SGDQ 2017

Now: 2 more hours of Chrono Trigger

Other urls found in this thread:




please respond

>defiling lettuce album art

hello, user

I'm ending it lads

I'm going to sleep, hopefully I'll miss the awful Mario and Tetris blocks


this intermission is too long


reminder that pre op magical tranny shits his diapers

He's actually fucking doing it, isn't he?
Holy shit

Any way I can watch the runs that already finished? I want to watch Div OS and Oblivion, I missed those

Where there any good runs last night? I went back and watch the Gaiden run, and that was pretty heckin funny.

>those ear piercings

put ryan back in the party

You can find the entire stream in the past broadcasts on their twitch page under the videos tab.


At least the music is good.

Too bad it's a speedrun so you never hear it for more than five seconds per song.

Ninja Gaiden? Which one should I watch?

Still no response

>kitty is more entertaining than this

Never forget the biggest memer

>people liked those
Why? Twitterbots? Or are Twitter users just like that?

This channel's uploading runs pretty quickly:

I would hang out with him. From what I've heard, he's completely isolated himself from the only human interaction he's had and now is about to go absolutely insane from the loneliness.

The couch is good for this run but it's hard to sit through 3 hours of rng manipulation for a game you're not invested in, think I'm gonna watch chink shows for a bit


>You'll never be able to put him back in the real party

Was that the GB community donating?

>"slavery should still be present today"
he can say that?

Jesus, Lucca deserved to win. Anyone else have her in the party instead of Marle for the revival scene?

Thank you anons

He wanted to use SGDQ to make his irrelevant stream big, and he failed, but at least he will be big in lolcow communities now.

Stop abusing your fucking cat you asshole


that's a cute kitty

you have cute legs.

>Two more hours

postan best girl

What up young playas?

>3h stream
>there is already a 8h stream announced

I am starting to feel pity for chibi again.

Sup Forums please remind me why we hate him like the autistic shit he is.

"slaveslots, uh SAVEslots"
>chat spams cmonBruh emote

i have to admit, i smiled

Clean your desk you fucking slob

>the chibi incident was 3 years ago


Sega Master System

Is there anything more boring?

who else /comfywatchingSGDQwithyourcat/ here?
feels pretty good desu

iirc I had both

Lucca is perfect for that bit.

your life.

I want those legs around my neck.

do americans put sauces on their fucking pizza?



Pity isn't a good basis for friendship. Chances are people don't like him for a reason.

I smiled too. I'll never understand why some people can't appreciate the dumb humor.

>tfw being 9 years old and swapping the overworld music with the Epoch music
Thankfully I didn't get too into glitching games or I might be a different sex today.

Are you me? I have a doppelganger kitty in my chair with me.

autistic jokes and never shut up during toomba
once wore a necklace and claimed he drew power from the moon
messed with his game for his shitty mario speedrun and got caught

he's just autistic in general, actually has aspergers and/or some other shit

We don't hate Chibi though. He's pretty much one of us.

I don't speedrun jrpgs so I can't be that boring.

Will we have a Wizard101 Speedrun?

Only niggers. And you can bet your sweet, supply butt they'll have shitty hot sauce drenched cheetos on the side.

good morning crono

Never understood how "liking" works on social media sites. What specifically are you liking, the content matter? The production? The fact it's been posted at all?

It's daft

How does the RNG manipulating work?

Little bastard wants to laze around in the kitchen

what is tomato sauce you third worlder

>tfw brother was cuddling and petting dog and I thought it was a good idea to pick up a laser light and shine it
>dog broke his jaw from freaking out

>cat people
Kill yourself subhumans

Why do you care?
Oh right it's that old European motto
"If it's not the EU way, it's the wrong way"

No, I don't want these fucking autists inviting new players into my favorite MMO.

Anyone else cum to her feet?

I mean dip you fucking dunce

I'm not european

thanks doc

The "Shh, don't talk" callback made me tear up.

i am watching Buckethead

Dogs smell and bark too much.

I like both, you racist

>Want to go to sleep
>The Final Fantasy 8 hour speedrun is still not here yet

I don't want to wake up and find it on

>Wanting a double-digit hour "Speedrun"

No, dumbass.


You don't have a tomato base? What pizzas do you eat?


my b meant dip

>you can't like both cats and dogs
I bet you're a nigger who owns a pitbull

heres what being bullied as a child looks like

>implying you can't be a doggo guy and still find a kitten cute

fuck, man

pizza is a vegetable in america, so it's only natural for them to cover it in ranch dressing



I don't think anyone on Sup Forums unironically hates chibi, he's just a turbo autist who constantly fucks up. He's like that one guy everyone is aware of in highschool that no one wants to be around, but no one wants to be a blunt outright asshole to him either so there's a prevalent mood shift when he's around but no one acknowledges the awkwardness like an elephant in the room.

If anything, he's a great source of entertainment when watching form the sidelines and I hope he doesn't go away. ;_;

Holy fucking shit Chibi is going to go full screeching autist mode

i want to laugh but all i feel is pain

>tfw not chibi