Excuse me my dear Sup Forums

Excuse me my dear Sup Forums,
May I have your attention for a second?
I want to know if there is a better GPU than a GTS 450 2gb but with a similar price of GTS450 2 gb?

Other urls found in this thread:


depends on the price

you're too poor for video games

get a lock pick and a hammer

Gt 730 is better?

Something bellow 200 trumps?
I already have a gtx 1070 +i7 6 generation
I just want a cheap gpu for upgrade a toster

the 1050 goes for a little over $100



Also, try sounding less like a redditor.


And... if i want something bellow than 100 bucks?
It possible?

Not in this fucking market. GPUs are at a premium.

460 2gb
shit tier card but it's less than $100

>paying for a GPU under $100

This a more expensive card

GTX 1050 or GTX 560. But you should save up for a 1050 Ti or RX 470.

get a 1050ti at list price then dumbass.
paired with a g4560 it will play every game on the market.

avoid AMD till crypto dies off, you will not find a good AMD gpu while mining is profitable.

Why is AMD so popular for mining? I tried to buy a used R9 290 a few days ago because I thought they would be cheap by now, but they were all over $400.



AMD has more cores, and mining is a highly parallel computation.