Holy shit, what happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being so bad at online video games you use a program to make yourself feel good
All I have on Steam are Civ V and Sim City. Too retarded to cheat anyway
It's a glorious day. There's a good amount of people TOTALLY NO MAD about it.
are there any autistic discussions about how steam should not vac ban them?
Summer sale happened you summerfag
Enjoy senpai
Pooinloos. Not even once.
holy fuck this is better then porn
i honestly feel bad for the mod
post roach rage
>I got a vac if I did not change my 1700 hour account or any game file. The Vac system that Valve made is a pretty awful system. Thanks (I used a translator Sorry)
> WTF VALVE i have 500$+ case open 1.5k hour WTFF VAC BAN WHAT ???????? please show i am where hax ?????????????????????????? wtffff check my profil WTFFFFFFFFFF
>i just been VAC banned I my favorite game CS:GO I m really don't know for what reason its happened I swear I didn't cheat on this game I wouldent risk my cahnces to play on this game and u didn't cheat. please help me
Shitload of people in Eastern Europe and Turkey got the hammer.
Cyka blyat.
desu me and my mate never had as much fun as we did when we used cdhack in 1.6 and just go bananas in 32player servers
Thank you Valve, thank you for the beautiful pleasure of seeing third world shitwads squirm.
You don't have any idea how VAC works do you?
Summer sale has only just ended, VAC would have detected these cheats long before it.
She's probably laughing at them, you don't have to feel sorry for her
What the fuck language are these fags speaking?
I tried playing CS go, I played before 1.3 and voice was ingame up until 1.6 but god damn how the fuck were the old shitty ways of detecting cheats better than the new ones. The cheating is motherfucking rampant and obvious.
Gobbledy gook
They are turkeys
>all these new topics opening every second
>Ive(sic) always hated cheaters
>is friends with cheatscum
>downloads cheat programs
Who do these idiots think they're fooling
damn this makes me want to play csgo again fucking dweenies and tweens BTFO based gaben i love valve now post moar
Back then server admins would instantly ban anyone who was cheating (unless it was their friends). Now you can only report and hope the cheater's teammates are cool enough to kick them. Anti-cheat is better than it was back in the day, the problem is that we have to rely on it now instead of just having server admins.
>Cheating Turk roaches and third worlders BTFO
I love it!
He sounds so young
>durr my friends know I'm honest
For real, what is the fun in cheating in an online game? What do you get out of just hacking?
The same thing you get from having more money than anyone else, "power".
people love to brag about csgo ranks in their soc circles
There are multiple reasons and most hackers do multiple of the following:
>Cheating to win: Feel good as if you accomplish something when obviously you aren't.
>Cheating to grief: This makes you a sociopath though.
>Cheating for fun: I have no clue what hacks are available, but for some games they can be actually fair-- I remember hacks for MW2 which allowed for infinite magazine size. You turn it on and the match turns into crazy sprayfests. It is fair but it is intrusive and not very balanced or interesting, but it is sorta funny.
People ALWAYS claim it's the latter two. Always. They lie, of course. They're all shitters and sociopaths.
Yeah but that's something you earn.
You haven't earned anything by hacking, you're just showing you can be a dick.
That said, some people can be born into power, but only a small percentage of those types feel like they are superior to others over it.
hahaha I love knowing all these bans are permanent
It's okay, after seven years it'll come off your profile.
I knew a kid who used modified controllers and shit back in Halo 2. I still remember his exact words when I asked him: "I would rather cheat and feel good about myself than not cheat and lose". Like the other user said, it gives you a semblance of power and control, but without the delayed gratification of having to actually git gud.
You will surely get the Karkland
Sweet, only 200 more days until my vac ban is gone
You'll still be vac banned, it just won't appear on your profile anymore.
>cheaters getting BTFO
based Valve
>All these people claiming that other silblings/family members caused the vac ban
>all these people willingly sharing their stuff with toddlers and being surprised when this happens
>sharing an online account with anyone
Earn? What is a reward?
What reward do you get from being (virtually) superior to others?
None of these people shared their accounts with anyone, user. It's the oldest excuse in the book.
You've earned the fact that you are superior to them in a game, yeah, sure. It's not virtual, it's real skill and superiority demonstrated in a virtual world.
If you do it to win, you're doing it wrong.
If you do it for the rage and lulz, then you're doing it right.
so much salt
Why is it always these shithole countries that make up the majority of bans for cheating?
this happened a year ago, but it still cracks me up
>It's not virtual, it's real skill and superiority demonstrated in a virtual world.
What in the ever loving flying fuck.
Doesn't matter whether it's in a fight, sport, game of chess or computer game
If you beat them you proved you are better than them at something.
It makes perfect sense.
The reflexes and planning you develop while playing a game are completely real. You learn the maps, you learn how each weapon works, and you increase your ability to react quickly and determine what actions the enemy will take. The only difference is it's not a real life conflict your fighting, but a virtual one.
The skills you develop carry over into other games. These are real skills, just not in a real fight.
desu when all "competitive" games are literal RNG fest there's nothing better than spending 10 buckaroos on another copy just to fuck people in the ass mastering the art of pretending like you're not hacking for 500 hours so you can carry some friends, impress some niggas and not be a n00b and it probably feels very good :-)
Valve doesn't want to ban cheaters or improve the multiplayer experience with VAC. They want the cheaters to get another account and buy cs:go for the umpteenth time.
no if you're doing it for the rage and lulz you're just an underage retard
Huh interesting, first time hearing about that. I'm kinda disappointed it's not permanent to others on their profile but the owner of the account can still see the ban.
>Hello I'm the father and what my son says is true, he did not cheat, it was his brother on my account. Please unban him valve
>tfw you report someone cheating in CS and check their page later and they got a VAC ban
good feel. added bonus they make their profile private
>my father will now write too
>Hello I'm the father and what my son says is true
>can you please watch this video for me to help me plz
How did he not get unbanned wtf
>Cheating to grief: This makes you a sociopath though.
I played with someone like this back in Halo Reach. He'd form full parties to go pubstomping, then he'd start off by going super tryhard to make a few quit so he could set up easy spawn traps for the remaining few. I had to unfriend him after a week. I swear he was getting hard from spawn camping kids in that one Invasion mode where people are stuck respawning in the same place over and over.
Out of curiosity I checked the youtube account of that guy, it's full of videos teaching how to cheat in several games.
>pc 'gamers'
I don't know what's so funny about it, this is great news for most of us.
Any pro gamers?
this shit is fucking gold. all the steam kids doing damage control.
Using a hack isn't a real skill.
>used cheats to 100% super meat boy
>hacked on dark souls I (nothing too hardcore, I petrified other hackers and gave a fair chance to legit players)
>no ban
>should i kill myself i will probably kill myself
and nothing of value was lost, sadly won't happen
VAC bans are only for VAC protected games, retard.
None of those are VAC protected
>drm platform requiring your phone number and banning all accounts tied to that phone number
>thinking this is good thing
>sitting there cackling like a cuck in acceptance and normalization of cancerous drm policies is sad and pathetic, just shows how far the PC platform has fallen
you think that phone number optional th ing will be fucking opt in forever? no, they are going to require phone number, and ban you/ take away your account unless you hand over your information.
and then they are going to sell that information to ad agencies so you can get fucking sales calls all fucking night long when you sit down to eat dinner
>had dozens of idle accounts for TF2 farming related autism
>grew tired of the game and started using LMAOBOX to grief servers with my alt accounts
>if I was ever votekicked off a server I'd simply jump on another account and cause butthurt on a single server for over 30 minutes at a time
>did this for months
>main account is still unbanned
...that was my point...
reading comprehension user
DkS1 has nothing to do with VAC, I would know and so would the people I graced with my presence in their worlds.
>mfw this thread
Holy shit the anguish of these faggots is delicious. I hope some of them do kill themselves.
I'm so damn lucky that ds3 doesn't have VAC
We all laugh but what if this is true?
Enjoy your ban cheater fagget
>all these cheatfags with butthurt
>implying I didn't gift shit loads of csgos to my alts during summer sale
Honestly, playing TF2 should be an instant VAC ban for having shit taste.
still the dads fault for not reading the terms of service.
shouldn't you be in the forums crying about your ban Ahmed?
>my dog ate it i swear!
>those posts in the last thread
i didnt get banned faggot
im oldfag as fuck
and this is cancer
sitting there being a little cuck laughing about it doesn't fucking take away from cancer DRM banning via phone numbers
i'd cheat to avoid a grind if i could do it without getting caught, though
steam phone numbers expire after a while, you fucking retard
>sincerely the father
Comedy gold.
>le neogaf reply
im oldfag, you're newfag, youre the cuck who cries in circlejerks all night long in your pathetic safe space forums
kill yourself, and fuck steam for being cancer. enjoy your fucking paid mods faggot