EVO numbers bombed

>EVO numbers bombed
>dying online
>gootecks selling mattresses
>miek russ gone AWOL
Where did it all go so wrong?

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>gootecks selling mattresses

yes he's promoting mattresses now. lol

mike ross is having a spiritual awakening

Proof user?

He's gonna become Mike "Mike Cross" Ross

When you scared of the mainstream audience with your retarded FG elitism and git gud spamming to every legitimate complaint.

watch excellent adventures?


Punished Mike. May he find peace.

Gootecks and Mike got me into fighting games (played old soulcalibur and tekken games but that doesn't count really) with those SF4 match analysis videos before they were popular but it seems their time has come and gone as they refuse to move onto better fighting games and will continue to suck capcom's dick and keep playing SFV.

he's really gone downhill without his Honda, hasn't he

>better fighting games


Several fighting games are better overall products, but gameplay-wise its all shit.

Mike Ross is a Guilty Gear player now.

hahahaha!!!! DAE brose /r/kappa too?

known smash player xDDD!!!

He discovered God's Gift

>High barrier to entry
>1v1 game, so people don't have teammates to blame
>1v1 game so people don't have ebin discord buddies to be shitters with
>Framedata autism, combo autism etc.
>All this effort and it's barely as fun as any other competitive game
>Community all split amongst different games, still using the ancient model of bringing out £45 games every few years instead of just 1 big free game with mtx

Its only saving grace is it has a really cool community, probably the best I've seen of any competitive game, and trust me i've played all of them. Also the years of history.

Fighting games just aren't meant to be. A lot of people will buy dragonball and have fun for a while, but it'll fizzle out just the same.

Unable to watch right now because I'm on the bus but it sounds like excellent adventures is doing the podcast circuit with sponsorships. So its no different then the naturebox, mvmt watches, squarespace bullshit

still more entrants at EVO than SF4 ever had.
anecdotally, I still find matches at about the same pace as ever. Which is to say slowly, because the netcode is ass.
Gootecks and Mike are almost irrelevant as far as "how the game is doing".

Capcom continues to pump money into the tournament scene, and we saw several independent events pop up recently, too. Like Eleague, and Red Bull Kumite. The pro scene is clearly still alive, and thriving more than any other fightan.
But it will never become a wide-spread success, that ship has sailed.

What went wrong was the small roster, lack of cinematic story mode, lack of Versus CPU, Arcade, and other modes that let casual single-players mash against the computer and feel rewarded without ever having to actually git gud, a lethargic DLC pace, and some notably ugly facial models. Also, only launching on one console.

These were all huge oversights that combined to give the game a poor reputation and absolutely killed any chance it had at a long tail, despite the game's business model being designed explicitly for that.

The more interesting question is why Injustice 2 hasn't even sold a million copies yet, and it has everything that I just said SFV lacks. It's essentially the same game as MKX, Injustice, and MK9, all huge-sellers. So why isn't it taking off in the same way?

They made many mistakes, but this flaw is fatal

so how come MKX sold like gangbusters, Pokken did a mil on a dead system?

And it's interesting you bring up the business model. I think SFV would have worked as a f2p game, if only the release schedule for new content was like 500% faster. Or at least it was designed so that it COULD work that way, if conditions permitted.

Are they special gamer mattresses?

>Pokken did a mil on a dead system

Because Pokemon.

Gootecks is only in the scene to make money in any way he can. Mike Ross actually hates what SFV is and the community of capshills around it he switched to GG.

>So why isn't it taking off in the same way?

Because people are waking up to the fact that just because you've got content doesn't mean that playing through it all is worth it. I liked MK9 a lot, played quite a bit of it in college with friends, but the actual fighting mechanics are pretty shit and the netcode for online play is horrendous. Those two factors killed any chance of the game having a shelf life beyond a week.

Same reasons apply to Injustice. It looks cool on the surface and it sold a lot of units quickly, but anyone who actually plays fighting games dropped the game quickly and the casuals never bother doing anything other than story mode and occasional button mashes with friends. Injustice 2 is pretty much the same thing, and people are wiser now.

So not even microtransactions and appealing to the MOBA skinnerbox audience can save fighting games? The only hope for decent sales is to use a popular licence (Pokemon, Nintendo, DBZ) and then abandon the game after 3 months?

that's fucking grim, my dudes. I miss the days when fightan was legitimately popular.

It hardly even matters at this point, they just need to keep it on life support until SFVI. This has been the worst season and worst PR for Street Fighter since before IV came out, and it still does solid numbers at Evo (last year was an first year hype anomaly, like every fighting game gets), still has people playing online. What exactly will cause it to die at this point that hasn't already happened? Will people spamming "SFV le sleeping man" on Twitch for the 17th month in a row finally make the whole project crumble?

>I miss the days when fightan was legitimately popular.


approximately my middle school years, yeah. I'd play at an arcade in a shopping center along the way home from school, using up all my allowance. Just makes me sad that people forgot how to enjoy those sort of games.

I'm pretty disappointed the first time I decide to get into SF seriously and I get this, but hey, everything else is fun, so whatever.

>implying Capcom will live to make SF6

People like Street Fighter. That franchise has the ability to prop up the whole FGC. It brings new players and spectators. The problem is that it straight up sucks now. If it was even somewhat serviceable (like SFIV) we wouldn't be having this conversation right now and people would be saying these last couple years have been the golden age.

>rkappa thread

go home faggot

>I'm pretty disappointed the first time I decide to get into SF seriously

Fucking this

>all criticism of shitty fightan ganes is kappa AUTISTIC SCREECHING YJENAKLVACKA CKAC KAK CK

You're doing a great job of mimicing yourself, cuck.

oh wow I just got owned dang

It got to the point where Excelent adventures had to add 2 new shows, one for smash and another for multiple fighting games.


you forgot the part where the gameplay is total dumbed down garbage that can't hold any SF4 veteran worth their salt unless a paycheck is involved

listen kid im sorry you're just a shill and wrong im not even going to argue with you because you are so dumb and wrong

>That epsisode where they played Tekken with Kenny Omega
I thought they were actually going to switch it up for a change. I just can't watch SFV anymore.

The game was shit the moment Americans started beating Japanese players. How do you go from Japan utterly dominating from SF2 to the end of USF4 and then suddenly becoming irrelevant?

Japan losing in fighting games is like Koreans losing in Starcraft. It just doesn't happen and if it does, is the mark of a terribly designed game. Consider that Daigo was at the top of his game by the end of USF4. There's no other explanation for his sudden drop off in SF5 other than SF5 itself. It's also bad for spectators when Americans start winning because they let the wins get to their heads. Japanese players will just bow their heads with respect but Americans will start shit talking Europeans or Japanese or whatever nationality of people they beat.

Literally no fucking reason to play a game competitively when it's filled with a bunch of nigger-tier Americans mashing high priority buttons like fucking gorillas.

Japan only wins because they have a year head start.


Capcom overestimated how much people care about SF.

SF4 sold like it did because it brought the series back into the mainstream in 2008, just in time for the "remake/nostalgia era"

They didn't realize that until AFTER 5 bombed


A yearlong head start means less and less as the game gets older. Japanese players have a great work ethic and they collaborate with one another. Americans only care about beating Jamal down the street and refuse to share strategies.

he's right though. as a britbong I used to love watching Ryan Hart provide the best matches and the only real challenge to Momochi at the first capcom cup top 8 back in SF4.
shit I even got hyped watching PR Rog hit those crisp links as balrog for max damage and the set with Infiltration's Hakan.

SFV has none of that, it's too barebones and designed with ''accessibility'' in mind so that their philosophy of casuals becoming contenders in their pro-tour can happen. Only it doesn't because the game is garbage, you watch the EVO numbers slice in half next year as if 2016-2017 wasn't a big enough indicator

Tekken 7 is good


>Another mad third worlder obsessed with Americans
It feels nice knowing that we're always on your minds, but please, keep our names out of your mouth. You people don't brush your teeth well enough to have the gracious and powerful word "American" leave your troglodyte lips.

no shut up

You're completely delusional if you honestly believe great sets in SFV are impossible or even rare.

People like you watch Maximilian videos for the "hype" while grasping not even a quarter what's going on, let alone what makes a good fighting game. You just want your highlight reel to jerk off to while relying on others telling you why you should jerk off in the first place.

I'm American. I just hate seeing Americans win because our players end up being the most disrespectful pieces of shit. I'll always cheer for Japan or Europe because they're humble in victory and graceful in defeat. How could anyone be proud of people like some toothless nigger like Punk or cocky pieces of shit like NuckleDu?

you'll never have
in sf5.

Not an argument.

>Where did it all go so wrong?

Everything after launch.

It's a game

You don't know what fun is.

SFV doesn't have game play that allows for events such as the ones posted to occur, not so much because of a lack of skill/skill ceiling in the game, but a lack of depth in the games mechanics. Happy?

Games live and die by their hypest moments. Imaigne if DotA 2 didn't allow for stuff like 5 man black holes/echo slams, or extremely intricate team combo setups. It'd be boring right? The stuff that makes fighting games fun are dirty mixups, parries, and long combos.



>The stuff that makes fighting games fun are dirty mixups, parries, and long combos.
t. shitter

What does max have to do with me hating SFV. Max is just some nic cage nickelback looking motherfucker who rightly panders to his audience to keep making mad twitchbux from it like anyone in his shoes would.

SFV is trash, the only hype that gets generated is usually a byproduct of the personalities playing at a given time, why do you think past literal whos like DA ALFA got popularity spikes all of a sudden?
honestly if you're tuned into an SFV stream for any reason other than catching a set between your favourite player or something like a bonkers salty suite Money Match then I don't know why. I can only assume you enjoy the game, so more power to you.

t. A+ rank Vega main at the end of Ultra with 2.2k~ hours logged across SF4's lifestyle who still wonders why the fuck capcom thought I should want to manually remove my character's signature claw


That's the whole point. I like watching fighting games because I don't have the time to get good at them. When I, a complete shitter, can do the same SF5 combos as the pros, something is wrong.

>It's a "Sup Forums talks about fighting games" episode
Aww, look at them. Dickriding games they have never played to appear like they actually have a clue.

Well, you admitted to being a casual, so it's not really your fault not knowing fighting games are not about combos.

shouldn't you be trying to convince people that mvci isn't a complete piece of shit?

>3 frames of buffer
>mashing parry
>like 12 hits

The parry is actually hard to miss in SFV.

imagine defending a game like SFV when it's iteration of balrog exists. you know those nips over at capcom HQ fucking love the way he turned out too, so they can keep up their ''everyone can win! me unga you bunga!''motto for the game

>supporting the piece of trash that is funding ono's newest pool

Shouldn't you be on reddit right now?

>All this effort and it's barely as fun as any other competitive game

Once you put in enough effort all other competitive games just become time wasters.
You realize this is the only genre (and maybe 1 v 1 classic RTS) where true skill shines thru.

The fun you get from fighting games when you get truly good surpasses all fun you think you can have playing shitty single unit rts games or competitive shooters where a single character has 1-3 weapons.

i used to get bored and then find a high ranked ryu online who'd run sets against your main for hours, was fucking great going back and forth like that.

i don't even play fighting games though. my observations are one of a spectator. sf5 is just not fun to watch.

It used to be different, though. People were playing multiplayer games for years to come. Nowadays, a multiplayer game is lucky if it's alive 6 months after release.

People fear commitment, have lower attention spans and they get bored much more easily now. It's telling that places like Sup Forums thrive where people will spend more time shitposting about games than actually playing them.

>i don't even play fighting games though
I can tell.

Makotofags are the actual worst thing about the SF playerbase

The guests were fucking great but SF5 is so boring to watch that there literally no reaction from them during the matches.

It's a shame that GG is too anime and Tekken community is pretty much separate of the FGC. GG feels like SFV done right (i.e. real defensive options) and Tekken is usually a solid game.

Guess we might as well let Smash take us over.

They were playing Tekken, though.

i was referring to the show in general though.

Smash already took over. 2 fucking Smash games at Evo

This is normal, fighting games have a cycle.
Now we have to wait another ten years or less and they will come back.

do you really want makoto to be changed to fit SFV, you retard?
i swear to god you waifufags are real shitters

If you're going to play a competitive game you better be getting something out of it.

As far as I can tell fighting games have the money pots and League of Legends has all the prestige.

It's not very fun to play, either. Outside of the bare minimum systems that make fighting games fun to play in general, it offers nothing.

The only way SFV is gonna get "hype" is if you force it.
Like how every time SnakeEyez goes up against a good Guile like Nuckle.
It's already a 7-3 matchup you're just watching cause Eyez is that autistically good to win it with reads from hell.
You're not gonna get that shit with Boxer v Claw, where Boxer does an empty jump at shaves off 80% of Claw's life by pressing 4 buttons in a timely manner.

>GG feels like SFV done right (i.e. real defensive options)
i wish gg wasnt so focused on offense though, fighting characters like sin all day feels like shit.

>Capcom made it more """"""""""""""" accessible """"""""""""""" for new players

Don't ever forget that there was a poll that almost beat out UMvC3 to get a third smash game at Evo.

>Melee lost half of its entrants
>Sm4sh and Melee community at civil war
Reminder that we just tolerate you.

>Melee lost half of its entrants
But that actually can be explained

>Consider that Daigo was at the top of his game by the end of USF4
bitch practiced e.ryu in japanese arcades nonstop just to get knocked out by choi who had done nothing besides casually playing online for the whole year

>The game was shit the moment Americans started beating Japanese players
nope. that happened because westerners had an equal time to prepare for the game. unlike other games where japan have 3 years of advantage.
I'll not even bother watching tekken 7 at evo because of this fact

all ears

And Arcsys has two games as well. Don't mean shit.

Where was John Choi when Daigo placed second at Capcom Cup 2015?

Saturday finals
No doubles
EVO is expensive as fuck this year
Melee has a major every month at this point (That are better than EVO)
Last EVOs were shitty, no setups and the venue was crowded as fuck

I know it's sounds alien to the FGC but when you can choose a shitty tournament to a good one there's no reason to attend EVO anymore. Anime players don't have other choice and EVO will accommodate to SFV because of Capcombucks. As it is now EVO is just another major with less quality for Meleefags and Smash4fags.

gg is trash. you get penalized for playing keepaway. the most ideal fighting game is somewhere between kof and uniel.

thank god, please let smash stop being at evo that would be wonderful