South Seas confirmed. All aboard the hype boat.
South Seas confirmed. All aboard the hype boat.
Other urls found in this thread:
This aside, do want
>Inb4 dead game meme
We all knew it was going to be N'Zoth and Azshara from the shadow priest quest
Not for many years now.
Fuck Wrathabbbies, we're finally getting a South Seas/Great Seas expansion.
>Explore Kul Tiras, Zul'Dare, Darkspear Island, Nazjatar in the Great Seas
>Explore Zandalar, Kezan, Tel'Abim, Plunder Isle in the South Seas
>Build and captain a ship, hire a crew, and chart a course on the seas as you sail to and between these large islands.
>PvP naval combat and PvE sea monster boss fights. Giant sharks, Kraken, Old God sea monsters, etc.
>Stay loyal to the Horde/Alliance, or go rogue and set out as the head of your own pirate crew!
To be fair, it went down hill after WOTLK; but Legion is pretty good, if not for the RNG Bullshit from the Diablo devs.
>Legion is pretty good
ex d
This game is active?
>Warlords of Borenor
>Kung Fu Panda
> Legion
I know which I'd pick
>old god tentacles
I'd pick none. You are asking us to pick he least stinky piece of shit.
I bet you have fond memories of Vanilla while you were still in your mother's ovaries :^)
Old gods expo confirmed.
As someone who played them all, same.
>muh vanilla WoW
kill yourself already you relic
>the current state of WoW's "players"
I'm not touching WoW again until I can beat the stuffing out of Sargeras
t. Ran away at the end of BC
>after WOTLK
>Not sucking Ulduar's dick
What are you a fucking faggot?
>it's a vanillaturds trying to ruin another thread episode
nope, not this time cucks
Does this mean Garrosh is coming back to team up with Patches the Pirate?
>he must like vanilla
We aren't all baby newfags who couldn't live without a skinner box.
>South seas expansion
Not surprised, but lets not kid ourselves, Nzoth and the naga will pop out and it will be 80% void expansion.
I'd be 100% happy with this if I get to sail around a boat
My boy Vol'jin better show up again. Don't believe he's dead
If it has same spooky sea gods and twitchy tentacles like the ones in Cata, i'll pass.
Yes, i'm a big fucking pussy, fight me.
in* a boat
I'm just happy there'll be less fucking fel green and REEEEing harpies now. Jesus fuck Legion has made me HATE harpies.
TBC was nothing but a filler expansion and that shit is praised on this fucking gay board.
>flying will be "allowed" right at the start, but usage will vary based on which island you are at
>some islands have an army of pirates watching the skies with their blunderbusses and giant vicious parrots patrolling the skies - making flight next to impossible
>certain items can help and periodic events will pop up where 40+ players can clear the threat on the island to allow temporary undisturbed flight (5-7 days)
>main mode of transportation is sailing on your crafted ship, or riding your flying mount for kilometers of in-game area in-between each island (Tel'Abum, Plunder Isle, Kezan etc.)
>Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms are now on the same server, and the water between them is completely connected and able to be flown over or sailed on (takes approximately 30 minutes to sail from EK to Kalimdor)
Eh, it came too early in the path of the hero but it wasn't filler
Yeah I'm calling BS. Source that shit.
I hate how aggressive Blizzard's shilling is on this fucking board. The overwatch and legion thread spam was absolutely atrocious.
>source: my ass
Oh, I forgot one last thing:
>flying mounts now have a unique mechanic: Exhaustion.
>each mount has a limited amount of time it can fly for until it needs to be rested at a stable
>though flying mounts are faster than ships, a ship will obviously never tire, giving each advantages over the over
>People enjoy a game
Playable Murlocs or I don't give a damn.
Can't wait to listen to this while I sail around
Yeah, id pick A gun and point it to my head
Giant Parrots
>Be riding fucking dragon
>Aggressive bird with a diet consisting of nuts and a tendency towards OCD attacks
Fugg :DD
Which playable race do you want?
As a Kul Tiras RPer Im glad for this.
Mmm, that or Naga and I'll need to buy it.
Is it 2008 again?
kill yo self
Naga with legs. Called water elves.
>mfw I remember being in a sick Kul Tiras RP guild back during early BC
>Every single hint and storyline has related to Argus
Holy fuck how stupid are WoW players nowadays?
>Argus confirmed patch
>Barnacles and Map of Islands on robe
Yes Argus is known for it's tropical seas :^)))))
The fuck's a Skardyn
>Holy fuck how stupid are WoW players nowadays?
They still play WoW
argus will be a linear raid with 8 bosses and lockouts rtard
It's the same guild, we came back after dying for a bit.
Thorband there on the bottom right of the pic is leading.
You're late to the party, it has been leaked since at least two years.
>Skardyn are the descendants of Dark Iron dwarves who had survived the end of the War of the Three Hammers (230 years before the First War[1]), and then fled into Grim Batol.[2] They were transformed by the evil inside Grim Batol, ironically caused by the curse of their ancestors' sorceress Dark Iron queen, Modgud.
Cthulhu Dwarf
>Early BC
But that middle human in the first row is wearing a shoulderpiece introduced in Cata.
>Titan Slayers riding dragons will be bodied by parrots and pirates.
GG blizzard
I sure can't wait to explore a rock with a bunch of monkeys and bananas on it
>Vanilla is GOAT but underrated and underplayed at the time
>TBC is GOAT for being such a clusterfuck and having good raids
>WotLK is shit for attracting all the normie fags with Arthas and muh Lich King (Ulduar was good though) and introducing dungeon finder
>Cataclysm was shit for providing barely any content and in fact fucking over existing parts of the world
>MoP was GOAT because it was lighthearted like WoW should be, and provided an actual adventure that you can't just fly through
>WoD was shit for all the obvious reasons and more
>Legion is shit because there is no emphasis on actual levelling anymore, it has become an MMO version of Diablo where endgame content is all there is, the rest is just an annoying grind or a $60 fee
This is the truth and only Wrathbabbies will disagree
Legion had REALLY fun quests and leveling. But once you hit max it was one of, if not the worst, expansions ever.
>sailing on your crafted ship
If this shit is legit, and if they let you have other people on your boat, my dick is now harder than diamonds.
>>each mount has a limited amount of time it can fly for until it needs to be rested at a stable
So if i have like 20 flying mounts i dont need to worry about it? what? sounds like bullshit.
Argus is getting destroyed / neutralized in the next raid.
remember that time when they said voljin's story wasn't finished
blizzard doesn't
>hipster tastes: the post
literally who gives a fuck xd
>Let people on your boat
It'll never happen when Looking for Privateer exists
What server nigga?
They have been my fav race since tbc.
>They don't think they'll drag out Argus for an entire expansion
Holy fuck are new are you? Get ready for WoD 3.0.
they've been hinting naval stuff since WoD
they wanted to make naval ships and combat in that expansion but obviously gave up half way and we got the half-baked shipyard instead
didn't make sense for Legion so now it makes completely sense for South Seas
>Legion had REALLY fun quests and leveling.
Leveling in Legion is basically a single player game.
>It isnt finished by WoD
>There still 5 minutes left of him getting killed in legion.
Vol'jin actually fucked some Zandalari fem-troll during the events leading up to Siege of Orgrimmar.
>Inb4 he's resurrected because his baby momma wants child support on Zandalar
>Blizz giving a single flying shit about what other games are doing.
Actually that's wrong, Blizz cares a lot about what other games are doing, so they can mercilessly steal their shit and put them in WoW.
>MoP was goat.
It was the last expansion where I felt like we gave a fuck about fighting the Horde.
We're not erping I swear
It's coincidental that WoW seems to get better when it's subscriber count is lower
they literally just said that argus makes for a horrible expansion because everything is fel green shit
why would they shit on their own hype if they were making it part of the next expansion?
face it, we are taking our talents to South Beach
jesus christ you point out the shoulderpad and not the fucking guild banner?
>new expansion leaked
>thread created one hour ago
>less than 100 replies
shit niggers weeb fantasy XIV won
>WotLK got still most of the good stuff of vanilla and bc
>MoPbabbies attack it because attacking vanilla would be too obvious
I see what you are doing you stinky panda jew.
>alliance cuck avatarfag
back to /vg/ with you
As long as they remove the fucking titanforged bullshit and legendary bullshit.
The joke apparently went over your head. It was a joke about how there is no socialization in WoW anymore so why are you expecting socializing features
>read the name of the dwarf in your post
>alt tab
>see you /yell in stormwind for recruitment
What the fuck
>they literally just said that argus makes for a horrible expansion because everything is fel green shit
What is Warlords of Draenor?
What is Legion?
>all that content
>mfw 90% of it is so braindead easy because its not balance to account for increased player power you could literally auto attack down mobs as a mage.
seriously. I started a new char and at lvl 15 i was hitting mobs as hard as my 60 did on nost. One shotting everything left and right. And the mobs didnt do any damage to me. It was so boring i never felt endangered or engaged.
Ill still by the next wow expansion because i have gamers version of battered wife syndrom though.
oh no not another pirate game
Who are you?
You get 1+ Internets for contributing
Aah yea crafting and sailing, that was great in vanguard
hang on, let me guess, this xpac fixes everything?
kys desu.
Pretty sure this post is the truth
>What is Warlords of Draenor?
>What is Legion?
expansions with continents where most of it ISN'T fel green shit? stop trolling, faggot
Tfw Blizz will probably reuse Ulduar at some point
Oh right.