Why was it forgotten so quickly?

why was it forgotten so quickly?

Niche game that every one played and beat.

No pvp?

I thought it was pretty rad

Every single day, every single day this faggot user makes the exact same thread.

It has PvP now.

cause it's a shitty soulsborne clone with a The Last Samurai plot for weabs that's why.

coming from bloodorne the combat has no weight to it, felt more like a ps3 game.. the combat system was kinda cool but it didnt really keep my interest.

its a 7 at best.

I got to the second boss with the paralysis and got too bored to carry on at the time. I will give it another shot sooner than later though...

>passable art-style, ninja village in Ninja Gaiden was more interesting than every area
>combat is complex, though it's a bit superfluous at times since enemies are so easy to not get hit by. Getting ganged up on by several enemies is an opportunity to be an awesome looking player, though (I do the stance switching stuff constantly, it's a cool mechanic).
>inventory system feels more complex than meaningful, weapon effects and bonuses aren't really that exciting

I'd give it a 6/10 so far, but it's one of those games where a sequel can be so much more than the average game.

Nioh is the definition of a cult game

I found it kinda boring at first, but it's been growing on me the last 4 hours, and I just beat the electric tiger and now love the game

Other than its combat, the game was shit in every other category

>Diablo-style loot

Because ultimately, while fun, it was mostly just a masturbatory self insert weeb game with a MC based on some English faggot who wasn't even a real samurai.

I still play it though. I just need to finish up the ultra challenge missions on way of the demon and I'll have done everything.

It's not apparently, since you keep making this flamebait thread every day faggot

Nioh actively makes my brain rot every second I even look at an image of it
Bloodborne sends me into another plane of existence when I so much of think about the kino masterpiece it is

le ironic shitpost

If only your shitty existence was ironic.

The way NG+ was set up and the fact that you basically can change your attributes whenever you want makes it so you have to go through the game once and you're basically done with it. After that it feels like diablo progression where you unlock harder difficulties, but the loot system simply doesn't work for a souls like game.

The mission structure made it less interesting than Souls games.

the level design wasn't THAT bad. It just severly lacked variety.

someone should get you to a zoo
because you're savage af boi

>responding to yourself
couldn't be any more pathetic

>post times

So is Horizon, but that's talked about endlessly.

I'm playing through it for the first time

It's good and I like the cutscenes and the personality of most characters

But the mission structure and how you gotta revisit places over and over again but only from a different angle makes it VERY trivial, and I don't think I'm even half way done

Bosses are cool and the music is good, but somehow the mechanics make it seem less... 'grand' (I don't have another word), especially compared to dark souls/bloodborne and how massive things can get

It also feels very arcade-y. It's good for the core gameplay, but I think it hurts the visual flow of the game a tiny bit (this is related to the last paragraph)

I like it; it's an 8 for sure, and I hope they get to work on these aspects if there's ever a sequel (I read it sold pretty well?)

When the fuck is the next dlc out?

>but somehow the mechanics make it seem less... 'grand' (I don't have another word), especially compared to dark souls/bloodborne and how massive things can get
It's not the mechanics, the 60 fps kills the feel of the game. 30 is best for Souls games

I don't know. 60 is always good. I haven't tried it but I can tone it down to 30 so that I could get more resolution, right? I haven't tried it yet but I don't think it'll make any difference

I just feel like it's more fast paced, and because of that the bosses need to be fucking fast and as a consequence, they don't feel "bossy" enough... just a major dude swinging like crazy

But you might be right. I don't want to type the word "cinematic" becausei it's kinda taboo around here, but eh, some souls bosses put up a pretty good show, even at 30fps

are you high ?

Posting the same post-processed webms ad nauseum is not talking.

>Japanese History
>Complex Gameplay
>High skill ceiling & difficulty
>Deep gear/weapons customization

It's too confusing for a lot of people to enjoy, there's just too many options and too much depth.

wtf is even happening anymore, i''m tangled in aa web of shitposting

Team ninja does some things 10/10
And other 6/10

The game is great if you are a casual whi wants many hours of fun. The hard core nerd fuccbois just play it throught in a few days and them never touch it again since they can itch their autism loops in other ganes.

Way more designed for them.


Do the fps change the experienice a lot ? I picked the 60 fps option but the slowdowns are a bit annoying

Because it's boring as shit

I dont mind if team ninja makes new games for playstation...


jeem fahkin stehling is steel playin it m7, favorite game it is

I liked the game but the loot system is really dumb and doesn't fit that sort of game at all. There are also no interesting weapons. Once you've used one sword or spear or what have you then you've used them all. The other just have different stats, the moves are never different.

Too hard for nu-Sup Forums.

Nioh was great.
Sequel when?

They're already working on it
Still concerned with how long they've gone without telling us anything about Sanada

Nioh is nowhere near as memeable as HZD.

any news about second dlc?
i really hope for pure onmyo/spirit weapon or something

>niche souls game
>god tier devs

>meanwhile BOTW gets GOTYAY BEST GAME OF ALL TIME awards
>doesnt even sell 1 million copies

Currently doing Way of the Strong.
So basically soul match is pointless now unless you get lucky with a 150(+x) drop?

>there are people that mashed square in Date's face with their korean 2kats and never actually learned the fight, nor Maria's that came after him
This is really the only problem with the diablo loot. Shitters fucking everywhere.

They should stick to making hot girls.

>unless you get lucky
By the time you hit way of the demon there won't be much luck involved

I'm having a lot of trouble with the mission where you fight a bunch of revenants before facing Nobunaga + Yasuke. Too many 2v1 / 3v1 fights before facing them and then I can't cheese Nobunaga like I did when I fought him and his wife.

That's not a problem with the loot, it's a problem with them dumbing down the mechanics from the alpha because people didn't want to learn how to play. The loot system is great and fits the game perfectly since it both vastly increases build potential and adds more incentive for playing missions and coop, and because the combat system is so deep (and used to actually be a challenge as well) it makes the levels far more replayable and enjoyable even if you're only in it for more loot, which also always gives a meaningful reward whether it's a new weapon or something you can offer/sell/disassemble. Anyone saying it doesn't fit is yet again thinking entirely in other game's designs, which has been the big problem since day 1.


Fucking kill yourself, my man.

>Heavy armor Axe/spear build that splashes Magic for buff/debuff spam
>mfw I've got attk up def up overshield while the boss has attk down def down wind water confused and I stance change ki-pulse for near infinite stam
Dodging is for faggots. Nioh is fun if you pretend it isn't a souls clone and instead is a more traditional JRPG where you abuse your toolbox like mad to brute force difficult shit.

We say the best parts of the game in the Alpha and Beta. By the time the game was out, not only had the best areas of the game been spoiled, but the combat had become fairly less interesting

>souls game
>get the first longsword you come across
>apply some buffs, fastroll, chug some estus
>eventually git gud

>painstakingly hack away some random japs limbs off
>big red horned demon or large skellington shows up, kills you in one hit
>hit and run until its dead
>it drops suijingiri kanemitsu yomotsu hirasaka yakisoba +2, which far exceeds the stats of everything you've got in the previous stages
>gradually acquire the rest of your gear like that
>meet boss, it's a fucking gear check
>never git gud

WAY too repetitive near the end.

Mind you, I actually like the boss rush missions. It lets you fight the bosses while skipping the trash.

But enemy variety and boss variety is severely, severely lacking. I recently beat Date and Maria and haven't had much motivation to continue thorugh way of the strong, and will probably never do Way of the Demon. PvP is actually kind of fun even though unbalanced but the wait time is too inconsistent.

I got the season pass tho so the next two DLCs will still be fun for a single playthrough at least and hopefully Maria will be a Transformation you can buy when Sanada's DLC drops


still farming Marobashi to finish the rest of WotD, faget.
I kept going on, expecting it to change. it never did.

Seems like it's assured that people will never forget it due to these threads

It's my goty at the moment, there's just not a lot to talk about. There's no solaire for retards to circlejerk endlessly and it's hard to discuss actual mechanics on Sup Forums due to shitposting.

Maria is definitely not difficult.

Date can be but as a human enemy, there are way too many ways you can abuse him. I was a complete shitter but I just spammed Bull talisman at him and it was a knockdown almost every time.

>Lady Maria is a waifufag favorite boss from the expansion that likes to spam overpowered shit
gee where have I seen that before

>It's too confusing for a lot of people to enjoy
It's not, you're having a dunning-kruger attack.

Just bought it bros, bout to take it down.

I have no idea why they called her Maria of all names. But neither Maria was particularly difficult in both games.

If I had to be honest, Phase 3 Friede is more fun than both of them even though BB is the better game overall.

>onryoki, nue and ogress areas were the best
you clearly haven't played this game, go back to youtube and watch more lets plays

Because a lot of people hated it. Koei Tecmo is the stamp of trash with almost no exception. There are so many other quality games that appeal to the same "Souls" userbase, anything from the countless Castlevania games to newer games like Hollow Knight, Salt & Sanctuary, even games that aren't similar like Onimusha and Shinobi are better made games than Nioh. Nioh ironically is one of the most soulless games I've played in recent years.

enjoy the first weeb's wild ride, it's saturday action flick fun, but remember it's not like dark souls.
transmog if you need some fashion, but everything must be focused on big stat numbers. you will need to farm a ton of shit and fuse it at the blacksmith

That mission kicked my ass for the longest time, eventually got it through sheer willpower and persistence.

And yet the only thing close to correct there was that stronger enemies can sometimes drop stronger equipment (stop the press). Conquered is a mindset.

Nioh is one of the best action games I've played in years from a mechanical perspective. Once you get dual fluxing and stance dancing like crazy the game feels much more satisfying than a simple souls clone.

soulless is a vague term, just like calling it good because its fun.
nioh's problem is that it wanted to copy the souls games but decided to throw away one of the most important things it had, the balancing, and replaced it with diablo loot

denial of the truth in the face of a person who's nearing completion of content far beyond the base game only proves you're the one with a warped mindset
I am succeeding at everything the game is throwing at me by playing by its own rules. you don't even need the sloth talisman.
conquered mindset is lingo made by shill shitters, the same ones whining about honor in pvp in souls

Nioh has good core combat but yes, the balancing is bad, but aside from just the pure combat, everything else is complete garbage. The menu's, level design, enemy variety, world variety, mission variety, the entire mission structure and how it navigates through a shitty mobile game menu completely kills any immersion you could of had. If Nioh's combat is 8/10 than pretty much everything else about it is 4/10. The story isn't even bad-good like Ninja Gaiden or something like RE1 were you can at least laugh at it and enjoy the ride and atmosphere. Nioh is a terribly shitty game that has a passable combat system.

>can't enjoy the ride and atmosphere
nah, meeting people like Ieyasu and Tadakatsu felt a lot better than the regular boring renditions in Samurai Warriors
you're just mad William didn't bang Okatsu, when it's clear his waifu is Saoirse
then again, I was disappointed Nobunaga didn't play a bigger role in the plot. he gets the spotlight in the intro but ends up being just a midboss like weeb Tyrone

It depends on what you value I guess. I don't give a fuck about immersion and the combat is fun enough to carry the game for me.

I'm a souls shitter and the game honestly went over my head. The inventory drops filled my inventory up super fast and from there it was "select all rare or below"-> Amrita offering whenever I needed to free up more space. Never really used iai. Only talisman I used was the fire buff talisman. Rarely changed stances because I got familiar with the timing and moveset of mid-stance and playing in a different stance would mess me up. Never used any parry abilities.

It was halfway through the game before I realized the reason I was sucking major shit was because I wasn't blocking. I was dodging everywhere but dodging gives almost zero iframes. One hit and I'm stunlocked, I try and dodge away but I'm stunlocked. Took me forever to figure out the best thing to do was to block.

All the stats were intimidating too. I eventually sort of figured soul matching out so I stopped doing Amrita offerings and sold all my gear instead because that shit was expensive. But there were so many goddamn percentages that I ended up always just using what had the highest base damage or defense.

Rarely, rarely used consumable items (other than elixir of course) because it gives me anxiety. Always had my kodama blessing set to Amrita drops.

I'm actually proud of myself for persisting and finishing the main game, all side missions and all twilight missions except for one that I can't get for some reason. I died nearly 900 times. About 80 hours. Playing gave me headaches.

>it's the truth because I'm saying it and it's the only way I learned how to play
You're the one that was crying about oneshots, gear checks and can only hit and run. Someone that complains about the game while ignoring what they have available and refusing to adapt is the very definition of conquered regardless of how far they've gotten, that you think it's anything to do with a pvp honour mindset is hilarious.

Other than that shitty sunken palace the levels were fine. Enemies weren't even that repetitive, no different than a Souls level reskinning mob enemies.

then level up your gear duh

The water palace mission with umi-bozu was my favorite in the game

I had all 150 gear when I did it, and even ground out some additional player levels to give me an edge. I just had to keep playing until I got it right. And used the Phoenix spirit animal to save my ass.

>refusing to adapt
adapt to what? to your bullshit handicap stamdards? I play to win, not out of obligation becuase the one user said it's the right way to play. you're the conquered faggot unable to accept the flaws in the game you're shilling.
worse, by your denial of plain facts over the game's mechanics, all you're doing is exposing your lack of knowledge over what you're defending.
>regardless of how far you've gotten
see? the textbook definition of an honorfag shitter. it doesnt matter if you beat the game, becuase you didn't do it "honorably", you didnt play it the way user wanted you to do it
thanks for outing yourself and proving my point user, you did all the job by yourself.

>Rarely, rarely used consumable items (other than elixir of course) because it gives me anxiety. Always had my kodama blessing set to Amrita drops.
>he doesnt use the power of jutsus because muh honor

I fucking loathed it. Half the time you couldn't tell what was traversable and what wasn't. The fact that your character moves 3 feet from a slight touch of the stick doesn't help.

if you cant even walk straight in a video game, I pray for you

I'm actually amazed at how you see someone saying "If you lose at something don't just blame the game since there's other things you're likely neglecting" and somehow flip that round to push your own hurr honourfag agenda. If anyone is the one that's handicapped it's you, in the game as well since any "gear checks" can be beat with whatever you got during the level and using the game's items and mechanics like taking advantage of Ki. But stay an honourfag shitter if you want.

That wouldn't be so hard if there weren't arrowmen on the other side of a narrow plank

I really really our Nioh threads. They were so comfy

look user, there's this game here
it has a challenge
if I beat the challenge, I win. victory proves I did it right. if I was playing wrong, I wouldn't have won unless I was cheating
if you claim I cheated by playing by the game's rules, using the mechanics it provided me, then you are literally being a honorfag. ther eis no way around this. at all.
and good job with that NO U at the end, really drives home your shilling

I honestly had very little trouble as far as falling in the water goes, and I'm the retard who died over 800 times. Just gotta go slow. Go into block mode if you need to. If you push lightly on the stick the walking speed is pretty slow. I would go slow and shoot the archers in the head when I saw them. Not easy because of the input lag on the aiming, but doable.

The higher difficulties were just "We put more shit around the corners there originally wasn't shit and dialed everything's health and damage to 11" and PvP when they FINALLY put it in ended up being nothing but ninjitsu spam

I loved the game, but grinding the same endgame shit for specific stats, and being forced to cheese in PvP isn't fun.

plebbit is still going strong, plenty of data over builds and shit

If it is called Dark Souls 2 will not be forgotten

>but ninjitsu spam

he doesnt know

Then why are you the one that's crying about it being hard and badly designed as per where you call out supposed gear checks and one hit kills when they're easily avoidable by playing well and using the game rules to their fullest, like you claim to do?

Not really. it's just boring

there are no gear checks in nioh and you never need to grind to beat the game
people speedrun the game in 80 minutes

That's what it was when I quit, I haven't played since mid June and have no intention of going back until the rest of the DLC is released because the only thing I'm interested about in that game is the story.

Gameplay is great but the loot and crafting system is pure cancer and I hate to say it because I really like the core game.

>easily avoidable by playing well
you could excuse even the crappiest game ever with this argument
diablo loot is a feature too. using fully leveled gear is also using the game rules to their fullest. handicapping yourself with naked low level runs is honorfag shit.
why are you crying about me not playing it like that if you care about the game's rules, like you claim you do? it seems like you'd rather have me play it your way instead and got mad I succeeded by not doing that.