Were you a Nintendo kid or a Sega kid? Have you switched sides now that you're older...

Were you a Nintendo kid or a Sega kid? Have you switched sides now that you're older, or are you still loyal to the original company you grew up with?
Which one had your favorite games/mascots as a kid, and how about now?
Which one had the superior consoles during the 90s?


I had a Genesis, Super Nintendo, Gameboy Color, and Game Gear as a kid. Then we got an N64 and I wanted a Saturn, but my dad wanted a PS1 so we got that instead.
I play lots of Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast games I never had, and lots of NES and SNES games.

i had a Megason, which was a bootleg NES.

tribalism is stupid

No it's inherently good but picking between brands isn't tribalism, it's loyalism.

>be me
>be dirtpoor
>never expect anything for bday
>mom actually got me a n64 for some reason
>have best friend
>he has a sega and ps1
>enjoy the best of both worlds for the rest of my youth

if i just remember the videogames my youth was a great time

both were gr8

Had a genesis and snes since release so I rented games every weekend for both and owned a lot of the good ones. Nintendo wins.

I'm nearly 30. First console was a Sega Megadrive (Genesis) then got an N64 then graduated on to PS2 then Xbox 360. Now my household has two Xbones (rarely used), a Wii (not used in a couple of years except a bit of Red Dead Redemption occasionally), a PS4 mainly for the missus and a PC, which is mine and is used most often. No console loyalty.

Oops switched Wii and Xbone somehow nvm

Sega + SNK forever

I had a genesis but often played snes from friends. But I never considered myself to have a "side" because that's dumb

>tfw the wrong kids died
they both left the console market in the same year to

I had both, so I've basically been an idort my whole life. Got a NES when I was 3 or 4, got a Genesis and SNES a few years later. I always preferred the SNES over the Genesis, mostly because I was a huge Mega Man fan as a kid, and Mega Man X has always been one of my favorite games.

We were definitely a Nintendo household. While I still have look at the NES and SNES with the thickest nostalgia goggles, Nintendo lost me with the Wii and I've been playing PC as my primary platform since. I have been eyeballing the Switch though.

I went from being a Nintendo to Sega to Sony guy. I always sided with the side that had the best games in my view. It hurt when Sega sided with Microsoft but Sony still had the best games regardless so I remained a Sony guy but it's good to see Sega come back home in a sense and giving Sony all their games now. The more I see people nostaglia over Nintendo the less fan I became of them, their games weren't that good, their hardware was often shit and lacked third party support and everything about them was over priced.

Grew up with a little bit of everything. I'm more of a Sega guy now though.

I will always give more respect to the Genesis, though.

I used to love Mario and hate Sonic. Played all the classic Sonic games again in the last couple years, and Sonic is my jam now. Excited for Mania.

please reblog

I was a Nintendo kid but at the same time I appreciated all the awesome games Sega was making. I never cared about console wars bullshit. The only consoles I was mocking was the objectively crappy ones like Atari Jaguar.

I am now an adult and I still prefer over Sega. The difference is that now I believe retro Mario games have aged better than Sonic ones (with few exceptions like Sonic 3 and Sonic CD).

I was both because my parents gave me both systems. By the way, I don't get this "only rich kids had both" meme. My parents were middle class and gave me at least one of the systems on a different Christmas Day. Hell, they even got me a Game Boy, Game Gear and even a Sega CD.
Fuck, I'm going to go tell my parents I love them.

nintendo kid but i prefer sega now. kind of wish i supported them during the dreamcast era desu

Nintendo, which was unusual in the UK

I was obsessed with sega because i was really drawn to failure stories for some reason. I also loved researching the yugo

I had a NES then a Genesis. I loved sonic shit but also liked Nintendo. Luckily I had friends/family with SNES so I got to play both.

I had both nintendo and sega consoles back then, but I favored nintendo more back then. Now I kinda like sega more. They are hit or miss(admitably lots of misses), but that's better than Nintendo, which just feels stagnant in mediocrity. I don't really have any brand loyalty though.

Nintendofag, but now I realize I prefer Sega.

>loyal to company
Usually when choosing platform I think who will screw me over less.

I had a super nintendo, but i wasn't a nintendo kid. Ironically when i 16/19 i became a console warrior. It's like i was more mature when i was a kid.
Righ now i don't really care much about that stuff, but i still have a certain dislike for sony.