You are going to relieve all those good, old memories once Gummy launches, right user?

You are going to relieve all those good, old memories once Gummy launches, right user?

Of course not

>Forsaken and Blood Elves will never start their own faction with magic crack and gas chambers
More than 2 fucking factions fucking when?

I'll definitely check it out once it gets out of beta. Not going to level twice.

You know that this isn't how male blood elves look at all, right?

not op, but the beta is instant 70

its bretty fun, i did some dungeons with /vg/ today and they all 4 of them were actually perfectly scripted

In BC I started wondering what's wrong with the game

tbc was the shittiest expansion(from the when the game was good, post-cata wow is trash), dunno why autists missed it so much

wotlk>vanilla>early cata>tbc>cata in general>dogshit>rest of wow

tbc was fucking retarded, muh shitty space setting, gay-ass purple and pink everywhere, muh lets give horde palies and alliance shamans since we are too lazy and incompetent to actually balande the factions and make them feel distinct, muh start of dailies grind, muh pig-disgusting ugly sanctuary capital that you'll have to look at whole day while waiting for stuff, muh reviving characters 239434 times, muh resilience, muh making 50% of the classes useless, faggot belfs and retarded draeneis and most importantly, muh introducing fly mounts and completely killing world pvp

wotlk had some of those problems too, but at least it had the best setting, best lore and best PvP

Yes and hope he doesn't get raided by the police since the retard is gonna host in new york.

it's apparently only temporary, afaik he will move it to Europe eventually

i dont really care, im waiting for Crsestfall since it looks like the most promising project and i love the idea of progressing through expansion, id love to replay all the Vanilla, through TBC through WotLK and maybe even early Cata experience again, so Gummy is just a good place to waste time until then for me

>knife ears being released
>good memories

belfs are the shittiest race ingame

giv elf gf

nelfs are qter

>tbc was the shittiest expansion(from the when the game was good, post-cata wow is trash), dunno why autists missed it so much

because the difficulty and tuning of everything was pretty much perfect. the leveling, the group quests, the dungeons, the raids, everything was appropriately tuned. aside from tbc, no other expansion ever provided such a satisfying progression.

you are right - wotlk was better in pretty much every other way. but it completely fucked up this essential part, which made the overall experience really lackluster compared to TBC.

cata did, if we dont count last raid
wotlk had great dungeons, albeit a bit easy, and the best raid in the game(ulduar)

When is cummy out?

today, you heard it here first

cata did have two great raid tiers, yes. bastion of twilight, blackwing descent, tot4w and firelands were very good.

but it did not have a good overall progression. well it kind of did in the very beginning, but they quickly started watering it down with the troll heroic patch, and then by making previous tier loot available for justice points and shit. also no attunements or raid questlines at all.

>wotlk had great dungeons
no they were all dumb as fuck except oculus
>and the best raid in the game(ulduar)
that I can agree but at the same time it introduced the concept of the cancer that is easy/hard mode for raids.

>wotlk had great dungeons
holy fuck, Holy FUCK
wotlk had the absolute worst dungeons of any expansion, bar non
only the icc set were even half decent and that's 3 whole dungeons

dunno, i love the icc tier dungeons, oculus, halls of stone, halls of lighting, culling of stratholme but maybe its just me

blood elf genocide when

the settings for the dungeons were nice but they all boiled down to pull literally everything visible and spam aoe because they're that undertuned
garbage noncontent because if you were t6 geared then you had enough to walk into naxx/os/maly and smash it all because it was so undertuned aswell

after leveling in wrath there was nothing to do until ulduar was released, which was godlike, because all of the launch content was so fucking easy

post cute elves and ill tell you

Well the only decent thing there was to do at release was sarth 10 and 25 3D, which was "hard" but still pretty easy and then also the achievements for the plagued proto drake in naxx.

>after leveling in wrath there was nothing to do until ulduar was released

twilight vanquisher was hard to get in the beginning
but yeah, one single hard fight in the entire raid tier? what the fuck were they thinking