Who did the Black Character better?

For me as a Black person I have to say MArina, it's not stereotypical in anyway it's:


where as Doomfist:


Thats all I have to say. Im not even a Nintendofag but I have to give to them for this one, this was fresh as fuck, plus I never got the whole splatoon thing the game still looks fucking shit but props familia

Marina ALL day! Errrday! family

>comparing a strong male with a loli squid that only has a darker skin but no black features at all

The one who actually put some effort into the design.

Not Doomfist.

just what this board needed, another thread about these shitty games and characters

As a white boy, Marina

Well I can't fap to Doomfist now can I

What is a black feature, exactly?

found the Sup Forumstard people, but yea Marina wins! Nintendo always wins baby!

Check left pic.

>darker skin isn't a black feature
>being a strong male is a quality exclusive to blacks

look at his face


>wtf I hate blizzard now
>wtf I love black people now
what does Nintendo do right?

This my home boy right here will fux up your doofaget

I like both desu, one is cute and the other I want to use to make people cry online

We need more threads about these characters ASAP.

being triggered by diversity

Pajeet here, I gotta say Marina

Big lips, wide nose, curly hair. Quit acting ignorant.

that's 100 percent octoling right there

>Blizzard Activision vs Nintendo, the golden gods of gaming

>ITT: It's okay if it's a waifu that looks half-decent, but fuck anything else

Black people are their own stereotype desu but I love them for it and they literally give no shit. But please stop coming up with excuses to have yet another waifu.

My arms are wide open for any black-skinned dude or gal in my vidya, I accept them as much as white people. Just don't make them overly bland or take after overused ideas. These two are okay in their own right.

but those don't work in the designs of the cartoon characters in Splatoon.

Somalians don't have that


Marina isn't black, she's Ganguro

She doesn't even look like a Ganguro

Sameface isn't a good thing

Both are those are wrong

The obvious answer is Commander Jaxon aka Terry Crews in Crackdown 3

Literally the exact same

Hell, Doomfist doesn't even have Terry Crews to help him.

>black features

nigga it's an octopus

She doesn't even have the heavy make up shit or the heavy jewelry

Fuck man I have to admit if doomfist was terry crews I would have shaved my legs gone to the nearest gay club and looked to get fucked in my anus bareback! Why the fuck didnt they pick crewS to voice act? instead they get a LITERAL tundey to voice iut

Both are shit, the only thing in common is that they have both of the most cancerous fanbases in all gaming communities

its almost like your comparing a black man to a humanoid squid thing.
Of course the man is going to come off as more fuckin generic, he's just a human.

>black features

and squid tentacles are white features?

squigga please

>Not craving the BCC

What a faggot.

> No heavy makeup
Heavy eyeliner and checks clearly blushed. Not to mention the skin tone, obviously, is meant to be makeup

One isn't even black. She's not even fucking human. Furthermore who gives a shit when you can give your own character dark skin anyway? Why are you grasping so hard at this shit?

It literally isn't the picture in the Op is just from a gif go on the Direct and see.

How does Splattoon 2 get a pass for facial animation when Andromeda got slammed for it.

It's 3 mouth poses totally out of sync with the music.

>How does Splattoon 2 get a pass for facial animation
Because this place is infested with Nintendo fanboys
>inb4 my post gets deleted


She's not even a squid that's some samefag shit

>brown = black
fuck off retard

fuck off reddit
not everything that gives you a mild chuckle needs a screen cap

>Doomfist isn't black

Marina's design is so fucking good.
RIP Pearl.

>A kids game about shooting eachother with no little to no focus on story and dialogue

>A mature game about exploring the galaxy with a focus on story and dialogue


that's actually the oldest splatoon joke

she's not even an inkling ffs

Ganguro is not Gyaru, albeit similar.

So she's Gyaru, then.

She could.

No one said the Squids/Octi are asian.

Doomfist, easily, although I like Marina a lot as well.


I'm sure I'm the millionth person to say this, but I was holding out the slimmest hope that Doomfist would be the blonde kid from the first Overwatch animation.

That wouldn't have been generic.

You're the only one who'd want that delicious twink to fight

Somalians aren't human

>mature game

Lucky Marina isn't either.

I'm glad that you included people finding the joke funny so I remember to laugh.

Marina >>> Doomfist

How is this a discussion?