Has nintendo started the qt brown queen revolution?

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take a note western devs, THIS is how you handle """diversity""" in games

Left is clearly Okinawan.

I can't get enough of Twintails' big bum.

Id let them all dom me

Especially Olivia and Twintelle

This. If the west made more girls like this I think I would have to betray my race.

No it isnt

They look disgusting if you want that then by all means roll around in the mud

I'd get dirty with them if you know what I mean

She's dark Polynesian.

other than the arms girl they arent the best girls of their respective series

okay, who's the qt brown girl revealed for Mario Odyssey going to be?


Know the difference, it could save your life.

Hmm guess the ganguro looking makeup throws me off.

Nah, Okinawan is more orange.

>roll around in the mud
Sounds very sexy.

They're literally all brown in the skin. No one should be this retarded.



But it began years ago, with Iris and Shauna...

he said delicious brown, not black

as long as your skin tone is brown, you're brown

none of those girls are black. one is clearly arab, one is okinawan, one is an octopus which probably means pacific asian, the last one is french so probably arab/indian

Shauna isn't black!

>Has nintendo started
No. There were many before nintendo that did it. Like this one for example.

>caring this much about the race of fictional characters
I don't care what side you're on politically or if you are political at all, you are all mentally ill.

My bad.

We all know who the superior brown girl is though.

>one is okinawan
Olivia is a Polynesian you idiot.

Black man here, what's wrong with adding more of us in video games?

Today I saw the overwatch trailer and I saw a black man, big, strong, fearless, powerful.
I also so splatooon showing off a black girl, beautiful, inteligent and nice.
I come over here and I see nothing but hatred, not because of the gameplay, but because of the color of the skin. Very disrespectful and ignorant.
Are white boys really that mad over a video game character? Y'all need to get your priorities straight
for those of you who don't give a fuck about race, thank you

Taking in account that X and Y are set in PokéFrance, then she is most probably from PokéArab descent.

But brown skinned anyway.


My favorite part about this kind of stuff is all the Sup Forumss screaming that the characters aren't black.

Their fear of getting boners to black chicks is the most amusing thing of all.

Nobody said she is black. She is delicious brown.

>kids games
Nintendo is making horndogs out of this generation

Don't let Treehouse find out.


I love Shauna's perky boobs. And that gap.

>all these triggered limp dick white bois

kek, and they say tumblr gets triggered too easily...


Good taste user-kun

Ram is best brown

Nintendo manages to grasp at one of the most basic concepts from psychology.

If you want to introduce a new variable to an environment, the easiest fucking way is through association with a positive reinforcement.

Yes but which one is the best kisser?

I want to lick rams toes and then puss puss

Jjust the Splatoon girl is black, she's clearly supposed to be a black "inkling" or whatever.

>MENA-inspired Gerudo
>Ambiguous brown woman
>Black *insert the name of the Splatoon species here*

Definitely not Olivia

The west is trying but they seem to be using stereotypes and blacksploitation films as their only points of reference.

Kids are going to fap anyway. They just have more better material now instead of Nintendo princesses.

>ITT fecalphiliacs

Did someone say BROWN?

twintelle hnng

>literally years of brown girls in Nintendo games
Fucking underage.

You know. I find posts like this very odd. You mention pol not liking this and that despite being on Sup Forums instead of that board. Considering people who may have problem with black people is because they prefer people of their own color, including minorities like hispanics or chinks who hate blacks, you being on Sup Forums is also because you prefer being around Sup Forums related mindsets instead of Sup Forums related. Thus even yourself subscribe to the idea that there's nothing wrong with liking a culture you relate to the most and disliking aspects that goes against it.

In short, you're contradicting faggot.

Yeah but this is like 8 months worth of brown girls.
8 M O N T H S

No, I'm the opposite of Sup Forums and I'm one of the people saying the characters aren't black.

I say this because lots of Sup Forums idiots only see black and white so they go crazy thinking blacks are being put in all their games when they are such a small minority of the world population.

The fact is though, blacks are a small proportion of the worldwide brown skinned population. There are around 4 billion brown skinned people in the world that aren't black, and only around 1 billion black people.

>Jjust the Splatoon girl is black, she's clearly supposed to be a blIack "inkling" or whatever
I didn't see it. I'm trained to automatically think any dark skinned girl in a Japanese game is supposed to be a ganguro girl. Aren't those extinct in Japan?

baby steps user

>designing white women
Dumb gaijin.

>liking qt girls with brown skin means we care about diversity in games
Nigga what?

>no it's not, these characters lack actual ethnic features like kinky hair or pronounced lips
k amerishart

sorry but i'd like to keep my girls hispanic/indian/arab/south east asian

fuck niggers

I kinda agree with this. I think Western devs kinda go overboard by giving EVERY black woman an Afro, instead of some qt braids or dreads and I would like to see some black girls with a qt negroid nose and facial structures (they do exist), but a lot of the time, "black" Japanese video game characters just look like white ones but colored darker.

Yeah Shantae is a fucking amazing character. Idiot. We need well-written characters, not characters that make your dick tingle.

What about brown boys?

none of these devs hang with black people.

The way it should be. Niggers in real life are hideous abominations. There's a reason why in terms of ranking which race people would rather fuck black people rate the very lowest.

American blacks largely come from the same geographical region.

This is why Americans have dumb ideas, like "I'm just not attracted to black people". To them, black people = this small subset of black people, and this is also why you have that "black with white features" autism when Amerifats realise other black ethnicities exist.

Who gives a shit about that?

They seem to think that every black woman has kinky hair. There are plenty of black women out there with naturally straight hair. I'm related to some.

France has a shitload of blacks relative to the rest of Europe actually

Me because I'm a woman


This is how I can tell you're a cucked euro behind that post, who have white women ready to get dicked by both nigerian, ethiopians, and muslim, and white males ready to watch with their hands on their dick in a corner.

>t. basement-dwelling neckbeard who never leaves the house


>"black" Japanese video game characters just look like white ones
Another whitey thinks white is the standard even to the Japanese.

>attention seeking whore

Ah, as opposed to Amerifats, who leave their women safe in the hands of Spics, niggers, slavs, and the fucking Irish.
And btw I'm Jewish so it's no skin off my nose ;)

Me because I'm a homo.


white is a standard to the japanese

>japanese otaku who has been there and learned their ways


>brown = black

Why is she black and not some other dark skinned race?

so basically its okay because they are hot?

Yeah. Is this your first time on Sup Forums?

Yes, actually.

No though.

Not even white. But let's not pretend white isn't the standard. Look at characters like R. Mika or Karin in SFV. If you didn't know they were Japanese, you'd think they were white.

100% correct not an opinion coming through

Those two are white, but since SF is a fictional world, I guess they are technically japanese cause the capcom said so. Still, ken is like half japanese and he has the same traits, so it just means capcom are inconsistent hacks.

Post delicious brown nintendo characters

Never said it was okay, just easier.

mmmmmm chocolate

Man, poor pearl. Who the fuck is even going to bother siding with her at the splatfest. Its gonna be all about our QUEEN MARINA.

>arguing over whether cartoon characters are black

Nintendo has had black characters in their videogames for the longest time (Doc Louis).

People shouldn't be shocked and in denial of dark skinned characters like Marina and Twintelle POSSIBLY being black. I, for one, am glad those two characters weren't designed with giant afros like alot of other devs do.

Nintendo are still racist as fuck. Doc Louis is a minor exception that never billboarded on the front of Nintendo's website or marketing schemes. It's always been white mario, white pokemon protagonist, or animal buddy.

More like Nintendo caved in and had to add black women just like the afro bitches you see in new games now. Just means they are in lines with globalist and psyops co.

>jpon doesn't big on lolicon

>aim to be more diverse
>token characters are blatant stereotypes because the devs don't actually know any people of that race

I love it, companies trip over themselves for diversity and it's so fucking blatant that you think that the developers could just be racist and fucking stupid and then Nintendo is like, yeah whatever here's a character, they just happen to be that colour because the design fits.

Well duh. Just look at the entirety of NoA.

Though I do have a question: how many blacks have any of us seen at Nintendo HQ or on the Treehouse?

This Nintendo can make an actual Black character not a fucking stereotype.
Reggie is Haitian apparently

Since when has Haitian meant black.

Disregard me I read it as Hawaiian.