>That feel when your new MMO expansion adds no new features to the game
>That feel when the story is still verbose trash
Well at least the final trial was fun
>That feel when your new MMO expansion adds no new features to the game
>That feel when the story is still verbose trash
Well at least the final trial was fun
>queue for Royal Meme for shits and giggles
>it is already getting easier
>sometimes he doesn't even Aerial Blast near the beginning of the 2nd phase
What the fuck
>That feel when your new MMO expansion adds no new features to the game
swimming, diving and duty actions are literally new features
Swimming and diving came out about as well as a vestigial twin. As soon as we are through with Stormblood you will never see it again and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even fuck with it in the patches aside from whatever shitty blitzball implementation is coming.
If what SB brought was not new features, what on earth constitutes new features?
genre shift
What new features are there. Don't say swimming and diving because those are worthless and hamfisted into the main story like twice. Duty actions and QTE were in Alexander and the only time a duty action is even relevant or interesting is in the 2nd Omega fight.
>swimming, diving
A shame how diving is completely useless outside of those dozen quests in Ruby Sea and helping retarded fishermen get their poles back.
>XIV is still not a bullet hell action game
We already have a thread up my dude, keep this up and you'll give the anti 14 autist a brain aneurysm
Which one
Felt to me that the game took a few steps back in terms of quality.
HW jobs were not perfect, but atleast the balance was a lot better than it is now, especially with older job not getting fucked over. MSQ quality went also down by a lot and the cutscenes are still not on the same level than 1.0.
SAM and RDM are fun and engaging classes for a lot of people but made leveling a DPS completely shit.
Quickly, before the mods delete this thread!
Tell me how I can make the FF14 general on /vg/ more tolerable. I've tried to stomach that shit over the past week but it's unbearable.
80% of the posts in that thread don't even talk about the game, it's just avatarfagging and circlejerking to a bunch of no-name losers.
I just wanna be able to talk about the expansion without wanting to kill myself.
You don't
You talk about the game here and try to dodge autistic [other game]fags who got triggered by your thinly veiled OP posts and SMN/SCH players. It's arguably more bearable than dealing with the cancer on /xivg/
It's a lost cause. Unless they make a vg for that vg and a new xiv one.
You can't, you'll just have to talk about it here
The /vg/ autists will nuke their own threads with spam posts if people talking about the game gets traction and will do the same if you try to make another thread until it gets deleted for having 2 threads up for 1 game
They are legitimately mentally ill and can only accept erp fantasies and posting pictures of generic cat sluts and face 3 lizards
>release an expansion with """new features"""
>>oh my god they killed my game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>release an expansion fixing broken shit, shifting the meta a bit and releasing new shit ontop of the old shit while overhauling pvp making it 1000x better
>oh my god there is nothing new!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the fuck do you even want? if you want new shit play one of the mmos with double digit player counts because they sure as hell introduced some of the funky new shit that you beg for.
/xivg/ is unrecoverable. A certain subest of NEET, who have nothing else in their life have elected this as their home. They get validation and attantion from there -and only from there- avatarfagging and circlejerking. Any attempt to drive these people out with result in autism fits, ingame stalking and outright blackmailing if you ever made the mistake to actually play with these people.
I've been playing this game since 2.0 and every month I tried to talk about the game and never got replies. Stopped browsing that site since 3.1, checking back every 6 months maybe just to see how (shit) it is. There's no redeeming that place; it's an endless sea of shit. Also we need more stealth threads but I don't think my router resets my IP.
>release an expansion fixing broken shit, shifting the meta a bit and releasing new shit ontop of the old shit while overhauling pvp making it 1000x better
First of, who cares for PvP? Literallt 80% bots of player who can't get into dungeons because SE fucked queues up beyond repair.
And classes are outright broken with skills and concepts working actively against each other, or in case of RDM, so bugged that you can completely ignore their class mechanics and explot the shit out of it.
Come on man, give them a break. They only said must needs once this whole time.
It depends on your ISP. If you are assigned a static IP, then you're pretty much boned.
I'd rather eat a 3-day ban than be forced to post in /xivg/ anyways. It's pure AIDS over there.
Let me see your hotbars.
>outright broken with skills and concepts working actively against each other
They literally removed this aspect from BLM, BRD and to a certain extent AST, and everything about SAM and RDM is so well designed that it's easy to play just by virtue of being intuitive
>in case of RDM, so bugged that you can completely ignore their class mechanics and explot the shit out of it
What is this
I used to post laughing about how long the playthrough of Vanilla takes and then to have to go through HW. People would turn out to defend it and ask why you would want to skip the awesome story.
Now, the new expansion comes out, and people are literally paying money to skip the story content.
Fucking mmolol
>w-w-who even c-c-cares about pvp
i do around 2 matches per day to farm my mount and im enjoying my time there as ninja, dark knight, bard, paladin, monk and dragoon.
>i don't care about pvp so nobody does
>broken skills [...] working against eachother
which ones?
>RDM being so bugged
i think it's time to go back, wowfugee
I think mine's dynamic but I have to do something specific for it to actually rest. Reee
>doesn't know the RDM mana exploit
You really don't know this? It is literally 15% of the current damage RDM does. Basically SE fucked their black/white mana system up and you can get it to drain half as fast for double combos in certain situations. Naturally this wasn't fixed in 4.01.
Well shit.
>not broiling the shit out of everyone and still getting top heals
pathetic desu
>HW jobs were not perfect, but atleast the balance was a lot better than it is now,
nigga what? Stormblood has the best balance of FFXIV so far. Heavensward was balanced fucking poorly. PLD being left behind, MNK being useless, BLM suffering in every fucking fight, and SCH being insanely OP.
Yeah, I got tired of SB after a week and cancelled my sub already.
Shit is fucking DULL lmao. I literally feel like I'm just playing 2.x/3.x still. Most expansions for mmos do a good job of introducing new and fresh shit.
This one does not.
>cares about PvP
>is a fucking MOUNT tard
LOL stopped reading right there
Healing gets you a lot of points with however they score that thing, is you spam heals you top the board easily
>0 damage done 5 assists
That's what I'm curious about
They changed every job somewhat, and 10 new levels and two new jobs. It was to be expected that things wouldn't be in balance.
Everything is still literally viable and there will be changes for the biggest problems.
All the kills were hit with a dot before the first tick?
Saw this coming a mile away, unsubbed long before and never bothered with the expansion.
Feels good.
Fucking this. Goddamn, that shit was boring. I had to force myself to finish the 4.0 story.
The story itself isn't even good, and I constantly see XIV fags praising it like its the second coming of jesus or some shit.
Healing counts as assisting dumbasses.
>waaahhh he likes something i don't like
>>doesn't explain why it's apparently so obviously bad that he doesn't need to even begin to explain
>he cares about a mount in an mmo
i think mmos are just not your genre man
>not caring about a whole part of the game
The real FFXIV thread is here:
Some autistic BDO shill is spamming it. Not safe to post in
You can't say shit like this without showing proof that works or how to do it.
I didn't really like the final trial, I liked Zenos as a villain though. Liking the new raid tier a lot more than alex though, excited for savage.
Wait literally less than 2 weeks
First rule of Hidden FFXIV threads: You do not talk about Hidden FFXIV threads.
I'm interested in the shock posts like a guy literally shitting on a printed picture of an Elezen avatarfag or that guy who cut himself over a discord server in the OP. All I get though when I read /xivg/ are avatarfags and ERP;
Getting real tired of your attempts to evade general spamming with thinly veiled threads
Just got home. When is maintenance?
>guy who cut himself over a discord server
That was a tranny user
Like someone said the /vg/ thread is full of legit mentally ill people
Things on my wishlist so far:
>unfuck SCH and WAR
>tanks get STR on their accessories so they scale properly in later patches
>adjust WHM 60-70 abilities so that they're all at least decent. Seriously that capstone is revolting.
>make MCH strong enough to justify the autism required to play it well
4 hours for 3 hours. I just started playing too.
Glad I play ESO and don't have to deal with either of these feels.
>japanese expansion
>add japanese armor
>make MCH strong enough to justify the autism required to play it well
As someone who marched on as MCH so far. The class is stupidly simple to play once you get used to it. It will always be the same, no thinking involved. The "hard" part of using Overheat on your WF whenever BS is ready contributes to less than 1.5% of your overall DPS.
>Tataru makes the WoL an outfit
>it's a schoolgirl uniform
She has wierd tastes.
>playing a female character
cool game
holy shit red mage and bard are so much fun, there's always something to press
To be fair the deltascape armors are fucking stupid.
What's that supposed to show?
>private parties
I don't even mind how shit they look. I mind how lazy they are with spreading 2 armor variants across all classes.
>SE simplified job rotations so experienced players are not so far ahead of casuals
>dick about with ACT in lvl70 dungeons
>skilled players are now +1000 dps over lazy casuals instead of the 500dps gap in 3.0
At first I just wanted literal Exdeath as armor, but then I realized even more people would be wearing it than the fucking pineapple haircut.
MMOs are trash. All of them. Worse than RPGs and its terrible sub genres.
Are you sure they said it was to lower the gap between experienced players and casuals and not just to bring the casual floor higher so they're less likely to not meet the minimum?
It seems the only dps check that gets failed nowadays are enrage timers and it has a lot more to do with fucking up mechanics than failing to press buttons. Which is a good thing
>pineapple haircut.
It doesn't even look good, yet every third female character seems to have that. The ratio is even worse with cats and lizards.
>>SE simplified job rotations so experienced players are not so far ahead of casuals
>implying job rotations are more simplified now
they just had to prune shit from every class or people would be dpsing with like 50+ buttons
It's new so of course retards gotta have it.
Not that guy but I can tell you that this happens to SCH with dissapation and fey union.
I'm pretty bummed about how badly they fucked healers in general though. The only class the skill wipe helped was astrologian and paladin. Its like they redesigned bard and Paladin, did a great job with rdm and sam, fucked up mch/sch/whm and forgot about everyone else.
So, how long will the Shiogane housing plots last on Balmung or Gilgamesh? More or less than a minute?
>those worthless power-up skills that only work with ONE other skill and are implemented solely to bring that classes DPS up to par
The fucking worst.
There's nothing SE can do that will balance casual and hardcore short of completely removing oGCDs and Buff skills.
If it involves more than pressing 1-2-3, they can't do it. Looking at some of my parses over the past week, I don't think most can even do that.
NIN got better in SB though, only thing that sucks is trying to learn their new opener.
Oh and buffed astrologian because why not. They totally needed those buffs
>not playing as your ideal woman
It'd be one thing if the males in the game looked decent, but they're all fairly boring.
>savage patch comes
>no adjustments to ast or sch
>no adjustments to pld or mch
Just accept it, its going to happen. Enjoy 2 more years of unbalance and shit class design.
Why do you have more than one of the same job gear set? Glamours?
God PLD feels fucking great to play now
Had all three at 60 in HW, DRK was my favorite mechanically but they raped it
How do I get better at front lines as a SCH?
Tataru peels off her sweaty, musky underwear and has thrown it into the hamper. She leaves you alone with it. What do you do?
Yep. Mostly for screenshots and the like.
>his ideal woman can be made with a half dozen generic choices
Get better taste user
DRK is shit until 70
WAR is just shit
PLD is basically a god at all levels
You are trash. All of your body. Worse than OP's body and its terrible sub genes.
DRK is hilariously boring till 68, and only really gets good at 70.
DRK still isn't that good at 70. TBN doesn't save it, just only helps a bit.
half of which are on 2 minute cooldowns while the other half are [do damage]
WAR isn't really THAT bad, right? It's just no more stance dancing, right?
Take the dirty clothes to what ever Kuganes equivalent of a laundromat is to get everything cleaned because after years of slaying primals the WoL of light is not above menial chores.
Day of the Fryer cant come soon enough.
It's not that bad but it's definitely not fun
Holy fuck thank you. I thought I was insane for a while, way too many people praise that fucking boring ass story.
War brings nothing
All tank damage is around the same point now with deviations of only a couple points so it doesn't bring extra dps like it used to and it has zero utility
When the highest war parse is only 3 points higher than a pld why would you ever bring it along
Is WAR still king at having good burst AOE?
You dont
Personally i think avatarfagging should be a permanent ban from Sup Forums
Then it would be fixed
But that wont happen, obviously, so it will never be fixed