Im watching pro sf5/ tekken fights on youtube and it looks intense skill based and like fun

Im watching pro sf5/ tekken fights on youtube and it looks intense skill based and like fun.

how does someone whos never played fighting games get into them.

which one to start out with?

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Unironically Pokken Tournament.

The game teaches fundamentals so well, and it has an amazing community to boot. Move on to Skullgirls or Guilty Gear afterwards.

>which one to start out with?
GuiltyGear Xrd Rev2

I dont have a switch.

Don't do this.

SFV has been made extremely easier to play because the execution barrier has been lowered significantly and characters have less tools than they did in previous games

Start with Street Fighter to learn fighting game fundamentals, you may need to look up videos online for tutorials, then you can move onto other fighting games such as anime fighters like Guilty Gear or 3d games like Tekken.

Sorry user, hope you get one soon. Trying to scrounge up cash myself since I just can't leave Pokken.

Start with Guilty Gear or Skullgirls but expect to get bodied hard for a very very very long time with no answer to anything.


Start with SFV, it's the most beginner friendly fg ever

Tekken is cool but more difficult and there's less resources on it

GG is way too hard for a beginner

KOF is great but nobody plays it and; like GG, there's a lot of mechanics and the execution is not as lenient as in SF or Tekken

depend what you want to play, 2d or 3d
It can sound dumb but starting with sf2/3rd strike on fightcade is not a bad idea
SF5 is also an easy game to start with
I played 2d fighters for 15 years so I don't know if it count but tekken 7 is also easy to get into, it was my first 3d fighters and I was able to play in the destroyer rank after 10-15 hours of pratice
But whatever you chose, you have to know that fighting games are a lot of pratices and getting your ass fucked in multiplayer
you have a lot of youtube videos on the fundamentals, that a good start

>mfw watching this webm

i just bought KOF14 but i definetly will buy guilty gear xrd rev2 though
always wanted to but this footage makes me crave after it

You can get Revelator+Rev2 right now for 30€ total, or just Revelator alone for 13€. Not sure if there's a discount on the US store though-

>which one to start out with?

if you want to get into classic 2D fighting games (street fighter, king of fighters, guilty gear, blazblue, dragonball, mahvel, etc) then get SFV.

if you want to get into tekken then get T7.

im only able of playing on ps4 (eu)

do u use a controller or a joypad?
i kinda feel like i would be better with a joypad since i think that the dpad fucks me up but everyone says that theres no real difference except in the preferences. Porbable gonna try one out when i go to the arcade this weekend

>eh some KOF14 gameplay so i can post somehting to look at




people seem to hate sf5, why?

>do u use a controller or a joypad?
I just googled "joypad" and... it's just a controller too. What's you question, exactly?
Anyway, I use an arcade stick myself but you can play it with a normal controller too.

>im only able of playing on ps4 (eu)
That's a good thing considering that the EU region is the one with the 72% discount

lel my bad i meant a arcade stick

ty though

Choose whatever game you want and start playing you stupid fuck. The games have tutorial and there's also youtube for more advanced stuff.

Download fightcade, download roms, play with a friend.
SF2 is easy to get into and teaches you fundamentals, that will benefit you in every game. Inputs are quite strict tho.

I want to buy sf5 but people are saying its garbage

>The games have tutorial


What plagues fighting games is retardation from the devs/publishers. Capcom, Bamco, Arcsys, they make good games but sprinkle them with stupid decisions and business practices. SFV at launch was barebone as fuck, Tekken went through 5 years of development where tournaments were held but no one actually owned the game, and after those 5 years the game came out almost as barebones as SFV was. Every GG product becomes obsolete after 5 months, when it's time to buy the game again for 2 characters.

All this to say that fg players are a rightfully angry bunch and are prone to fling shit at everything, so you get extreme opinions on each game.

fuerte had a wall bounce?

>intense skill

comeback when they add 1 frame combos then we'll talk, you fucking capcom shilling jewish piece of faget shit

It is garbage, but it is also one of the most played games. Tekken is also widely played but 3D games play much differently from other games.

Because its not exactly like IV and doesn't have arcade mode.


Street Fighter, it's the most beginner friendly series and SFV was tailor made for new players.

Looking for more movement and options from there, go to Guilty Gear. If you want more footsies or fundamentals go to King of Fighters. Want more spacing and neutral game, go to Tekken. If you want more speed and combos, go to Killer Instinct. If you like controlling momentum and resets, Mortal Kombat.

The latest installments of each of these have good tools to learn from and thanks to youtube you can search up detailed information on most characters easily. Don't worry about picking the right game or character, play what you want. It's a perfect time to start.

If you want something a little comfier, you can also try Dead or Alive, Pokken, Smash Bros, Injustice or Skullgirls.

Overly simplified, characters can only really be played one way, terrible ui, terrible loading screens, most of the stages are ugly as fuck, game is basically rushdown only, neutral is terrible, etc.

It had a shit launch and was feature poor and character sparse

It's honestly the most beginner friendly fighting game right now due to low execution barrier and there's bound to be at least 1 character you like, don't be memed by contrarians into picking up some old game with dead online that only pros are playing, in SF5 you can actually face people at your skill level because there are newbies

I dont get why people say SFV over Tekken

Tekken was much easier for me to get good at than SFV is, im legit having trouble.

i won't necessarily second this, but i will add to it:

starting in an airdasher like GG or Blazlbue is much harder than starting with Street Fighter, but you'll be much better at picking up other games if you do.

As someone just now getting into fighting games myself, I really feel like SFV and Pokken Tournament are good places to start. Smash 4 is good too.