We can all agree on this, right?
We can all agree on this, right?
Is this loss?
Wrong, here's the best.
Depends. Do the stars represent shit to collect or exits?
If the former then yes, otherwise bottom right is best.
I guess. I prefer pic related tho.
MGS4 / MGS2-3
Baby's first doom WAD.
Replace best with multiple z levels, and it'll be good.
The best levels are those that were obviously built to be a realistic, believable environment that is then merely tweaked slightly to fit the players' needs as a level.
>top left
>top right
Persona 3 & 4, Tales of
>bottom left
DDS 1 & 2, Nocturne
>bottom right
Persona 5
bitch please
let me show you power
COD Metro
Stalker Far Cry 3 onward
Wow it really is like that.
Depends on item and enemy placements, you can't judge it purely on the construction of the level. A straight corridor could be good if it paces you well with interesting encounters, puzzles, or platforming. "Best" could be shit because that could potentially just have arbitrary detours that have nothing worth exploring.
MGS1 was the most linear of them all. The entire game is a straight path from room to room, with sometimes an elevator where you need to go down and get a key to go to the next linear room.
Get on my level of hell
Im actually surprised elder scrolls threw that away. That was pretty revolutionary as a z level design.
It turns out random dungeons with random loot and the same rooms over and over get really boring.
Oh wait, I mean everyone's favorite part of Bloodborne was the Chalice Dungeons right?
Could YHVH Universe be considered babby-tier?
It's just tedious like most of Strange Journey.
>Im actually surprised elder scrolls threw that away
The map is pretty much useless but it adds to the fun of getting lost
>implying that is a bad thing
Every TES did the same thing but a smaller scale.
Got that was beyond annoying
the fuck?
>Every TES did the same thing but a smaller scale.
No, the other games had hand-designed dungeons.
What are the black rectangles supposed to be?
Fucking casuals
You are like a little babby.
Watch THIS
Enjoy being lost forever.
Do you still play the first Diablo?
Maybe Morrowind, but it more or less the same. Oblivion is a blasphemy copy and paste and the reward are fucking shit.
which were all about as interesting as randomly generated dungeons
Mazes are just complex versions of number 1 with more backtracking.
Might and Magic 6 had some of the comfiest dungeons.
where do you start
>P5 is open world
Are you unfunctionally retarded?
Thanks autism.
I love this. I'm surprised nobody has done a version where there are empty compartments that form Loss.
I was expecting this to leave parts of the maze untouched to spell out "FUCK YOU" or something.
>2 solutions
What mainstream casualized troglodyte faggotry is this?
>dungeon design literally ruined by the constraints of square boundaries
This. Wizardry was shit because of this.
If I squint my eyes at the end it almost looks like loss.
>a regular maze
>not a warp maze
>these extra massive ridiculous maps
Please don't stop
lol casual
>Not mindlessly flailing at the walls every time you enter a new room
Don't forget to make that item essential for the true ending.
>regular weapons can't break the wall
>only explosives
>explosives are limited
now what
That would be fine in a game like Dark Souls.
People overstate this sector's difficulty.
>mfw humping all the walls
that wouldn't be fine in any game
old games did it because they wanted to sell guides
new games do it because old games did it
Eridanus is difficult
Grus is annoying and Horologium is just bullshit
Cheat Engine
>All these babby tier dungeons
>MFW most people posting on this thread wouldn't exit Wizardry IV's first room
It's the game's first major difficulty jump, of course people are gonna find it memorable. Let's not forget Oroboros' bullshit ailments, either.
You are like baby.
Watch this.
Look up "The World's Largest Dungeon", a 3rd edition D&D adventure. To fully display the map you need to use it as wallpaper. I can't find a high resolution image of the full map, but it's in PDF form somewhere.
MGS2 was literally just linear hallways to pods which were essentially just linear hallways inside.
Yeah, but at least you could go two different directions instead of just one.
>tfw in all three of my playthroughs Ouroboros's Disaster Cycle always whiffed or inflicted some weak shit like poison.
>No swastica
wizardry 4 was bullshit levels of bad design
Are there ANY modern games where you can get lost in a comfy dungeon? I'm talking 2010 and onwards. Why are dungeons so fucking shit these days?
That's not that bad if you think on it.
>The "Center" is a cuboid room suspended in the center of a larger cuboid room
>North South East and West are the walls of the outer Cube while Top and Bottom are its roof and floor, all are a "floor" for all intents and purposes that you can walk on
>Double is the only one that can really screw with you since its indicators are screwed up, T should be bottom left, B should be top left, and C should fill one of the other slots
Double is more or less being in the cube room and the cube within the cube simultaneously, but not exactly.
And in addition, the Tesseracts naturally wrap. If you continue in a direction and keep using Switches indefinitely, you will pass through the Center and 2 other rooms of each Tesseract (sans Double) indefinitely.
legend of grimrock. just one big comfy dungeon you can wander for hours.
>tfw your a lazy GM and instead of using maps you crudely doodle some walls and usually have 2 branching paths and a hub area
>enemies are usually squiggles colored the same as walls
>you keep using underpowered prebuilt enemies so your players destroy them instantly and your only solution is to have them fight more of them at once
>Players keep asking about what happened to various NPCS but you forgot they exist so you say they're busy doing something
I still wanna make this game, but I've been led down a path of developing-tangents.
I know they were fairly simple but I always liked the Pyramid and Sphinx mazes in Ragnarok Online.
Don't you mean when?
>showing off your autistic DM's campaign for friday night in a thread about good level design in video games
Nebraska propaganda pretending mice, or anyone at all, actually likes corn?
>he hasnt played one of the best dungeon crawlers
i want to make maps now, how and where do i get started?
i want to make a game that involves dungeon crawling
I fucking love Dangerous Dave
>where do I get started
Just start doodling.
For a game, go do a billion tutorials.
corn's great. just don't boil it like a retard
best maze
>corn is bad
holy shit i've never said this to anyone before but eat a fucking bullet.
The best one is the top right.
with how shitty video game level design has become over the years, tabletop map design is a god send
Except Tutorial designs should be like the top left, then afterworlds it should be like
Except FF13 is like the top right dude. The first two chapters are top left, but the rest up till chapter nine is like top right. Then it's more of an open space with things to do.
In this life and the next I shall call you my nigga
That's radical as well
map thread?
Are you kidding me?
Why would someone make this.
>He can't recall every NPC in his 600+ session campaign
I can honestly let the rest slide.
>Just saw the goat
Oh, fuck.
making incomprehensible mazes is good map design: the thread
More choices means it better!
This game is the shit. I wish more people were into it these days.