MvCI dataleak confirmed

Dormammu is in

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Guess I'll help you dump the rest.


Wow, these variant covers gonna change the industry!

So Ghost Rider/Winter Soldier/Venom are all confirmed then. This makes the roster a little more bearable. It should be aces when the X-Men DLC comes out.

Last one I have

Now is he in the base roster or DLC?

So its literally just a rehash of UMVC3 with even worse graphics. This game is just a meme at this point.

NO! That's the OTHER variant covers!

is my favorite function in?

Oh look, Firebrand. One of my mains in Ultimate.

If only I could still care...

These aren't indicating character rivalries, right? Because if there's any rivalry I'd call one sided, it's Dante vs Hawkeye.

Mechanics are totally different. From what I've heard, the gameplay is actually pretty good but literally everything else about it sucks. Rare example of a game not being held up by its gameplay.

>all these ''''professional'''' covers
the art is atrocious
what happened to the guy who did all the MvC3 promotional material

All the Capcom characters will at best be sidekicks to their Marvel counterpart. If you don't believe me, play the story demo.

Too bad the game is shit

>implying that OP's looks bad at all

He probably cost more than what Marvel pays 12 random cover artists. Because Marvel is cheap as fuck,

Base, along with Frank, Haggar, and Ghost Rider

Shinkiro is not a shitty comic book artist, user. probably working on some sweet game arts for someone else.

The marvel roster was never the issue, everyone would be fine with no x-men if they also included panther, scarlet witch, winter soldier, and loki in the base roster.

It's the capcom side that is an utter dissapointment.


Stop with the muh cinematic universe experience shit marvel and capcom..not only are you cheapening the quality and gameplay of both games and movie alike, but you're cheapening your characters. both universes are boring as fuck.

I'm all about cross-over games but this looks like SFxT 2.0. The art sucks, the cast is gutted, gameplay looks slow and boring.
MSH was hype with gems albeit broken later on this iteration of gems and game just looks trash.


I look at them as potential teams more than rivalries. Strider / Gamora sounds like a great team on paper

I dunno man. We still haven't seen Spiderman.

Its likely these are pairs that appear in story mode together

But then who's Jedah going to team up with if Dormammu's with Firebrand?

But the Marvel side DOES have all those omissions to the base roster. Both rosters suck because both sides have too few characters at all. There is no real reason to not have guys like Iron Fist return from UMvC3, besides trying to milk more money out of gamers.

the call that saved capcom


>Dante being a little bitch to ultron in a cutscene

DMC is Dead,Bury it

Well yeah that is true. If they were going to not update the designs or moves might as well just port everyone from UMV3, replace x-men and FF releated characters with MCU ones, and call it a day. At least I'd have Joe back.

Everyone bask in how hype the trailers and roster for even vanilla MvC3 were compared to MvCI

More characters?

Black Panther along with Venom is DLC
i wont be surprised if all the good Marvel newcomers are DLC

Even the character trailers were better.

I remember watching this and even as a fag who read comic books, not knowing who Taskmaster was, but being hyped as fuck:

>Spiderman/Deadpool and they are not in the game what did they mean by this?.

He did some work for Marvel though

They are DLC goy

Taskmaster is another character that should be in the game. Fuck, the more I think about the roster at all, the most disappointing it is. They're asking us to pay full price for less game then we got from MvC3 all those years ago.

>always wanted Black Panther in a MvC game
>he's going to be in Infinite and will be paid DLC
Fucking monkey's paw

I wonder what his moveset will be. I swear if they just make him Totally-Not Wolverine, I'm going to be pissed.

>I swear if they just make him Totally-Not Wolverine

You know they will. Fucking Perlmutter.

>Taskmaster is another character that should be in the game.
He really, really should be. The sad thing is, there's no reason why he's not in the game but here we are, with the roster looking decidedly Taskmster-less.

Spiderman has his own comic.

Perlmutter's not in charge of the game's development, stupid Boco.

His fault theres no X-Men or FF, though. Cuz he's a petty asshole.

He's part of what limits the roster, and I wouldn't be surprised if he helped limit the budget somehow. I mean, this is a MUCH cheaper game than MvC3, where they had to make a lot of characters from scratch. The lamer parts of the MvC3 roster are recycled and anyone that produces hype a tall is saved for paid DLC. That's classic Ike "toilet paper is a privilage" Perlmutter.

Yeah but it's not like he's designing the actual characters.

>there's no reason why he's not in the game
hes not in a movie so to Marvel hes non existant


Capcom's to blame for a lot of shit, but I'm almost certain Marvel forced them to make Chun Li ugly so she wouldn't outshine Captain Marvel. Can't prove it though, and how retarded Captain America looks works against my theory (though that just might be cheap outsourcing).

But then we're left wondering why Vision, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow aren't in the game, and the answer is just "the game is cheap".

he still has a final say about what characters get in what not for the Marvel side
this basicly also aligns with what Marvel has been doing in the comics, basicly switching the actual characters with their movie versions with no rime or reason

Wasn't that rumor disproven to be some Redditor making shit up?

Seriously? Why the fuck isn't Vision in, at the very least?

DLC my man :^)
Vision, Scarlet Witch and Widow will probably release alongside the last Avengers movie

Why is Ragna fighting white Blade?


>Wasn't that rumor disproven to be some Redditor making shit up?
I have no idea, it's just an idea I've had since I've seen how shit Chun Li looks, and I mention it on here from time to time. I don't really assume it's true (or at least provable), but I get why others would think similar things.

Spiderman is in the Ryce leak, you dumb fucks.