Just got the true ending for hollow knight

Just got the true ending for hollow knight.

Do not buy this game. I barely enjoyed it the whole way through. I am a long time player of castlevania and metroid games. This shit is so uninspired, so dull that the actual gameplay is a complete slog to play through. The game is piss easy and I never lost geo and even the last boss Radiance is easy as fuck.

The story is a straight up rip from dark souls.

>lol the king held the void at bay by using a hollow knight to absorb the light
>lol you are the chosen und-er hollow knight and for the true ending must seal the light away and break the cycle

What else can I say really? The art style is awful.

Do you like Symphony of the Night? Well this is that game instead of the awesome sprite artwork you are alucard if he was made by a tumblr artist. The entire game I was wondering why everyone was shilling this game and this is my theory.

It's the undertale retards who never played a vania game before so this is their first step in the genre so it's SOOOO unique because its "underrated", except the actual combat is floaty garbage and you never feel satisfied killing enemies.

This game is cancer and if you like this game. Kill yourself. You are a worthless mongoloid who enjoys half baked indie games with recycled ideas from Miyazaki. It's boring. Fuck you.

I love metroidvanias and I think it's fantastic. Not for everyone, maybe, but that's the sign of a good game.

It's fucking awful and I've played the majority of them. If not mostly all of them.

Fuck off already, this game is dog shit, the story is derivative, the gameplay is floaty trash, and the art direction is literally tumblr tier.

Kill yourself.

The movement took some getting used to because of the lack of momentum, but there's nothing "floaty" about it. It's precise and feels good. The story is derivative but I don't give a fuck. The art looks great. Sorry, friendo.

>art looks great

Holy shit. Hold on.


I disagree. I enjoyed the combat and the exploration. I liked how your movement capabilities got more fun as you progressed. It is pretty easy not to lose any geo, but that didn't bother me.
I also liked the characters. I felt they were interesting, though some were pretty archetypal. And I didn't mind the story. Nothing groundbreaking, but it was interesting enough to keep me entertained.
But, hey, that's just my opinion man. We're entitled to our own.

I also liked the art. I thought it was simple, but pretty.

The movement sucks ass. You get your basic double jump and dash bullshit. It's the same shit as SoTN. The characters were also awful as well. They never said anything interesting and not once was I interested in the plot of the game. At the first cutscene I already knew the plot. It was so boring that the characters suffered for it because they were in an uninteresting and boring world with terrible art direction.


I really enjoyed this game. Large world, awesome art, fun bosses

Also need to ask: if it was that shit, why didn't you stop playing my dude? Did you literally finish the game to make this thread? Holy shit.

>JoJo fag
Opinion discarded

Because I can make an honest opinion on this hot garbage if I actually completed it. The gameplay was competent enough, but I really did not enjoy it the entire way through. It was an awful, awful game for underage faggots who never played a vania before.

Ah but the double jump has some weight to it if you fall in between jumps. And the dash has various lengths depending on your charms. Plus when you get the shadow dash or attacking dash it becomes more useful in combat too.
I thought Zote's interaction with Bretta was neat and it gave him some depth too. Also how Tiso dies at the Coliseum of Fools gives him shape. And there are plenty of other little things like that that I like.
The art, I can kind of see not liking, but I enjoyed it regardless.

>he likes tumblr castlevania games

You need another hobby friend.

So you literally played the entire thing just so you could tell other people it sucks.

>5 IPs

You know people here would have lied and said it "gets better near the end"

No matter what charm the entire movement is one dimensional. It's competent enough, but it isn't fun to traverse the world, it's just tedious. I 85% completed this game. The entire world is uninspired. The movement even makes it even more boring because you don't enjoy exploring.

You need better taste faggot. I beat the game to make an informed opinion, and I can safely say you are fucking retarded for hyping this game up.

I beat it because it was 10 dollars and I don't waste money. It was one of the worst vania games imaginable. The direct rip from dark soul's story is just icing on the shit cake.

>castlevania is now a tumblr game
fucking nu/v/ i swear

Who gives a shit?
If you played it and didn't like it get a refund.

No but hollow knight is. It's a piece of shit that literally looks like a tumblr artist designed this game. Oh so quirky look at the character design, they look like bugs lol. Pls gib patreon money.

Fuck off.

>being this buttmad about $10 game ever

You're embarrassing yourself user...

You can't get refunds after 2 hours.
I tried it with yooka laylee after 7 hours, was denied.

I fucking beat the game with the true ending, it isn't refundable you jackass.

What does the price matter? Are you then saying that all it's shortcomings are ok because it's a cheap indie game? Are you this fucking retarded.


You should have had a good impression of the game in less than two hours. Fuck off trying to force opinions.

You literally called castevania a tumblr game, go back to >>>reddit you fucking trash sjw libtard

Are you a shitskin? Do you literally have no reading comprehension you fucking mongoloid?

I called hollow knight a tumblr castlevania game.

Put your mouth over a barrel of a gun and pull the trigger.

Why did you go all the way to the true ending if you hated it you fucking hypocrite.

Because I wanted to experience the game at it's max potential and difficulty (lol) so I can make an informed opinion on this trash. Spoiler alert, it's fucking awful and Sup Forums again revealed their true selves.

the artstlyle and platforming are nice though

shit metroidvania though atm. still stuck at the mantis boss

No. I'm saying you're wasting even more of your time complaining about a game to a bunch of anonymous people who think you sound like an idiot.

You lost $10, why waste your evening making an ass of yourself.

It is pointless, just let it go OP
I am glad i didn't fall for the shilling

>I fucking hate this game
>Better beat it and even go the extra effort to get the true because I hate playing this game

This is some of the worst bait I've seen.

reading comprehension m9
hes still wrong but youre retarded
and an autist too

Outland, tho?

Calm down shitskin, just try to comprehend the text next time. It'll be ok.

>sound like an idiot

I already showed all the flaws of this game. Noone actually has a defense for the story other than lol who cares XD.

Unlike the majority of you retards I actually try out a game and then complete it to give an informed opinion on it.

It's an awful awful game and you are retarded for liking it.

What extra effort lol? You get the kings soul by just going around the map. By the time I got to the abyss I opening it for the void heart. I didn't even know that was the true ending. It took literally no time at all. Fuck off faggot.

I can see you have a hard time expressing yourself like a normal human being. I suggest you seek help if you hope to one day be a decent person in life.

>literally this made about being outed as a ledditor
just go back, pajeet

Haven't played it yet, working on it.

>It took literally no time at all
Whats your play time?
Screencap it.

>shitskin shitskin faggot retard faggot
>being 14 in 2017

Fuck you, cuck

lmao my dude just because you think reddit stole memes and uses a typing style doesnt make me op

youre both nigs but im not him friendo

37 hours and even then that was because I literally had it running in the back round for 10 hours when I went to sleep.

>stuck at the mantis boss

Are you mentally deficient?


Op's a faggot huh? who could have guessed.

Sorry mate, Hollow Knight is pretty much adored by the vania community. it's everything people want out of the genre and its probably one of the best damn games to come out this year.

Are they not bugs?

>37 hours and even then that was because I literally had it running in the back round for 10 hours when I went to sleep.
>It took literally no time at all

Thanks for the chuckle.

>play game for a while and hate it
>"lol you should play more shut up you know nothing of the game"
>play the game and beat it
>"lol if you played it this much you obviously enjoyed it"

Thanks for been a walking meme.

i only played for like 3 hrs friend, its just where i am rn

fug u

Dude it literally takes the same amount of time to get any of the other endings. I completed white palace in 20 minutes. There is barely any extra content to actually get it.

Fuck off, stop shilling this garbage.

It is literally pointless to argue in Sup Forums.

What? It take like 15-20 hours to get the first ending. How slow are you?

I got the true ending mongoloid. It would've even been faster if I didn't get all pale ores and explore to get shit. Fuck off faggot.

I think I died maybe 5 times in the entire run. This game is a boring piece of shit.

>buying FOTM shilled indie garbage
>not just pirating it in case it actually looks interesting first
>actually falling for le artsy fartsy indie platformer/metroidvania meme

You only have yourself to blame

>haha a-user, I s-swear all the vania players l-ove this game, h-h-honest

>It would've even been faster if I didn't get all pale ores and explore to get shit

So now you're just contradicting yourself?

>white mask with black holes
literally all there is to the "art" direction. 16 year old edgy shit.

No because it would've taken me 20 hours if I didn't upgrade my nail or get grubs for the last pale ore.

Kill yourself. There is like 2 extra things to get the pale ore. The first half of the king soul you get by exploring the queen's nest, the other you get for killing the dreamers. When I did it I din't even know I needed to do it to enter the palace. All in all it only adds maybe 2 hours of content.

Looks like you got HOLLOWED

>haha hollowed it's like dark souls but with bugs
>fuggin ebiiiccc xD

>>lol the king held the void at bay by using a hollow knight to absorb the light
>>lol you are the chosen und-er hollow knight and for the true ending must seal the light away and break the cycle
What the fuck are you even talking about?

But it only takes like 20 hours to get the first ending for an average player and yet according to you, it took you 27 hours for a full run. How is that 2 extra hours?

Because you retard if I didn't go for pale ores or the grubs I would've been at the 22 hour mark. What I am saying since you are too retarded to get it is the true ending barely increases the time taken to complete the game compared to the other endings. Hope this helps.

True ending fuck tard.

The King can manipulate the void and doesn't have to hold shit at bay.
In the """true""" ending you quite literally destroy the source of the plague, not seal it away.
0/10 bait thread.

Ori > Axiom Verge > Hollow Knight

The king used the hollow knight to keep radiance locked away, he was impure so the seal wasn't working and the infection was starting to spread. You kill radiance, shed the mask, and the void and hollow knights disappear because there is no need for them anymore.

This game is an awful, awful rip off of dark souls. Fuck off faggot.

Literally backwards.

And what does it have to do with the story of ds? Shouldn't you be making a thread about how crash is the dark souls of platformers instead of this shit?

Because the story is the exact fucking same concept. Lord Gywn is afraid of the dark so he takes the flame for himself. You as the chosen undead kill him and take his place on the throne in order to keep the dark at bay, or you can embrace the dark. The ending structure is literally the fucking same, even the true ending is a direct rip off of dark souls. Fuck off faggot, kill yourself for liking this derivative trash.

Okay, so we know what you don't like about it. Was there anything you did like about the game?

How is that story structure inherent to only DS? A shitload of games do the same.

Nothing really, the game itself was passable. Some of the bosses were cool but the art direction just made the entire thing a slog to play through.

You are a piece of shit who like shitty games. go fuck yourself. as for "vania" SotN is the worst castlevania game in the serie.
I hate metroidvania most of the time but this game was awesome. it deserve to be in the god tier more then Smetroid and SotN and yeah I am serious.

No they fucking don't retard. The cycle element of hollow knight is the exact same structure as dark souls. The dark and light concept and the never ending cycle and the ability or inability to break it forever. It isn't new, and dark souls introduced the concept in how it relates to the ending of the game.

Ending 1 for dark souls. You usurp the flame and continue the curse of the undead.

Ending 2 You embrace the dark and become the mechanism that ushers in the age of man.

Ending 3 in dark souls 3. You break the cycle by allowing the flame to die out. Sacrificing yourself and maybe saving the world.


Oh my god he likes hollowknight more than SoTN. Shit I'm cracking up here.

>deserves to be god tier
>hate vanias most of the time
>liked hollow knight

This is really sad. Holy shit.

Hold A to jump higher makes me hate this game so much, it fucks up somewhere in my head and I can never get the pogo stick move going while also holding A. The amount of backtracking is insane and the teleporting enemies are bullshit.

At some point I gave up on getting good and just dropped the game. Just not for me.

The character design is enough to turn me off the game. With SOTN as another good example, in a metroidvania, the main character is very much like one-half of the game's illusion (most of the pleasure of games is from seeming like a real thing, kiddos)

SO, in Hollow Knight, we get some nicely painted backgrounds that are pretty nice at times, but the main character (and the enemies) is a fucking lego piece! It's so simplistic and non-suggestive that it kind of boggles my mind. If you've been wearing autist-goggles your whole life, it might register as "cute" or "fun" in your autist-filter, but for anyone else it's just a disappointment.

Characters should actually be surface-level incarnations of empowering ideals and ways of life, it's more exciting that way (vidya games is serious business). SOTN is a good example of this again, Alucard is beautiful and incredibly powerful. It doesn't have to be over the top, just suggestive.


As someone who experienced this entire game vicariously through Northernlion and Hutts , I can tell you it's a damn masterpiece. A ton of thought went into it.

What the fuck man. This is the easiest game in the genre. Stop playing video games lol.

I found the main character to be quite handsome and fun to play as

he never played a castlevania game other than post Sotn.

its just another flavor of the month indie trash like undertales
let it run its course

>he didn't actually play the game
>he watched a lets play

This is the state of Sup Forums ladies and gents.

What a fucking loser. Kill yourself.

I've played all castlevanias. Literally all of them. I just use SoTN as an example because the hollow faggot plays a lot like him. With the sword animation. It's easier to describe him that way. It's still a fucking shit game.


I just fucking hate pogo jumping as a game mechanic


That's the worst example you could have given. That game is still seen as a phenomenon

>he thinks hollow knight is hard, or the jump mechanics are anything new or difficulty, especially in this game.

Stop playing video games.

literally nowhere did i say it was new or hard

you fucking mongoloid

There is literally nothing wrong with watching Youtubers or twitch streamers.

Get with the times gramps. Your precious little 'club' is now mainstream.

There's literally nothing wrong with someone throwing you a stick to fetch, either, but you still seem like more of a dog for doing it.

There IS nothing wrong with watching people play video games.

However there is a lot wrong with basing an opinion on the game on watching someone else play

>he doesn't play games, he watches them, he is proud of this fact that he is a such a worthless loser that he was to watch literal friend simulators because he is shit at video games and a lonely cunt


Kill yourself.

I'm currently playing through this, not sure how far I'm into yet since I'm heavily into sequence breaking, but I only started enjoying it once I got the mantis claw. Before that the game was a slog and it still kind of is. I do enjoy it, thou, but it's an 8 at best.

That said, why do almost no one in these threads bring up how fucking retarded the map system is? Really horrible game design.

Are you retarded? A lot of games do this with a slight variation.

SMT for example, you have to choose law (light) or chaos (darkness) or neutrality and break the cycle.

Or are you one of those retards who say SMT is thr Dark Souls of Persona?

>muh fat comedian.
Why is it that he is used for deciding what's trash and what isn't? he clearly is a trash person (fat and thus his opinion is irrelevant)

You never break the cycle in SMT, it's a constant struggle. Don't pretend you've ever even played them beyond 4.

>You never break the cycle
In record breaker you do, faggot.

>spin-off SMT who are loosely connected by the metaverse introduced in nocturne.

Fuck off.