Really made me think

Really made me think

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That's a lot of ugly in one picture

I can't wait for you sheep to be meme'd into lusting after black women just like tumblr did with the THICC meme. I'm getting way tired of the unjustified racism and derailed threads, putting us on a pedastal will be a nice change of pace.

Japan does it again. When will the west catch up?


thicc is just appropriation of black culture
its not forced normalization like seen in OP

Based Nintendo, achieving diversity in games without even trying.

Real black women look like a monkey the idiots on here want some fake brown animu girl with pink hair and white features

>Mafia 3
I will never not be mad.

The fuck are those designs on the left. Even earrings are the same.
Western devs are lazy as fuck.

No, thicc is fat acceptance. You can't attribute culture to a body type, that's retarded.

>black people exist
>therefore having black characters is forced normalization

>Cartoony things are more attractive than realistic things

Wow holy shit great job detective.

>brown = black
that's like saying asian = white because we have
almost the same skin color

About what?

>Cia is now a nigger

Fuck off

None of the ones on the right are black.

Yeah, I do have to agree that Japan really is better at making black/brown vidya girls than the West. For fucks' sake, I'm not even the type of cuck bitching and complaining about blacks in my video games, just make them look cool/sexy and make the actual characters cool too. Why is the West complete shit at making black/brown characters?

At least Doomfist is fucking cool.

>unjustified racism

Hey. We really need to shake up the gaming industry. Really send a message that we're sick of all these bald, white dudes in games...So the question is... What's the opposite of a bald, white dude?

Black man here, what's wrong with adding more of us in video games?

Today I saw the overwatch trailer and I saw a black man, big, strong, fearless, powerful.
I also so splatoon showing off a black girl, beautiful, inteligent and nice.
I come over here and I see nothing but hatred, not because of the gameplay, but because of the color of the skin. Very disrespectful and ignorant.
Are white boys really that mad over a video game character? Y'all need to get your priorities straight
for those of you who don't give a fuck about race, thank you

like 4 times too many

black women have the highest STD rate in the US (other than gays of course)


>thicc is fat acceptance
No. It's not. There is difference between thicc and being a fucking fat whale. Stop being delusional.

no, thicc was appropriated BY fat acceptance movements to justify themselves
Thicc has almost always been the ideal body type for women, but has recently been hijacked by morbidly obese bitches that haven't worked out a day in their life

>left black girls
>right brown girls
fuck off

nice copypasta

Trying to force niggers in everything is wrong.
In my country there aren't many of them. In fact, I believe they reach like 200 at much. Their numbers are even less than asians. Something similar happens in the countries next to mine.
So seeing black people in every videogame and living everywhere is actually wrong

lol get outta here

white people need to be exterminated.
if you are white you donĀ“t deseve to exist. your countries belong to non white people and your culture deserves to be destroyed
good to see fellow liberal using video games as another platform for our message.

>animu girl
>white features
Opinion discarded

>Developers should cater exclusively to the demographics of my country, and ignore the rest of the world

personally with nintendo, it dont seem forced.

Twintelle, pokemon, marine, all look natural, just a new human skin tone.
and nintendo doesnt make em stand out, like with better abilities, or forced badassness.

Just some normal ass nintendo character.

But then again, Nintendo dont do story that much, so theyll never look guilty

Real black women are indistinguishable from black men from the neck up. The pics on the right are just brown Chinese girls.

Wow you're stupid

Nice try

Black people? In MY video games?

>Right: immediate appeal, babies and autistic people are capable of immediately appreciating their superficial qualities
>Left: not designed to be immediately or superficially appealing, you'd need to actually play the games and see for yourself
Man this comfort zone sure is cozy.

Can someone post more of the black girl in Beyond Good & Evil 2? She looks good there but I can't tell 100%

Sounds like some anons can't handle the truth of how mallable you really are. THICCfags are a vocal majority on this site now, and all of them have their own opinions on what's the limit of THICC or not, who are any of you to speak for an entire group of strangers. You might be individuals at the end of the day, but the way you cling to memes to make up for your lack of personality or opinions is unprecedented.

Apparantly the only strong black female example westerncucks can come up with is the overused Blaxploitation stereotype.

Kind of crazy how in just a few years Sup Forums pulled a complete 360 on dlc, paid online, and diversity in video games.

I wonder if there's a connection?

its just a shitty meme that went too far like cuck and now normalfags use it as slang, sad part is all the fatfags use it as a way of fat acceptance

Don't you see that all of the ones on the left are practically the same design? Same afro, same hoop earrings, same sassy strong womyn that need no man... They are not adding more of you, they are just adding more of the same stereotype.

>unjustified racism

Uh, a 360 is a complete circle, so they wouldn't have changed at all, duh.

Except thicc is not fat because you can get thicc through properly dieting and exercising so you have strong but plump thighs
It's not muscle girl, being gross tan thighs and it's not cottage cheese fatass thighs

why does nobody complain when Nintendo does it?

Fedora-tier post.

Sounds like you're a delusional skelefag wondering why people don't find the visibility of the ribcage through the skin attractive


I can just see the black people with afros walking on the street from my window, what the fuck is their problem?

Nintendo actually knows how to design waifus

A fat bitch is a fat bitch, trying to pretend otherwise with a buzzword is laughable.

Because it's literally okay when Nintendo does it.

Same stereotyped example
varied examples

:really makes you think:

How can somebody be such an cringy unapologetic white knight and not see how incredibly pathetic it looks?

>all the white boys are becoming sissy traps these days
>becoming weaker and weaker and more submissive

>white women look in disgust and go for a black man, instead

white race is finished.

No political agenda. The real question is why Nintendo and other Jap companies keep being brought into the political affairs of the West.

You can tell that none of these devs are black or hang around black people. They don't understand black people have various black hairstyles.

Because from what I see Nintendo isn't designing all their brown chicks to look exactly the same

You have to attack someone for someone else to be a white knight.
All I've seen is bitching and moaning.

>unattractive is realistic

>Same stereotyped example
Yeah, it's funny. Despite "diversity", there is little actual variety. It's fulfilling a quota, with a stereotype.

Feel free to take your own advice anytime now.

>Um, escuse me you vile racist! I've had enough of your evil ways! In the name of all things virtuous I shall defend the weak and helpless black folk whom many are my friends!

Someone can disagree with and not fit into your meme strawman.

Black women all glue wigs to their head

Needs some Ram.

Wow, you don't even know what being a white knight means.
I didn't even defend the characters on the left, I just pointed out how judging them purely on their aesthetic is incredibly shallow and childish.

Proof that most people on this board dont know the culture and think weaving is the crown of black hairstyles.

>felt the need to defend fictional characters because of moral reason
It's more pathetic somehow than just judging fictional characters because you're getting mad at what others think about fictional characters.

>Black people that cry for diversity are actually satisfied with being represented like the characters on the left

I just don't get it. This is the same thought process of the people who created stuff like aunt jamima and black face. "Black People= huge lips + pitch black skin", now its "Black People = huge afro + unable to speak properly/has to be racists whenever there's a white character on screen"

>You mad bro?
Nah, just pointing out that you're retarded.
Nice of you to admit that you're pathetic though. Good to see you're at least a little self-aware.

Nintendo is Japanese and Japan know how to make attractive delicious brown

You have to be 18+ in order to use this site.


>take a white person
>apply brown sugar
at least the Americans try to make realistic blacks

Yeah by ignoring all the unattractive black aspects

oy vey

And they turn out looking like shit

>what is sheva from resident evil

They just slap some mud on a white person. Japs can't stand looking at real blacks. White people are the only foreigners they put in most things cause they're used to us.

A game that came out 8 years ago. Now can you get out, grand pa?

>all the white boys
Go outside dear.


How can pedophilia be any different from being gay with shit like that pic going on

>gays want to adopt
>implying adopting isn't forcing the gay life on a kid without consent

Why are western devs so fucking terrible at everything?

I always wondered how poor redneck cousin fucking. retards afford computers and internet service cause I know the federal government isn't giving out free computers to you idiots. One of the greatest mysteries of our time

thats what happens when companies try to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. Funny that one of the few games to do black culture right was also one of the best.

That's why I've been playing Crash Bandicoot. The mascot that kicks niggers and muslims heads in.

>tfw in the 90s you thought the slippery slope was just bullshit spread by religious nuts.
>fast forward to now.
Fuuuuuuck, it hits hard.

>BG&E girl is nice. Ubi was generous with the cleveages in that trailer


I had to explain to my mom that the chick from Arms isn't racist and tell her about gyaru/ganguro culture.

it made sense back then cause devs wanted something different in their games. but then the great SJW era happened, and that completely went pass the point of it.

Because those girls know they're beautiful and are some of the most cocky cunts ever. This thread is triggering me with girls I know irl who acted like that. Trust me, their beauty only stops at the face.

>be me
>argue with religious bible thumper about gay marriage being legalized
>she says once gays are normalized it will become the popular thing to become
>laugh at her for her slippery slope falicy
>years later
>see current state of affairs
I was wrong...

She's tan because she's evil. Her pure costume has white skin.

>gays want sex

Never ignore wisdom.