Never had a gaming PC before but want to play DayZ, how much will I have to spend to play Arma2/DayZ at max settings? What about Arma 3? Should I iust get the Arma 3 PC for more money to be safe that it'll run Arma 2? Help a noobie out, anons
Never had a gaming PC before but want to play DayZ, how much will I have to spend to play Arma2/DayZ at max settings...
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You dont want to build a pc right now
You don't seem to even know what you want yourself, so calm your horses and tell us more.
For starters, what are your goal playing resolution and performance? "Max settings" don't mean really anything, and it's totally different thing to play your games with roughly "High" quality, than to tweak every possible .ini file to crank up the engine's parameters to the absolute maximum.
Some basic 1080p/60fps capable PC would be piss easy and very cheap to build nowadays, as in less than 500 bucks at best. Would allow you to run any couple years or older games with High-Very High settings, no problems.
1440p, the real 4K, or 144hz would be an all new thing of its own, and cost a low more as well. If you're just starting out with PC gaming, I doubt you'll have need for this stuff just yet.
In short, start with a mid-tier PC.
Intel CPU + Nvidia GPU very recommended. Minimum of 8GB of RAM.
I'd go with W7 Ultimate x64, as it can be found for dirt cheap or for FREE, and it does not suffer of the incompatibilities and all the spyware of the Wontworks 10.
Check up and some Youtube videos about "(budget here) gaming PC 2017".
Start looking for best deals on components in your area, and build the PC with them.
I want to play Arma 2/Day Z at high/max settings without any hiccups. I would like to also know approximately how much more money it would be to get a PC that can play Arma 3 at decent settings
>Arma 2 without FPS drops
Find a diffrent game then. Also GPU are expensive af right now.
Ok then what would you suggest? Im not willing to spend more than 650. Is that good enough to run it without any problems?
SA and the mod are both very CPU intensive. SA was a complete letdown, and to this day, is still buggy and unoptimized.
A 7700K - 1080ti build will likely be your best bet.
Too lazy to link it but look up "RTU 4k gaming PC" or "RTU PC build" those are pretty good guides.
>Spending $1000+ to play fucking DayZ
Stick with your ps4 friend.
>enough to run dayz, 60 fps, max settings.
> Im not willing to spend more than 650
not sure if it's possible.
OK, that helps a lot already.
Couple warnings though: ArmA games are known for their notoriously shit optimization. Or rather, they are quite CPU-heavy games thanks to their simulated big open worlds and all the fine details they mimic. As huge majority of PC games mostly stress the GPU, these CPU-hogger titles tend to surprise people.
That being said, both ArmA 2 and 3 are already years old at this point, so running them is a bit easier nowadays. Don't be alarmed if you need to turn a few settings to Medium or even "Off" to get great performance; if you learn what different game settings terms mean, you can usually do smart adjustments that barely sacrifice any visual quality, yet skyrocket your framerate.
The "PS4 killer" screencap I posted earlier is a fine starting machine, and might be doable for even cheaper now. Or a better specs for the same price. The GPU price fiasko mentioned mostly seems to affect Americans.
That being said, don't totally shoot down older compontents and even pre-owned PCs. Just last year I found a late-2009 era PC from a recycling center for mere 130 bucks, and once I slapped in a 30 bucks GTX 750 card (a few years old GPU as well) into it, the thing could easily run most games at 1080p and high settings. Newest title I tested was MGS5.
This is the ultimate enthusiastic build, just to let ya know.
Something like i5 + 1050ti would do just fine for a beginner. Maybe get GTX 1060 if you wanna be more safe.
day z is a fucking joke
also this
asscoin miners caused GPU's to get overmarked in price and RAM is also retarded expensive.
>i5 + 1050ti would do just fine for a beginner.
He's not playing DayZ with decent FPS, then.
Yeah i saw the 1060 build on logical increments and it comes out to 619. Will that be good enough?
Unironically wait a few months. Bitcoin miners are buying these in droves. Wait a bit and buy used for cheap.
The whole system? Yeah, sounds great, especially if it also has an Intel CPU.
If it's the card only... what the fuck burgerland??
Yeah im not buying it yet but im planning all this out now. But that $619 build will be good enough to run it? And let me clarify my "max settings" standards. I wamt good graphics and good performance. I dont need to be blown away but i dont want it to look like shit. I want to be able to have explosions and shit going off and not have severe dropoff in performance
>let me clarify my "max settings" standards. I want good graphics and good performance.
>Im not willing to spend more than 650
DayZ and Arma are very unoptimized games.
What are you on about. $650 is more than enough to get that. Games have shit system reqs these days.
Not OP but how much would a PC that runs most games at like mid settings (with some 3rd party help for better performance) and can support emulators up to cemu?
>What are you on about. $650 is more than enough for max settings
>on dayz
see the pic in Emulators are more CPU dependent though.
Maybe just get a CPU I guess, all I have is a shitty all in one PC that can't run shit. Would you recommend getting it from Ironside or something similar to it?
day Z is still unplayable and its been unplayable for 5 years, literally nothing has changed, if you buy a gaming pc specifically to play day z you deserve everything you get
>Maybe just get a CPU I guess, all I have is a shitty all in one PC that can't run shit.
Very much NOT advised.
For starters, all CPUs work only on motherboards designed to support it (=require a specific socket), meaning your fairly "locked" all-in-1 system may not be upgradeable at all. At least not with modern components.
Second, while CPU is important, you are really not going to play any modern game without a dedicated videocard. Sure, integrated video chips on CPUs have improved tremendously in past 5 years, and can work as fine 720p/Low alternatives for a while... but I wouldnt recommend it.
tl;dr: Get rid of the thing you have now, and build a whole machine from scratch.
Stick to cucksoles, you cheap ass. If $700 is too much money for you, you should probably avoid any hobby that goes beyond painting rocks.
Oh, wait! You have to buy paint, so, I guess that's a no-no.
I hate people like you. You want things, but, you're not willing to invest in anything.