You did pick the best choice, right, Sup Forums?

You did pick the best choice, right, Sup Forums?

>ahahaha senpai choose your ending from your phone lmao xdddd

i dont even remember

Yes, I picked Deathwish.

I picked deathwish because it sounded hard as fuck

I don't actually remember if it was hard

cant remember what i picked probably trevor because he is a redneck with no family to support, no one would miss him

Anyone else not choose deathwish for fear that Franklin would die?

kill jestah


The reason I picked it. Thought Franklin would die

You can't kill the black guy? That's racist.

Killing Trevor made the most sense in the narrative. Deathwish was a fairy tale ending and Franklin had zero motivation to choose Michael.

This just pissed me off. It was only included because alternate endings were a meme at the time. It has no substance. You either kill off one of two thirds of the game, or do the actual ending with no consequences. Deathwish should have had Franklin die at the end to make it a real choice, or they just shouldn't have bothered.

How does the post-game work if you do kill one of them? Are you just locked out of their missions from that point?

This. You are actively missing out on gameplay if you dont pick Deathwish, and you dont even get Michael' share of the heist if you kill him.

I think so.

Can anyone verify?

Yes! Finnaly someone who understands

Can you faggots state your issue with the things you don't like instead of typing "ironic" reddit posts with 5 chinned laughing faces and effectively saying nothing at all?

CYOE is stupid and lazy

>choice of 2 lame missions that are super easy vs an the true ending
fucking lame. all of them should have been on the same level as deathwish and all of them should have made you choose who to kill. i would have killed trevor if it meant i didn't get screwed out of the final mission.

>You can kill stupid ass franklin


I feel like deathwish should have ended with Franklin dying.