*uninstalls after entering combat for the first time*

*uninstalls after entering combat for the first time*

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It's time to discuss the best RPG ever/filename/aaa/page/2/

Reminder that the people who make these threads are Morrowindkids who want to circle-jerk.



This game goes to show a RNG in real time combat works about how you would expect it would.

Man, I did a playthrough for the first time a few months ago. It was a magical experience. I really regret not playing it until then.

*proceeds to shill Gothic 2 as a joke since it's fucking terrible*

>so edgy

dont cut yourself with that low agility and skill level

The combat isn't even that bad.
The fucking faction quests though. Holy shit are 99% of them contextless "go here do this come back" trash.

I never fully appreciated the Oblivion faction quest lines until I played Morrowind.

that's a every quest in every RPG and every game ever. even oblivion quests could be simplified to that if you wanted to make it seem worse

everyones dumb this game has aged well.

>The combat isn't even that bad.
Oh really?

Way to show a video of a lvl 1 character.

once you reach lvl 5, that issue goes away.

Have fun playing Gothic2™ goy

I know this is bait but...

>We can't tell if you are even skilled in 2h blunt
>You have no stamina; imagine trying to swing
a huge hammer while utterly exhausted
>Cannot see agility rating (probably low; looks to be a fresh character)
>It's supposed to be a dice roll game with 3d interactions; misses= parries, dodges, deflections, straight out missing.
>You can hate the game because it's RNG based but don't hate it because you don't understand the rules of the game.

The real travesty is the power curve.
Low level shit
Mid level Sweet spot
High level combat is piss easy and nothing in game offers any challenge.

When the game loses any sense of danger it becomes a hiking sim.


What was the approximate IQ of the person who recorded this?

What's the approximate IQ of all the people to continue to reply to the bait webm?

approx. 144

Levitation can be exploited.
Someone intentionally designed the combat to be that way,

*wakes you up*

>Not using magic and playing a resting simulator

>Play game with all expansions
>This guy gives you some of the best light armor you're going to see for most of the game right away

>Morrowshits are so much in denial about their trash game that they always make up conspiracy theories and blame it on one person instead of facing the reality that morrowind is shit and a lot of people hate it

Oh boy am I laughing

*shatters your eardrums with overlapping hit noises while the game stalls after waking up*

Someone makes the exact same thread every single day with the exact same image.

It might as well be one guy.

>A beloved classic almost twenty years later

>A game forgotten on release relegate to Hans shilling on Sup Forums

I too am laughing.

Morrowind hate threads were common before Gothic guy started posting, and this image is a fucking morrowind cover so obviously it's the one that everyone uses

keep being a butthurt fag kek

*dies and effectively gives you 40 billion gold*

>god tier armour set
>Oblivion and Skyrim's are just shit-tier Thieves Guild armour
>no one has made a mod of this armour for Oblivion and Skyrim

Not this image, I mean this image.

If you see this image, you have been visited by the Gothic 2 fag of reposting the exact same thread over and over.

Reply to it with sage in all fields or endless Gothic 2 threads will come to you.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/It's time to discuss the best RPG ever/filename/aaa/page/2/

>Morrowind from levels 1-5
>Miss, Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss, Miss, Hit, Enemy Dead
>Oblivion anywhere after level 10
>Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Hit, Enemy Dead

We've seriously gone full circle.
I remember when Oblivion and Skyrim were the most hated games in existence. Now Morrowind gets shat on by Sup Forums because muh contrarianism.

That fucking image is imprinted into my brain at this point. Is this some MKultra shit?

Morrowind gets shat on because it's shit

Are people seriously with this Gothic thing? It's a quintessential meme game, the biggest cult following of which is of course located in Euroslavia, where they can't get enough of awful glitchy shit that's not fun to play but that has "soul".

whats the most fun morrowind early game stuff?

i used to always to thieves guild but i have a nord axe character right now that's pretty fun

i didn't get the blade of white woe because i couldn't sneak past that damn guard, but i didn't really want to exploit anyway

t. cuck

You can go straight to ghostgate at the beginning and steal a bunch of glass armor. It's laughably easy to steal things in this game. Then put a really cheap enchantment on them and they won't get confiscated should you ever be arrested.

Can you do this in Morrowind? I thought so

>German game
>able to turn into a furry
It checks out.

Morrowind has better combat though.

No the old timers who defended this pile have aged out.
Now Oblivion takes over as the RPGeezers game of choice.

That or the old timers conned enough people into trying this and now people realize the old timers have shit taste.

Not hitting mudcrabs apparently.


Playing through it right now. I played it a lot as a kid, and on the fucking Xbox. It's clunky but the world definitely feels more crafted and detailed.

The dice based mechanics were a bad idea, but at the same time I think you have to pretty dense if you honestly can't make a competent character.

Tribunal and Bloodmoon can still fuck you up at pretty high levels.

it's not nearly that bad unless you've never played an RPG before

Has anyone installed Morroblivion?

Add one hit per level and you're spot on

>tfw you fight something that actually challenges you
you are right sir

also the orcs with battleaxes always hit like a truck

Reminder that this is all the work of one autist that is forcing Gothic and shitting on Morrowind.

There's a lot more wrong with that video than being level 1. It's the fact that he purposely picked (or made) a class with no expertise in Blunt Weapon, no specialization in Combat, no birthsign that might help hit like Lover or Warrior, and a race that has no bonus to blunt weapons. Then he decides to pick up a blunt weapon, run and jump until his fatigue is drained, and the end result is what you see there.

But the most significant problem with that webm is that even despite all that shit intentionally stacked against the character, it is actually the player who failed. Because his weapon is the Iron Warhammer which, like all warhammers, allows you to deliver a 1-damage light tap or up to a 28 damage swing based on how strongly you attack. Mudcrabs have 15 health. This means you only need to swing at about half strength to kill it in one hit - still quite fast compared to a fully charged attack. The player instead decides to spam 1-damage attacks as fast as possible which is not only why he fails to kill it despite hitting it three times with a weapon capable of one-shotting it, but it's also why his fatigue stays at the minimum value instead of regenerating slightly between swings.

TL;DR: git gud, you don't even need stats to beat a mudcrab as long as you're not a fucking retard.

Yes, you can do that in Morrowind. Be careful, though. If someone catches you transforming you'll be reported as a monster and permanently subject to the death penalty by all guards.

Yeah, but you need to know where it is. The black armor set is quite literally handed to you.

I mean hell, in Fallout 2 you can go straight to Navarro and get power armor mark 2 as the very first thing you do in the game. But you need to know where it is already.

yeah i have it installed on my desktop and laptop

i've already played more of skyrim special edition though

I did, in like 2007 or 2008. Not a fan.

It's been improved a lot lately. You need to get the "fixes" posted on the forums however, as the latest release on its own is really bad, missing fundamental features like cast-on-use enchantments and even going as far as removing all of the thrown weapons and crossbows. With the fixes a lot of these missing features and content is restored, but not all of it. In the end it's still inferior to vanilla Morrowind but if you're one of those people who absolutely cannot stand Morrowind but likes Oblivion for some ungodly reason, then Morroblivion is perfect for you and I'd highly recommend it.

Shit has been working for me. the Morroblivion isnt produce the esb. I need to run the game

Skyrim with a fuckload of mods is the best TES game. Morrowfags can f1t3 m3.

I'm going to argue that Morrowind is the superior RPG in TES because at least people still talk about the lore and stuff years after the game was released while Skyrim is literally only discussed on /vg as a waifu simulator. Sure, people are playing it, but like 90 percent of that is fucking around with mods to get the best ENB screenshots of characters that look like K-pop stars wearing armor from star craft or something. No one is really enjoying the parts Bethesda made.

Who would win, though?

>90 percent of that is fucking around with mods to get the best ENB screenshots of characters that look like K-pop stars
saddest video game general ever

i like that some of the in game books stayed throughout the series
i didn't realize until today that the main character in Immortal Blood is in Skyrim as the vampire next to Morthal

That's a tranny

It should've been two guys

>people keep posting MISS memery
>tfw invisible, levitating, summoning an army of daedra, undead, and atronach, and dropping drain health insta-kill spells on everything
At most I got a mod to replace innate reflect with innate spell absorb because reflect is bullshit.

yeah but like what tranny specifically?

>summoning an army and then aoe absorbing all their health at once
good taste, that's the best way to play


*Invades Oblivion*

*Invades Morrowind*

*Genocides Outlanders*

drain and absorb are not the same
I used to get confused too
still a good tactic

*gets less intelligent the farther away from black marsh*

Are you sure about that?

It might have been neat, but I feel like they'd have gone the lazy route of making one of them have all of his "evil" traits that betrayed Nerevar and then you kill him and suddenly just the "good" Vivec is left.

Oh right, drain is the cheapest damaging spell but it's temporary unless fatal, right? So it's good for finishers or massive one-shot nukes. Not so great if you have summons between you and your target, however.

I was curious about Skywind, but I'm afraid it won't just be Skyrim level graphics in Morrowind, but the entire leveling, combat and magic system of Skyrim too. Part of why I liked Morrowind was the ability to create your own spells and enchant weapons with whatever the fuck you wanted.

>you need to be signed in to see nsfw posts
fucking hell that website gets worse every day

False flagging is the life blood of Sup Forums.

It's cheap and allows you to make high-damage spells. Most enemies don't have more than 200-300 health, with a few powerful ones being only around 400. A drain health of, say, 100-300 1sec will kill pretty much anything you come across. For summons I usually get a 15sec duration of summon fucking everything, which because of its short duration is cheap and allows for even some of the stronger summons, and is often enough to soften up tougher enemies into my drain health range if they weren't already.

>Go Atronach.
>Max alchemy.
>Max enchantment.
>Bump agility to 100.
>Dump Sanctuary onto exquisite clothing.
>Max conjuration and axe.
>Bump speed to 100.
>Throw on the Boots of Blinding Speed after casting Resist Magicka, and zip through the sky via robe of levitation with a conjured axe, rending my foes asunder.

I fucking love this broken goddamn game.

Thats probably because it looks like hot garbage and you have shit taste


Yes they added level scaling for the DLCs.

All you have to do is kick out their walker.
There is no honor in that.

I do think Skyrim's classless system fits TES more however. I even like how all skills level you, so that if you improve a lot of non-combat stats then you're actually weaker than someone who improved a lot of combat stats, unlike Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion where you can do that for "free" as long as they're not a part of your class description. Plus every skill DOES help you deal with enemies in some way. Smithing/Alchemy/Enchanting obviously give you stronger equipment and buffs, speech allows you to get better deals to stockpile stronger items and avoid combat in quests occasionally, and so on.

Ironically Skyrim's system has more in common with Gothic now that I think about it, since you develop your class as you play instead of deciding it all at the very beginning.

The best thing to do is join House Telvanni and rank up enough to start the stronghold questline. Once your enchanter sets up shop in your personal little mushroom settlement she actually carries a restocking Supreme Domination scroll, so as long as you've got enough money (making and selling potions is an easy way to do this) you can stockpile them to mind control almost everything for a full 30 seconds. Actually casting such a powerful spell is a tall order, and especially not as rapidly as the scroll can. And it's a ranged spell so no need to sneak up on your targets either. Just mind control half of any group of enemies and let them kill each other, or use it as an alternative to Calm Humanoid to make use of the services of otherwise hostile NPCs.

I have LITERALLY NEVER had any problems hitting anything in Morrowind.

KOTOR, on the other hand...

>LITERALLY NEVER had any problems hitting anything
*blocks your path*

is this the part where you tell us how not mad you are?

ok, but that's an easter egg boss battle whereas most of the retards in threads like these have trouble with mudcrabs and the bandits near Seyda Neen.

>using the iron dagger

every time

Tribunal really was the harbinger of the decline, now that I think about it. It mostly takes place in an instanced city where you're not allowed to levitate and then they added the odd level scaling enemy as a preview of what's to come.

Morrowind's looks better. Gothic's reminds me of V:TM:B's, and that was NOT good.

I actually just recently installed the code patch/grafics overhauls and am playing for the first time, have had more fun in the first few hours climbing out of impotence than I think I ever did in hundreds of hours of Skyrim

>no stamina
>no movement
>who knows what skill allocations
you just don't know how to play.

>not realising this game is a dice roll simulator
>not playing dnd

Shiggy sheogorath diggy

Does Gothic even have a good story? That's the only reason I'd ever play Morrowind, and Gothic doesn't look like it has a good story...

>playing D&D
for what purpose


You are a faggot if you don't think Morrowind has the best combat in the TES games. Just because it takes a couple hours before becoming a god doesn't make it bad.

The first Gothic has a decent story. Second one not so much. Neither have the lore or depth of Morrowind but they're not bad in that regard by any means.