead. Slan and Void are still the original from 97 for example.

The movies were a good intro for people who are new or weren't sure if they cared enough to read the manga. I also personally like the movies hiding what Griffith does from the viewer, compared to the manga.

That, and it looks miles better than 2016. Shit models aside, the choreography with the fights was decent enough, and they gave them 2D faces.

Not as good as the old anime, far, far beyond the new anime in every regard, decent intro to Berserk

Miura's editor confirmed they've had the ending ready since at the very least 2011 (or was it 2012?) in terms of actually being written on paper, not drawn though obviously.
So even if some tragedy happens to Miura, they do have the ending.

Cutting it out physically wouldn't do anything. It's emblazoned onto his od.


So is the Prototype chapter and the new mini arc in the PS2 game, your point? Everything personally written by Miura is canon essentially.
Which makes the Grunbeld novel not canon since it's not written by him, it is endorsed though.

It's a wretched adaptation of a great manga.

Watch any clip that's not them fighting and you'll see.

I haven't read the mango but I still fucking love the series. Motherfuckers hyped up Evangelion for me but I was just bored senseless with it's shit.

The manga's good, the original anime's decent with a 10/10 soundtrack. The DC and PS2 games are pretty good for what they are. You can avoid pretty much everything else.

I know you're shitposting you phoneposter shitter (filename gives you out pleb) but the physical representation of the Brand is just that, a physical manifestation. The Brand itself is literally embedded into his soul. It can't just be "cut out" which is why it's such a big deal.

It's good as an intro to the series. If you watch between 5-10 episodes and you're enjoying it, drop it immediately and read the manga instead.

>Marc Diraison is still perfectly alive, healthy, and doing voice-over work
>he was even in the recent dub of one punch man, albeit as a somehwat minor character

What the fuck

What the actual fuck

I could understand if they offered him the role and he straight up refused but jesus christ

I mean, all the original VAs are still in their prime, i mean shit, Casca's original VA voices Caroline/Justine/Lavenza in Persona 5 for fucks sake (granted Casca is a vegetable in this one but w/e)

Are they not utilizing ANYONE?

Eva is trash, in my opinion. Tried the manga and the anime, just big robots fighting. I know it gets wild later on but honestly I don't really like that Japanese trope of dude this is getting MAAAAAD when it comes to its end, like the end of the Akira film.

2016/2017 anime is absolutely fucking terrible and everyone, especially Sup Forums, mock it for how terrible it is.
The only good Berserk anime is the 97 one and even then it adapts literally only like 1/5 of the source material and ends on a gigantic cliffhanger that basically screams "READ THE FUCKING MANGA".
So read the fucking manga.

>tfw Casca was my favorite character during Golden Age
>Fully expecting Miura is just gonna say "Fuck you" to the fans and not restore her, ever
I'm aware that Schierke and Farnese are working on restoring her, but I'm fully expecting Miura to be like "They failed, lol."

If they're amazing then why is the show 90% GEMBA's shitty CGI? I'm genuinely curious, Millepensee's rendering of Guts is unironically my favorite out of the anime adaptions.

Blame Crunchyroll

Because his spiritual form and/or soul is branded, the physical brand is just a symbolic manifestation

>inb4 cut it off the spirit form

You dont want to cut your spirit form, trust me

My point is that it adds to the overall world building and everything in the manga. That guy tried saving his wife by turning her into an apostle or whatever and it parallels Gut's struggle to save Casca.

Didn't know that about the ps2 game so yeah thanks user even if you're being a tad smarmy?

Miura explicitly said he wants to give Guts a happy ending after all the shit he went through.

They'll succeed and she'll go batshit crazy. It's what i'd expect to happen anyway if he does go through with it.

Visually it can be pretty ass

But the story and voice acting are suitable sans the arcs they omitted

How do you mean batshit crazy? Like, she'll try to kill Guts, or what?

I'm not being smarmy, I just stated the facts because it sounded like you were acting the DC one is "special". All those stories are just gaiden stories though and completely irrelevant to the main story.

Someone OK'd this.