First game up to have a top 8 on Saturday

>First game up to have a top 8 on Saturday
>Lost Sunday slot to BlazBlue

Why is Guilty Gear so pathetic?

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Actually, the first game to have top 8 is on Friday and it's KOFXIV.

when's skullgirls

That's why I said "on Saturday".

There's two games up there that are missing. Killer Instinct and Virtua Fighter

>tfw no Soulcalibur 6
life is suffering

So why is the Sunday timeslot such a big deal?

>gameplay and offline features will be just as shitty and godawful as SCV was
>but character edit will be perfected fap fuel
I dunno if I want this or not.

Many workplaces have off on Sunday, so most folks can catch the stream. I dunno why Meleefags are complaining about getting cucked out of Sunday when none of them have jobs.

But Hungrybox has a six figures engineering jo-Oh wait, never mind. He quite that job to focus on Melee.

I'll still be happy if they bring Seung Mina back

if only i could quit a 6 figure engineering job just to whine that a company that made a game i want to play full time isn't paying me money to sit on my ass and play games all day

one day i'm gonna become a doctor who saves lives, but then i'm gonna quit that job just to sit on my ass and practice for tournaments and whine that the game companies should be giving me support money

That speech he did was cringe-worthy as fuck.
>This is not just a video game, THIS IS A LIFE STYLE!!!

Jesus fuck. If he wants more money maybe he shouldn't waste a well-paying job like that.

i'm wallowing on a small annual income compared to that and that asshole quits a luxurious job that he bragged about to reggie that i could probably do
granted, my degree is in cs, not engineering, but i can easily cover that gap

>“Look, we love Hungrybox,” Fils-Aimé said. “We had him in our tournaments. There is a passion in the Smash Bros. community which is fantastic. When he talks about lack of support, I’m not quite sure what he’s alluding to.”
>Reggie BTFO his ass for free whilst managing the E3 floor
Can we have a more based PR manager?


>Injustice Finals on a Saturday


Because it's a garbage game?

>BlazBlue over Guilty Queer

Based Mr. Wizard.

holy shit reggie sometimes you rub me the wrong way but this is not one of those times

>"A certain company that acknowledges us, but refuses to push us"
Who would want to be actively associated with those sperglords anyway?

damn, wrong reaction pic

when does it start?

Around 8AM.


Next week's Friday.

Why is melee not in there?

>No KI
Why did they have to make Hisako sad? Now she'll never win an Evo ;_;

Read the filename.

sunday is a meme anyway

mid/late saturday > early sunday

This is true...but not in terms of EVO.